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"The Only Officially Recorded Ghosts" Topic

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian06 Oct 2023 11:03 p.m. PST

…When King Charles I sent a team to investigate ghostly figures fighting over one of the war's old battlefields in Edgehill, so many people apparently witnessed the spectral scene that officials entered the afterlife armed conflict into the public record…

Military: link

KeepYourPowderDry07 Oct 2023 1:50 a.m. PST

Unfortunately, the evidence for the Royal Commission has never been found, despite extensive research in the National Archive. The only evidence for the investigation is 2nd and 3rd hand newsletters and, more recently dodgy websites heaping hyperbole onto the story.

We don't even know if there was a Royal Commission sent to investigate the claim.

The claim that they are the only officially recognised ghosts is a nonsense. No government office, library or archive makes this claim. It's an urban myth I'm afraid.


Jim Webster07 Oct 2023 2:42 a.m. PST

Apparently the Ghosts were quick off the mark, they had to be, Charles 1st was dead six years later


KeepYourPowderDry07 Oct 2023 4:54 a.m. PST

Ah the 'Verney's severed hand still on the royal standard' story gets a mention in Jim's link. A story that suddenly appeared in the 1800s when a descendant decided to write a Verney family history. Pure Victorian fabrication.

Apologies, I appear to be turning into a party pooper.

Jim Webster07 Oct 2023 8:25 a.m. PST

Don't apologise to me. It's just that a story which I find improbable did get repeated with more details. Even down to the locals making an effort to give them Christian burial, which might possibly tell us about the army's attitude at the time

KeepYourPowderDry07 Oct 2023 9:21 a.m. PST

'twas a general apology Jim 😉

There are a number of reports of WRAF girls being scared witless during the war, claiming to have seen apparitions on the site.

Jim Webster07 Oct 2023 9:35 a.m. PST

Now that is interesting. There are times when I suspect we don't really have a clue how the universe actually works :-)

Cerdic07 Oct 2023 12:03 p.m. PST

Yes we do, Jim. The answer is 42…

Jim Webster07 Oct 2023 12:35 p.m. PST


Mollinary08 Oct 2023 7:19 a.m. PST

It's life Jim, just not as we know it!

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