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07 Oct 2023 6:19 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

  • Changed title from "Hamsa vs Israel....again" to "Hamas vs Israel... again"

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SBminisguy31 Oct 2023 9:33 a.m. PST


When will we "really" retaliate?

January 2025…depending on the outcome of the presidential elections.

SBminisguy31 Oct 2023 9:40 a.m. PST

Say, in other news, the Biden team have told Israel that if the Israelis basically extend a type of 2nd Amendment right of self defense to their populace by relaxing gun control laws and expediting firearms licenses, then the US ain't gonna sell 'em no more guns!!

Report: Biden Admin Threatens to Quit Supplying Rifles After Israel's Ben Gvir Purportedly Arms Civilians
The Biden Administration became upset and threatened to quit supplying rifles to Israel after photos emerged of National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir passing them out to "community security squads," according to Haaretz.


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2023 12:40 p.m. PST

But this is Brietbart….. don't need to frame it like "becoming upset" is the official response to passing out automatic weapons at political events. Sometimes I think we are not far off from doing that here.

As for 2025, gaffes to the left of us gaffes to the right. The wrong stuff is on display. I am not buying any of it.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2023 1:17 p.m. PST

Tort, you can check the web. That story is on other websites. You can find it on "Haaretz" or the "telegraph" with that headline.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2023 1:55 p.m. PST

How many of these have we brought in via open borders or via refugees from terrorists countries?

Subject: FBI Director Wray warns terror threat to Americans at ‘whole other level' amid Hamas-Israel conflict | Fox News


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2023 1:59 p.m. PST

Subject: The Global War on the Jews – WSJ


SBminisguy31 Oct 2023 2:11 p.m. PST

@Tortorella – Breitbart is a content aggregator, they don't do a lot of original reporting but post existing articles with their own spin. Often what they post is from established media outlets that aren't being covered by US establishment media.

In the lead paragraph I quoted is it sourced as "according to Haaretz" AND the actual article hot links to the original. All sourced. If you clicked on that link you get:


As 35thOVI pointed out.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2023 2:20 p.m. PST

Italwars1 +2

Both your posts on Page 1 and another on Page 2 are pretty much on target … I agree … completely … with both of them …

Worth repeating –

totally agree with you..the issue is how could Israel and US , belonging to the civilised, democratic, affluent and responsable world spare the palestinian civil population?

with a faulty if not embarassing foreign policy from the current US administration (worst than the Obama/Clinton's one) , including all that rubbish called woke, cancel culture, environmentalism, green economy, politically corret and relativism not forgetting the growing istintictive hostility from third world and the mafia type equivocality of China's behaviour (Taiwan ecc..)


What still amazes me is many in the US and even here don't see any of that.

IMO all this unrest, etc. is because of some very weak progressive leadership.

As I have said many times before … Predators can sense weakness and will take advantage of it.

The US is a good example of "Lions being led by rabbits." …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2023 3:06 p.m. PST

Yemen, an Iranian Vassal State, Declares War on Israel

Subject: Yemen, an Iranian Vassal State, Declares War on Israel | The Jewish Press – | Hana Levi Julian | 17 Heshvan 5784 – Tuesday, October 31, 2023 |


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2023 3:51 p.m. PST

"The White House indicated Tuesday that people in the U.S. making "violent antisemitic threats" were not going to be classified as "domestic terrorists."

The comments, made by National Security Council spokesman John Kirby during the White House press briefing, ran in stark contrast to parents concerned about their children's education previously being described as "domestic terrorists" in a letter that prompted a directive from the Biden administration for the FBI to investigate."


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2023 4:10 p.m. PST

More DC/WH 🐮💩 !

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2023 6:38 p.m. PST

Now they've done it! They have pis#ed off PETA!!

Subject: Protester dumps box of mice painted in Palestinian flag colors into McDonald's restaurant


SBminisguy31 Oct 2023 8:37 p.m. PST

Yemen, an Iranian Vassal State, Declares War on Israel

Just the part of Yemen the Shiite Houthi control -- which, unfortunately are the best bits. The other factions include the internationally recognized Sunni government of Yemen, various pro-government and pro-separatist factions and Al Queda has grabbed some turf as well.

