Darrell B D Day | 18 Sep 2023 8:34 a.m. PST |
It appears an F35 has been "lost": link DBDD |
JSchutt | 18 Sep 2023 9:36 a.m. PST |
Who doesn't think this story sounds fishy. Pilot ejects but doesn't know where his plane went. No chase plane was involved and the transponder somehow isn't working. Apparently any existing planned flight path doesn't help. No sign of a billowing smoke cloud or any forest on fire for no apparent reason. If it shows up in China or Russia I wouldn't be surprised. I'm pretty sure no one will know who was responsible for that debacle. Instilling great confidence in governmental institutions it does not. |
Inch High Guy | 18 Sep 2023 10:10 a.m. PST |
When you know your stealth technology has gone too far. |
Tortorella | 18 Sep 2023 10:15 a.m. PST |
The story does not add up, sounds like an episode of NCIS.More likely they would rather not tell up what happened with our fancy fighter. Just what we need, more congressional outrage, media mockery. |
dapeters | 18 Sep 2023 10:31 a.m. PST |
So you just keep walking through the parking lot, nonchalantly using the clicker at your side, what's so hard about this? |
Saber6 | 18 Sep 2023 11:52 a.m. PST |
How far to sea before the fuel runs out? |
Legion 4 | 18 Sep 2023 1:56 p.m. PST |
Zephyr1 | 18 Sep 2023 3:07 p.m. PST |
They left it parked in the wrong neighborhood & it got stripped… |
aegiscg47 | 18 Sep 2023 3:25 p.m. PST |
Looks like it was just found in a field in South Carolina. |
Ed Mohrmann | 19 Sep 2023 7:38 a.m. PST |
Guess the Aliens/Chicoms/Russkis/Iranians/KimJon/whomever just left it there… :-) |
Legion 4 | 19 Sep 2023 11:09 a.m. PST |
"Dude! Where's my Plane ?!?!?" |
Griefbringer | 23 Sep 2023 8:48 a.m. PST |
Or has he just proven that he can't have nice things? Presumably there will first be an investigation to find out whether the incident was caused by a technical problem, pilot mistake or something else. |
Legion 4 | 23 Sep 2023 9:42 a.m. PST |
has he just proven that he can't have nice things? Yep ! OOPS ! DOH ! Generally, you have two options: 1) Pilot Error 2) Mechanical Malfunction So we will have to wait and see …
Are the pilots getting enough flight training/time ? Are there parts/maint. problems ? |
Tortorella | 23 Sep 2023 5:52 p.m. PST |
One incident does not mean there are substantial issues, but the 2020 report on Air Force accidents and training was not good as I recall. Accidents are now trending down a bit, at least. I wonder how that's going for Russian and Chinese pilots? Not that we will ever find out… |
Legion 4 | 24 Sep 2023 10:34 a.m. PST |
Of course not … but it still has to be investigated to see why it happened. Accidents … well there still are few overall, but still occur, e.g. the recent MV-22s problems. Russia & Chinese pilots … well we see somewhat how the Russian air assets are effective, or mostly not. The Chinese I'm sure do a lot of training, when not getting political indoctrination, etc. But when was the last time the PRC/CCP were in real combat ? Vietnam in '79 IIRC … |
Tortorella | 24 Sep 2023 11:54 a.m. PST |
Yes, I think in Vietnam, and those guys aren't around now. I think there are still good Russian pilots, but who knows how many? The Russian war machine has got to be hurting if Putin has to ask NK for help in public. The Chinese have no experience to train on. They remain a question mark. |
Legion 4 | 24 Sep 2023 6:49 p.m. PST |
We must never underestimate the enemy. But as we see the Russians in the Ukraine invasion were overestimated. The PRC/CCP may be a wild card ? But we have to consider them to be effective. Until we see otherwise, again, like the Russians in Ukraine. |
Paladin X | 25 Sep 2023 4:49 a.m. PST |
Heritage Foundation Releases 2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength, Gives U.S. Military First-Ever 'Weak' Overall Rating. Air Force rating is a downgrade from an assessment of 'weak' in the 2022 index, to Very Weak in 2023. Aging aircraft and poor pilot training and retention were cited as reasons for the downgrade. |
Tortorella | 25 Sep 2023 6:28 a.m. PST |
The Heritage rating are a mixed bag, IMO. They are credible in many ways and have helped to preserve the status of conservative policy and thought in a time when right wing political dialogue is less substantive. Their military assessment could make for a lively debate here. I often see them as bean counters, even though they include capabilities in their assessments. We are not playing a game of Risk. Saying we need four hundred ships to counter China depends on many factors not mentioned. They are right on the money in assessing US recruitment challenges, IMO. Russia and China as nuclear powers gives them status. The rest of their military, less so. US weakness is in procurement and waste, corruption. Even getting a military budget passed in Congress, or filling leadership positions, is subject to politicized obstruction. Building ships is more about getting money for the home district. From what I know about Chinese naval power, and I am not an expert, they are not yet very close to US capacity for battlegroup air ops, submarine development and deployment, amphibious capacity. And they have little experience. But they are dangerous, led by aggressive political leaders. Russia's aircraft carrier is old and can be followed around by its trail of smoke. Finally, the DOD is not about to lay out detailed intel on which to base these kinds of assessments. Being rated by an outside conservative think tank is interesting but IMO, should be taken with a grain of salt. All my opinion.. |
