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"Looking for an international Playtest Team" Topic

8 Posts

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883 hits since 13 Sep 2023
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Jerboa Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Sep 2023 8:05 a.m. PST

I'm in the process of writing a very simple set of Naps rules, based on Orders matching.

The system is based on rock-paper-scissors, not requiring any dice in the core mechanisms.
The Orders are Advance, Charge and Stand, that should not be taken for their literal meaning.

Though Orders limit the unit's actions, they are basically the core of the engine for combat resolution. So if a Unit has ‘Charge' orders that does not mean that it will willing or be able to charge, as in a normal wargaming context.
These rules are a new combat system and cut with some aspects of traditional miniature's gaming, assumedly.
The rules are still under extensive re-writing, version Beta 7.

They have already undergone proofreading, for the core 18 pages, the actual rules. The proofreader has done extraordinary work with my bare text, raising it's to levels previously unknown to me. Unfortunately he is stepping out of the project a little, because of its simplicity, I believe, so let's keep his name undisclosed for the moment.
Besides the rules, 18 pages, there is a document with a dozen combat examples, about 16 pages long, but with diagrams mostly (unfinished) plus a 3 page solo training module, only two text pages.

Since my playtest hability now is very limited, because all I have is some close people, I'm looking for a serious playtest group, to help finding problems outside of our routine. I want to submit a final version as complete as possible to the proofreader, as not to waist his time.

If any group is willing to test and write a report of their results, please notify me by posting some contact. I cannot PM at the moment, but hope that will be soon resolved.
If fees apply I would need a quote beforehand, so that payment can be arranged.

Personal logo KimRYoung Supporting Member of TMP13 Sep 2023 8:55 a.m. PST

I'm in the process of writing a very simple set of Naps rules, based on Orders matching.

Aren't the Perry Brothers and Jervis Johnson doing the very same thing right now with Valour & Fortitude rules?

Writing a new set of Napoleonic rules now days is like writing a Sit-Com. There are dozens in process every year with the hope that they might stumble into another Cheers or Seinfeld, but the vast majority are canceled after a short run.

The search for the Grail is never ending.


Wolfhag13 Sep 2023 10:30 a.m. PST

"Here is the new boss, same as the old boss"

Sooner or later someone will break new ground or find a new hook.


Personal logo Jerboa Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Sep 2023 12:27 p.m. PST

Original post edited:

I'm in the process of writing a very simple set of Napoleonic rules, based on Orders matching.

The system is derived from rock-paper-scissors, not requiring dice in the core mechanisms, including combat.
The Orders are Advance, Charge and Stand, that should not be taken for their literal meaning.
Though Orders limit the unit's actions, they are basically the core of the engine for combat resolution. So if a Unit has ‘Charge' orders that does not mean that it will be willing or able to charge, as in a normal wargaming context.

These rules include a new combat system and cut with some aspects of traditional miniature's gaming, assumedly.

The rules are still under final tuning, version Beta 7. They have already undergone some proofreading, for the core rules. The proofreader has done an extraordinary work with my bare text, raising it's to levels unreachable to me. Unfortunately he is stepping out of the project a little, in principle because of its simplicity, so let's keep his name undisclosed for the moment.

There are: 18 pages of actual rules; a document with a dozen combat examples, about 16 pages long, mostly diagrams (unfinished); plus a 3 page solo training module, with only two text pages.

For this task you will need:
1. Orders counters with: identical backs; and faces coloured green, red or yellow.
2. Any bases. As the game is Regiment's level, 15mm miniatures or smaller should be used.

Since my playtest ability is now limited, I'm looking for a serious playtest group, to help finding problems outside of our routine. I want to submit a final version as complete as possible to the proofreader, as not to waste his time.

If any group is willing to test and write a report of their results, please notify me by posting some contact. I cannot PM at the moment, but hope that will soon be solved.

If fees apply I would need a quote beforehand, so that payment can be arranged.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP13 Sep 2023 1:40 p.m. PST

We could try them out

Personal logo Jerboa Sponsoring Member of TMP13 Sep 2023 2:44 p.m. PST

Thank you,

Please email me at jerboa AD sapo DOT pt

Your status as a TMP supporter will be enough for me.

Personal logo Jerboa Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Sep 2023 6:24 a.m. PST

Topic closed

La Belle Ruffian18 Sep 2023 2:06 a.m. PST

That's a shame, I've been looking for an excuse to get my Napoleonics out again and know some people who would have tried them.

If you still need a proofreader then you can use the contact form here link

Following the event, one of the attendees went through my handbook as a non-wargamer and gave me loads of constructive advice in terms of language and layout. He may offer to do something for free but a fee would be appreciated if he's available.

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