The Houthi are happy to do as ordered since the Saudis won't interfere -- China told Iran to call of its Houthi dogs from the Saudis as part of the deal to boost Saudi security (by reigning in Iran) and agreeing to de-dollarize oil sales. So now the Saudis and the Houthi are in "peace talks." Oh what a difference an American election makes!

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2023 5:26 a.m. PST

You know, I remember another group of indoctrinated and brainwashed youth marching against and abusing the Jews back in the 30's.

Maybe history does repeat itself. 🤔

Subject: Open hatred of Jews surges globally, inflamed by Gaza war


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2023 8:52 a.m. PST

But I don't think those guys were attending elite educational institutions. They were more likely street thugs already or otherwise unemployed.

This is actually more disturbing to me. These kids seem like classic clueless elites.It looks like theJews are getting it from both sides now, the radical left and right. And with Israel failing to defend itself as a nation as they have usually done in the past, this is a nightmare for Jews everywhere. Nowhere to turn?

SB I am not sure the election makes such a difference. I don't ascribe to the "I alone can fix it" form of government. And what good is an election that millions deny?

But really, outside forces act in their own interests, as you say. And they do not always make their choices based on who the POTUS is. We sometimes overestimate this. It is handy to leave other data out of the equation. Blamer culture is too one-sided. The Taliban did not seem to care. We have politicized all of this too much. I keep saying that one man alone does not deserve all the blame or all the credit. Your opinions are firm and based on some persuasive arguing. But we don't know what we don't know. We have hammered Biden and Obama hard in favor of Trump as commander.

I have read John Kelly, who has called it as he saw it. Other distinguished military leaders have concurred with many of Kelly's assessments. A lot of them. A lot of years of service. There are members of Congress, veterans, on both sides of the aisle with the "right stuff" who get this. I am hoping and waiting for them.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2023 9:04 a.m. PST

The Hitler Youth came from all aspects of German culture. Hate knows no boundaries nor political perspectives

SBminisguy01 Nov 2023 9:28 a.m. PST

SB I am not sure the election makes such a difference. I don't ascribe to the "I alone can fix it" form of government. And what good is an election that millions deny?

How so? In this case Trumpian RealPolitik has been replaced with Obaman Utopianism.

Trump wasn't interested in changing anybody's culture or democratizing nations. He wanted peace and fair trade, and he'd negotiate for it. He'd walk away if he couldn't get a good deal, and if someone played hardball he'd play hardball back -- an American baseball saying I'll port over to the British Cricket game. If someone deliberately bowls full-on to hit the batter, you do that back. If someone trips the batter as he runs, you do that back.

Putin tested Trump by having a Wagner Merc battalion attack an American FOB in Syria. Trump relaxed the ROE, gave local tactical control and the US ended up killed a couple hundred Russian mercs. And we didn't even make a big deal of it, didn't chest thump or make a big incident -- that wasn't Trump's goal. His goal was to show the US couldn't be pushed around. Result? No more large Russian-backed attacks on the US in Syria -- oh, and no more invasions of his neighbor, yes?

Trump contained Iran. When they conducted terror attacks, he inflicted pain on Iran with more sanctions, freezing assets and killing their top military leader. When Iran had the Houthi in Yemen attack the Saudis and UAE, he had then declared a terrorist group and supported the Saudis and UAE and the Arab League. Trump bashed the Iranian economy by domestic energy production policies -- the derided "drill baby drill," that reduced global oil prices.

And in British history, would you say the rise of Churchill to Parliament, replacing Chamberlain, was an election that "makes no difference?"

But really, outside forces act in their own interests, as you say. And they do not always make their choices based on who the POTUS is. We sometimes overestimate this.

True. People gonna be People, after all. But sometimes it does matter. When predatory leaders make a judgement that another leader is weak, they will exploit that. That's why we have the shitestorm globally we have now -- Russia, China, Iran, Taliban all judge the US to be weak based on our current leader. And we are. But that will change, too bad we have to relearn and reteach this lesson over and over again at such cost.

We have politicized all of this too much.

