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"smoke tutorial" Topic

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906 hits since 4 Oct 2023
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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sceadugenga05 Oct 2023 11:13 a.m. PST

I have just recently dipped my toe into the muddy-brown waters of riverine ACW warfare. I've gotten my hands on some Spithead 1/1200 Ellet rams and the Confederate River defense fleet along with navwar ironclads. The idea is to try out some rulesets for Memphis and the adventures of the CSS Arkansas. I am currently researching and will soon be ready to start painting. I was wondering if anyone could point me to a good tutorial for simulating "chimney" smoke or share their own personal technique.


Little Red05 Oct 2023 11:57 a.m. PST

I would like to see a smoke tutorial too.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP05 Oct 2023 4:38 p.m. PST

Our ironclads GM has white cotton tufts. Basically just cotton balls pulled into shape.

Midlander6506 Oct 2023 6:34 a.m. PST

Not chimney smoke and at a rather larger scale, but for my 15mm WW2 collection, I've been using white synthetic wadding that had been used as packaging around something breakable that I received by post. I guess it much the same sort of thing as is used for stuffing pillows, cushions and soft toys.

I've used it in the original white as smoke markers and painted (a mix of airbrush and hairy stick) to denote knocked out AFVs. I guess the same approach with muted greys would work for funnel smoke?


I did a step by step for the burning vehicle markers on my blog.


Big Red Supporting Member of TMP07 Oct 2023 1:49 a.m. PST

Midlander65, Thanks for the tutorial. I hope my ironclads don't look like that!

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