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Personal logo Nashville Supporting Member of TMP14 Sep 2023 12:06 p.m. PST

This Museum Has 300 Tanks and Over 100 Million YouTube Views
Only a few hundred thousand people visit The Tank Museum, in the English countryside, each year. But on YouTube, it's more popular than the Met and MoMA.

The Tank Museum in Bovington, England, doesn't usually rank among the world's great museums. Located next to a military base in serene countryside, the collection of around 300 armored vehicles attracts only a few hundred thousand visitors a year, mainly families on rained-out beach vacations.

Yet there is one place where it not only ranks among the world's largest museums, but surpasses them: YouTube.
YouTube link
The Tank Museum's channel has over 550,000 subscribers — surpassing the Museum of Modern Art (519,000), the Metropolitan Museum of Art (380,000) or the Louvre (106,000).

NYT: link

advocate Supporting Member of TMP14 Sep 2023 2:19 p.m. PST

It's on my list of top museums.

Mark 1 Supporting Member of TMP27 Sep 2023 11:03 a.m. PST

I am a big fan of their YouTube videos.

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