Yet the politicians WE elect (presumably) will decide what happens. They will decide if my son gets drafted and goes to war in a conflict they started, or failed to stop. They decide if Israel gets support or condemnation. They decide if the Ukraine war escalates or deescalates. They decide where your tax money is spent, and how much of it to take from you.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2023 12:33 p.m. PST

The military and the civilian bureaucracy control the flow of information and have the expertise, which explains how both these guys functioned as POTUS. In the end, elected leaders come and go and professionals play a major role in keeping the government running, usually weighed down by too many civil servants and dead wood appointees. Get rid of the expertise at your peril.

Predatory leaders get too much credit. How are they doing these days ? Putin sensed weakness so he made an historic blunder and threw away his army? Xi sensed weakness after he finally heard we will defend Taiwan against him, but then his economy fell apart? This has all been coming on for a quite awhile. These guys sensed weakness, but they also sensed when they could manipulate someone. So what? Even if I buy this, and you and Legion are likely right, I like our situation a lot better than theirs. These guys are not always stable geniuses.

And I sense I'd be safer taking a trip in the USS Virginia any day over risking a ride in one of Xi's boats, or flying his copycat fighters. Too bad he forgot to build enough amphibious craft for an invasion. We are not some sorry @#$ bunch of weaklings because of woke. As I said before, the Chinese military spend 40 % of their training on political indoctrination. And we can track Putin's carrier by the smoke it emits! Maybe Biden really is on the verge of WW2….

Our forces in the ME are being baited to respond right now so that all these terrorists can point their fingers at us and recruit millions more to fight us. Biden wants restraint from Israel because now all anybody sees is Gaza being flattened. Exactly what Hamas wants, so the world forgets what they did three weeks ago. They have planned there victimhood for maximum recruitment and support against Israel. They want to destroy any sympathy for Israel and spread the jihad.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2023 1:39 p.m. PST

Well, they caught the kid from Cornell University, at least.
He wont be needing that degree for a long time.

SBminisguy01 Nov 2023 3:01 p.m. PST

Predatory leaders get too much credit. How are they doing these days ? Putin sensed weakness so he made an historic blunder and threw away his army?

Well, had he not sensed weakness and opportunity, maybe he would stayed on his side of the border?

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2023 4:39 p.m. PST


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2023 5:29 p.m. PST

Because of Biden? Maybe.. But Putin had plans before then. He thinking NATO if anything. And the USSR glory days. We can speculate about the last POTUS but it was pretty clear he was not happy with Zelensky. IMO Putin would have felt free to invade even earlier and reuniting NATO would have been difficult.

But we will never know, will we?

Do not misconstrue this as a defense of Biden. Many issues. I just disagree that he alone explains the worlds troubles. That makes no sense.

Would you trade Xi for POTUS? Putin? Xi has no military experience and most of his generals are the same. They are there because they are loyal. Putin as an apex predator? That's not happening anymore. His judgement was terrible and Xi knows it.

We have a highly trained, well equipped professional military no matter what election results are. It's not Putin vs Biden, it's the Kusnetsov in all its smoky glory vs the Ford, the largest warship ever built.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2023 7:16 p.m. PST

🤔????? 🫤 WHAT!!!?? "Sherman can you pause please. Mr. Lincoln requests it. He prefers a two country solution."

"President Biden said that he thinks the Israel-Hamas war "need[s] a pause" during an event in Minnesota on Tuesday.

While Biden was speaking at the campaign gathering, an audience member shouted: "As a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire right now."

The president – who has not supported a ceasefire since the war began on October 7 – said that he believed in a "pause."

"I think we need a pause," Biden began. "A pause means give time to get the prisoners out."

"I'm the guy that convinced Bibi to call for a ceasefire to let the prisoners out," he added. "I'm the guy that talked to [Egyptian president] Sisi to convince him to open the door."

Biden later said that he understood the "emotion" over the war and said it is "incredibly complicated for Israelis."

"It's incredibly complicated for the Muslim world as well… I supported a two state solution, I have from the very beginning," he continued. "The fact is the matter is that Hamas is a terrorist organization. A flat-out terrorist organization.""

SBminisguy01 Nov 2023 9:12 p.m. PST

I just disagree that he alone explains the worlds troubles. That makes no sense.