Legion 4 | 25 Sep 2023 11:08 a.m. PST |
Gives U.S. Military First-Ever 'Weak' Overall Rating. Air Force rating is a downgrade from an assessment of 'weak' in the 2022 index, to Very Weak in 2023. Aging aircraft and poor pilot training and retention were cited as reasons for the downgrade. From what I see this is probably true. Why ? Poor Leadership starting with the CinC. Plus, how those "leaders" prioritize. Too much $ wasted on too many projects that do not enhance the Militaries combat readiness, etc. They don't realize or don't care that the US is in a de factor war with Russia. Plus the PRC/CCP is building up its military which certainly appears they may be prepping for war. |
Tortorella | 25 Sep 2023 2:46 p.m. PST |
No way to know for sure, Legion. Again I wonder if weak is a relative term. If we are weak, is Russia stronger? No POTUS trains pilots or flies planes. This is the first POTUS to ever say we would defend Taiwan since it came into existence. Certainly nothing from the last one like this, nor was their any respect for or rapport with Europe and NATO, which has made a comeback in the face of Putin, led by the US. No NK "love letters". I would like a new commander at some point, but after Helsinki no second chances.
Abrams tanks and trained Ukranians arriving today in Ukraine. |
Legion 4 | 25 Sep 2023 5:42 p.m. PST |
Again I wonder if weak is a relative term. If we are weak, is Russia stronger? Compared to Russia we are nowhere near weak. No POTUS trains pilots or flies planes. No, not even if he wears a flight jacket & aviator sunglasses ! Regardless, the CinC and his[or her] admin set the table. Again real leadership needed… Promised to defend Taiwan Did he ? The Taiwanese spent billions on US weapons but have not yet arrived AFAIK. Until those weapons start to get there it is all just WWE trash talk. Certainly nothing from the last one like this, Too political … I won't touch this one … Abrams tanks and trained Ukrainians arriving today in Ukraine. 31 M1s, a Ukrainian Armor Bn … FWIW – A US Tank Bn was/is about 54 MBTs, IIRC. Those M1s and many more should have been there last year. With the crews and Maint. Tms trained up, rolling hot and ready to kill Russians. Plus, I hope more & more CE Mine Breaching equipment e.g. MICLICs, etc., from US & NATO gets there. Again … Too much foot dragging again on the US leaders' part. Confusion ? Ignoring the Military ? The same thought process was used with the A'stan debacle … 'nuff said … |
Tortorella | 25 Sep 2023 9:14 p.m. PST |
We don't entirely disagree. I just don't think the right commander has appeared anywhere yet. We can generally be critical of the current CinC, but have to be careful about commenting on the last one. Confusion and ignoring the military are not new, however. Come back to us Ike, we need you! |
Legion 4 | 26 Sep 2023 8:08 a.m. PST |
Yes those who would make good leaders don't get involved in the DC swamp. With in many cases we get the 2d string. Many are just there for the $ & perks. E.g. the recent member of Congress who was taking $, Gold, a car, etc. from Egypt. This was the seconded time this sort of thing happened to this member of Congress. Why is he still around ? From Military.com
F35 flight ready status … not good … link |
Tortorella | 26 Sep 2023 10:39 a.m. PST |
What a grim report, Legion! This fighter has been costing far too much for years and can barely be maintained. We have nobody we can trust to overhaul the system. The swamp is full of grifters, including those who promise to drain it. Why is "he"and so many others still around? I guess there is no two tiered system of justice after all. Let's hope the system does its job and cleans house all around so we can have a reset. The new Chinese fighter looks suspiciously like ours. I hope they have the same problems. |
Legion 4 | 26 Sep 2023 11:27 a.m. PST |
Agreed … yes things overall … are not good. Too many forgot "We the people" … And yes, with all the PRC/CCP spies sent to US Universities, etc. And the academics say you are racist if you don't want those CCP students. CCP pays the universities big bucks. So, we may need to have a working knowledge of Mandarin and with the open borders add Spanish to the menu. I do like both Asian & Hispanic food. There will be take outs on every corner. |
SBminisguy | 26 Sep 2023 2:28 p.m. PST |
dapeters | 28 Sep 2023 11:52 a.m. PST |
From the getgo "We the people" was never We the people. |
Tortorella | 28 Sep 2023 12:00 p.m. PST |
But it was meant to be, da, and we keep trying. |