"Yennefer de Vengerberg" Topic
7 Posts
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nugrim | 06 Oct 2023 1:53 a.m. PST |
The most power sorceress of the Continent joins the ranks of my Witcher Mordheim warband link |
The H Man | 06 Oct 2023 5:06 a.m. PST |
It is an odd figure. I'm trying to figure out how her foot can come to the position it is against the stone. If she is flying, there would be no need to place a foot on the stone. If running or jumping, the ball of her foot would have to precisely land just right to then flip over the edge of the stone due to forward momentum. Its all a bit to "Gandalf rocks up the split second the Sun rises, and orc armour isn't made of metal, so won't hurt horses" to me. Otherwise ok. |
William Warner | 06 Oct 2023 10:05 a.m. PST |
Simple. She was perched on the stone and now is taking off, pushing with her right foot. Remember, this is fantasy! |
Editor in Chief Bill  | 06 Oct 2023 11:34 a.m. PST |
Maybe she needs a flight stand? |
The H Man | 06 Oct 2023 4:30 p.m. PST |
Ok. Can someone photoshop up those two ideas. Then maybe a poll on which of the 3 looks most ridiculous. I'm really not sure how she would be perched on THAT stone, at least not tastefully. |
bandit86 | 06 Oct 2023 8:42 p.m. PST |
The H Man | 08 Oct 2023 3:10 p.m. PST |

Removing the rock and using a flying base is probably the best option. However if she's not meant to be flying, this leaves us with a problem. Changing to a set of steps? Or a flat topped rock just behind her that she has jumped from may work. Otherwise, I don't think the painting works. The rock just stands out. It brings up too many questions and you ignore the figure that should be the subject. |