He's just the front man for Obama's 3rd term, his Cabinet and Admin are staffed and managed by Obama and Clinton folks. Both of them were responsible for disaster after disaster, war after war -- and they're back in charge. So not him, but an entire team whose world view is incompatible with reality and beneficial outcomes.

We can speculate about the last POTUS but it was pretty clear he was not happy with Zelensky. IMO Putin would have felt free to invade even earlier and reuniting NATO would have been difficult.


1. NATO bitch3d and moaned and accused Trump of being anti-NATO because he called them to account and pushed them to pay up for their defense obligations. It's only because of this pressure that NATO was at all ready for Putin's invasion.

2. Zelensky was criticized for being a corrupt replacement for a corrupt prior regime, and Trump wanted assurances that aid wouldn't be stolen. Oh, and Trump actually released weapons and military aid where Obama talked about and did zippo.

3. Under what scenario does Putin invading Ukraine happen? Every time Trump was tested by the great a33h0le nations of the world, he passed the test. Russia screwed around with US troops in Syria and got 300 dead Russians. Iran screwed around with the US and a dead IRG leadership. China screwed around with the US and got tariffs, expulsions, industry bans an renewed US alliances in the PacRim.

Every time Obama and Biden were tested -- they folded. Meaningless redlines, midnight cash drops, secret deals only caught on open mic, appeasement and apologies.

SBminisguy01 Nov 2023 9:14 p.m. PST

"I think we need a pause," Biden began. "A pause means give time to get the prisoners out."

Does he mean, time to buy-off Hamas in the single largest US hostage taking in our nation's history? 500 Americans are being held hostage by Hamas in the Gaza.

"The White House Admitted Hamas Is Holding Nearly 500 Americans Hostage in Gaza": Sen. Marsha Blackburn Calls Out Biden and Jake Sullivan


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2023 9:14 p.m. PST

See my 12:33 post 35th. Hamas is playing the victim as was fully expected. Unless we want Israel to face a million newly recruited and energized fanatics from all over the region, they had better get this over with soon. Every time a civilian in Gaza is killed Hamas goes to the family and recruits. The other Arab states get antsy…. It's is a tough spot for Israel. It's not simple, they are plenty of consequences that could trigger other events and make it that much harder to take out Hamas. All my opinion.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP01 Nov 2023 9:19 p.m. PST

SB, we have to stop meeting like this!

SBminisguy01 Nov 2023 10:43 p.m. PST

Lol! Israel should ignore the pressure from the US and others for a ceasefire, which is Hamas' playback. Forget that, end Hamas as an organized power. Have seen the interviews with the son of a Hamas founder? He very much wants Hamas destroyed for keeping Gazans in poverty and oppression.


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP02 Nov 2023 5:32 a.m. PST

Tort yes we have too many in media and politics espousing the view of Israeli aggression and the barbarism of the radical Muslims is forgotten or ignored completely. This goes for the students as well.

There will never be a shortage of recruits for radical Islamic terrorists, no matter what. The infidel exists and they are promised an immediate trip to heavenly paradise for their extermination.

We talked a little about the Hitler Youth as a comparison to the students supporting Palestine and Hamas. The Hitler Youth were indoctrinated from their youth in the superiority of the Aryan race and Germany was the representation of pure Arianism. All others were Untermensch.

We have at least 2 generations that have been indoctrinated to despise all things white. The white race is the source of world suffering. The whites have subjugated all other minorities. If they are white, They have been thought to self loath. They see the Israelis as just another white oppressor. Is it any wonder they do what they do?

This belief leads to an endless chain of hate with no end.

This must change, or our country is ultimately doomed.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP02 Nov 2023 5:47 a.m. PST

Again WHAT???? With the rampant hate being aimed at Jews!?

"From the river to the sea"

I smell fear of loss of votes. Politics only.

Subject: White House works on new measures to counter Islamophobia | Reuters


SBminisguy02 Nov 2023 8:09 a.m. PST

To paraphrase 35thOVI, "We have at least 2 generations that have been indoctrinated to despise all things Jewish and Israel" in Palestinian territories, not just in Gaza. Interesting series of man on the street interviews from Palestinian areas like Ramallah and Hebron from the last few years -- this one asks Palestinians about Jewish history in the region.

Almost all of the "average" Palestinians say Jewish history is a lie, that the Jews never lived in the area until maybe after WW1 or even 1948. All ruins and archeological evidence of ancient Jewish ties are faked, they are lies to excuse Jewish occupation of Palestine. One woman describes how the lineage of peoples in the area that we know in the Bible as Judea don't include Jews -- first were the Canaanites, then the Arabs. The Jews came in 1948 as occupiers after being kicked out of Europe.

Those few who admit the Jews have ties to Israel say it was only minor stuff left by wandering "berber Jewish" tribes, nothing significant and it was a long time ago.

How do you live side by side with another culture that denies your very history? Your very humanity? This is what decades of throwing $$$ and using the Palestinians as foils for outside political goals has wrought.

YouTube link

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2023 7:00 a.m. PST

This has to stop, if we want to see change.

Subject: Elite American universities receiving billions in federal funds see rise in antisemitism: ‘Gamed the tax code'


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2023 8:06 a.m. PST

I agree 35th. These schools have immense endowments and investments.

Unfortunately the IRS is undermanned, badly led, and cannot investigate. The country has lost a couple of hundred billion in tax fraud, mostly from upper level income earners over the last few years. It popular to go after them. A few conservative non-profits broke the law by engaging in too much political activity while paying no taxes. The resulting blow back mean we ended up not even collecting the taxes we were owed in recent years.

The tax code is created by Congress and the Treasury, staffed with finance industry insiders. It protects and enhances the wealthy. The rest of us live with it.

SBminisguy03 Nov 2023 8:20 a.m. PST

The tax code is created by Congress and the Treasury, staffed with finance industry insiders. It protects and enhances the wealthy. The rest of us live with it.

Yep, true -- and given that, do you really think the tens of thousands of additional IRS agents will be auditing the wealthy and politically connected!?!? Of course not! They will be used to squeeze blood from a stone, to audit the Middle Class.

Why do you think they've put in place reporting requirements for platforms like eBay and PayPal?

Did you clear out your gaming closet and sell $600 USD or stuff on eBay? TAXES!

Did you have a small side deal going to help with grocery money, painting figures or something, and transacted $600 USD on PayPal? TAXES!

And that's another thing to audit on the Middle Class.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2023 8:41 a.m. PST

Yes, anti-Semitic universities, etc. must receive 0 funding from the Fed gov't … period. As should sanctuary cities …


Just like much of the Koran has been altered to suit the terrorist's agenda. Many moslems have been indoctrinated to hate Israel, especially after the '48 war. Yes, it is not only the hard corps terrorists believe that, but many moslems in general. However, we see that both Egypt and Jordan has found that mutual coexistence is possible. Again, Iran is really the inciter of much anti-Israel funding.

And the USA's current top leadership for some skewed reasoning thinks they can give Iran money. Plus, somehow work with them on their quest for obtaining nukes. I can think of few more idiotic policies. The last people you want to get nukes is a fundamentalist theocracy like Iran. Who kills women for not wearing their hijab correctly. I assure you their deaths were not quick.

A theocracy who pledges to wipe Israel off the map. And at the UN recently boldly threatened the USA.

Again, they as well as others in the world see the USA as weak. Our leadership does not display strength but just the opposite. I keep saying this as it is true, if to no one other than our enemies. E.g. islamic terrorists, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, etc.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2023 10:49 a.m. PST

"Hezbollah leader Nasrallah vows to continue attacks on American troops"

🤔 could we ask for a pause? Offer humanitarian supplies? Maybe offer to bring some of his people over as emigrants and give them free room and board?

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2023 10:51 a.m. PST

A lot of us get away with not paying taxes here and there. It's a matter of scale.

If you actually could get IRS agents to work on the worst cases, they would not likely involve any of us…. But the number of audits has declined for all tax payers with the IRS staff cuts. The rich cases use up a lot of IRS resources. Altogether, I think filer under-reporting of income costs us 250 billion a year, a third of our defense budget. Tax fraud is big business.

Tying reducing the IRS to military aid in Congress sounds like a good way to run out of money for military aid even faster.

SBminisguy03 Nov 2023 10:53 a.m. PST

So….now I read that the US is dealing with Quatar as a middleman to send humanitarian aid into Gaza and to supposedly get Americans out.

Why? Quatar is one of Hamas' leading funders, enablers and supporters. Hamas leadership LIVE in Quatar, they have offices in Quatar! That's like asking Germany for help in dealing with Vichy France!

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2023 11:13 a.m. PST

Iran runs Hezbollah too. It's pretty much all one gang to me.

Again,I do not want to get any of our people killed, but if we don't hold and instead take the bait from Iran, we may get a bunch of them, but there will be a million new enemies from every country in the region. None of them are actually our friends. All we do is bribe some of them to keep the lid on.

Iran is just itching for the US to strike so they become the victims and the world forgets what they did to Israel. Hamas planned this from day one right down to who they killed and how. They wanted Israel to furiously mount an all out invasion, wanted lots of civilian casualties so they could justify their own past and future actions. They wanted to make Israel look like the brutal aggressors and turn the world against it. They want all Arabs to rise up against the aggressors.

As I have said before,IMO Israel can't make this a long incursion or they will be facing more than just Hamas.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2023 11:50 a.m. PST

Subject: Jordanian national living illegally in Texas accused of ‘studying how to build bombs' to target Jews: reports | Fox News


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP03 Nov 2023 2:12 p.m. PST

How did he get those weapons? I also notice that he's in Texas but arrived by plane. There are an awful lot of potential bad guys getting here via airlines still. Not the smartest criminal letting people take multiple photos of him with firearms.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2023 7:14 a.m. PST

The House has introduced a bill to ban Palestinians from the U.S. and revoke any visa issued after October 1.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2023 9:30 a.m. PST

That is a start but won't make it through the Senate. They need votes from the moslem community in the upcoming election. Recently with the US gov't talking about a ceasefire. Is not militarily sound at this point. But again it wants to appease the 2%(= or -) moslem voters for 2024.

Again as we saw in A'stan … optics and politics trumps sound military judgement. As I have talked about this before.

Our enemies, including islamic terrorists, Iran, etc. know they can threaten the USA as some just did recently. One at even at the UN, and another on a TV broadcast. They know the USA leadership is risk adverse. They have to play by the rules of the very small vocal minority of the far-left, progressive socialists' activists and doners.

Even some in Congress. On the streets rallying support for the Palestinians which is in turn support for Hamas. Those members of Congress should be subject to some sort of punitive actions. As their freedom of speech is now inciting to riot.

It is even clearer now that the border should be closed as we are in a de facto war. The increase of those on the terrorist watch list has significantly increased many times over. And those are the ones we know about. But again, the top US leadership does not want to upset their left-wing progressive donors and minions. Even those in Congress.

It is highly unlikely that some terrorists[plus spies from the PRC/CCP, Russia, etc.] have not crossed into the USA unnoticed. It is too easy for islamic jihadis, etc. once across the border, to steal a truck and start running over people on the streets. Mostly US citizens … again.

This is not the only violations of the US Constitution on US leadership. But the drugs, sex traffickers, criminals, spies, etc. coming across the border to do harm to the US people. We the people, whom they disregard, most of the time. As those in political leadership positions depend on their wealthy doners.

This has become a worldwide problem, not just the USA's. This is what happens when weak, feckless, US leadership lets our enemies take advantage of the situation. They, again even threaten the US in the UN and in the media.

Lions led by rabbits … very sad …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2023 11:29 a.m. PST

Is red white and blue Rashida Talib right?

Subject: Rashida Tlaib on X: ".@POTUS, the majority of the American people are not with you on this one. #CeasefireNow / X


Make her red white green and black

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2023 12:15 p.m. PST

Why so many believe Israel is evil.

Subject: NewsBusters on X: "Why are TV journalists acting like the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Health Ministry is a reliable source for casualty figures? Apparently they haven't learned anything from their "Israeli airstrike" debacle. (🎥 by @Banned_Bill) / X


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2023 2:31 p.m. PST

How does this source know what the casualty figures are,35th? That the problem… there is no other source. Hamas would like us to think there are many civilian casualties and it seem like they would be substantial based on the destruction in the videos.

But confirming has gotta be difficult, especially with all the rubble, and will take a while. Fox has gone all out for Israel, drawing some new Jewish viewers, but doesn't cover the other side very much. As usual everyone is getting a different viewpoint.

I feel like there are three sides, Israel, Hamas, non-Hamas Palestinians.It's not easy to document much in this phase.I read somewhere that every time a Palestinian is killed, Hamas goes to the family to recruit. But they don't care about Palestinian lives. They are the ones who have brought this on Gaza.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2023 2:46 p.m. PST

But I would never trust anything Hamas gave out as truth. I'm sure thousands are dead. But Hamas knew what would happen when they went in and rapped, tortured, burned and wantonly killed.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2023 4:11 p.m. PST

Talib, Omar, AOC, Pressly, Bush and Jalpal should be investigated as unfit for being in Congress. They are not American leaders but woke far left socialist activists …

FWIW – If I was a Cdr in the IDF, my guidance would be to my troops … when in doubt shot. Military age males would be prime targets. Hamas, Iran, etc. like ISIS have proven to be medieval barbarians.

The US leadership needs to stop appeasing Iran. One former FBI agent said they may already have nukes. Again, their ambassador threatened the US as well as the leader of Hezbollah. Saying they don't fear US CVNs. Hmmm … so much for fearing US firepower. As they and many know US leadership is not capable of actually being war time leaders.

Iran supported Shia militias already have attacked US troops in Syria & Iraq. What are our leaders waiting for ? They actually will have to kill one or more of our troops, before they act.

Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc. can say they don't fear or respect the US Military or more importantly US elected & appointed leadership. Some should go back to the classroom as they are not fit to be real leaders. Just teach left-wing woke DEI, CRT, etc. theory in class. As they are not fit to lead anything more than students.

The Shia militias should be hit and hit hard. They don't get a bunch of free swings. With no return punches … They have attacked US troops 31 times. Along with the militia being made to bleed. Iran has at least 31 military, oil infrastructure, etc. targets in their country.

Hamas is on the menu. If the IDF preforms as I think they will few Hamas members will survive. Take no prisoners save for a few for the S-2 Intel guys.

Hezbollah and Iran know they cannot stand up to two USN Carrier Groups and nearby USAF assets. With more to come if need be. No one has to be on the ground. Again, we have drones, TLAMs, and even strike aircraft.

These islamic terrorists have to feel the pain … or they will continue their very bad behavior.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2023 5:51 p.m. PST

Legion, I know you are angry, like many of us. I think Iran wants to draw us in, as they did Israel, to provoke a bigger crisis and create enough anti Israeli and American frenzy to start a broader war, destroy the reapproachment between Israel and the Saudis, etc.

The best thing, IMO, would be to announce to everyone that Iran has two hours to get Hamas to release the hostages. If they don't, we take out the oil refineries. With as little cd as possible. It is an act of war. There are many possible unforeseeable consequences. If we do a clean job of it, we make a point that we have had enough. Maybe…
POTUS will not do this. I don't share the visceral hatred that others have for him. But undeclared war against a sovereign state is a war crime. It's a dice roll to end Iran's endless jihad. Not the way we conduct ourselves usually. But enough is enough.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2023 5:57 p.m. PST

Almost makes you look for a man with tiny mustache to show up.

Subject: Calls for violence against Jews rock DC amid massive pro-Palestinian protest


Subject: Rapper Macklemore claims Israel is conducting 'genocide' in Gaza after 'doing my own research' as he leads '100,000-strong' protest outside the White House: Demonstrators try to scale fence and wave yellow flag of terror group Hezbollah | Daily Mail Online


Subject: Pro-Palestinian protesters seen shaking White House gate vandalized with red paint: ‘F–k Joe Biden' | Fox News


Subject: Kyle Becker on X: "This was Washington D.C. earlier today. 100,000 strong turned out for the National Protest for Palestine. Now, many have surrounded the White House. They are chanting 'Bleeped text Joe Biden' and issuing demands. This is why you don't import your enemies. / X


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