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"Have you ever redone a project ?" Topic

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27 May 2024 10:38 a.m. PST
by Editor in Chief Bill

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D6 Junkie03 Sep 2023 6:37 a.m. PST

So have you ever redone a project because newer better
figures came out. Phasing out the old and bringing in the new?
I have a friend who redid his entire Russian Flames of War army in plastic. And sold off the older metal figures.
In my case, I am rebuilding my Ottoman Napoleonic Army because
several newer ranges are out now in 28mm.

Wackmole903 Sep 2023 6:51 a.m. PST

yes. several times. You can always up your game.

The Nigerian Lead Minister03 Sep 2023 6:54 a.m. PST

Yes. I have redone projects in a different scale many times, but I usually keep the older army. Except microarmor, that all got sold off, too small to see. If I liked it in 15/28mm I will like it in 28/15mm.

I had the opposite reaction from your friend, collected a FOW 15mm plastic project and decided I didn't like the plastics so I sold it off and redid it in metal!

cavcrazy03 Sep 2023 6:57 a.m. PST

I did a beautiful Little Bighorn project and then sold it. I'm doing it all over….just bigger and better.😃

doc mcb03 Sep 2023 7:16 a.m. PST

Same as Nigerian: I still have my 25mm H&A Alamo and 1000+ 28mm figures, but now play the 15mm Blue Moon Alamo. (The larger scale now gets used in skirmish games, and a bunch of Texian farmers and coonskinners are now serving in my AWI militia.)

Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP03 Sep 2023 7:23 a.m. PST

Yes as well. I replaced my American Civil War 1/72 plastic with 20mm metal. As part of that project, I also reworked and made additions to my ACW 2mm army used for map movement.

Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP03 Sep 2023 8:13 a.m. PST

Yes, replacing old Heritage Napoleonics with AB figures.

Personal logo McKinstry Supporting Member of TMP Fezian03 Sep 2023 8:49 a.m. PST

Too many projects have been redone. My 1/2400 WW2 fleets became 1/3000 which morphed into 1/6000 and 1/4800. My 15mm Napoleonics went from strip Minifigs to Heritage Napoleonettes to 6mm Baccus and Adler. On one hand it is a pain but I enjoy the painting and improving and in addition, since I'm usually downsizing, the end result is bigger battles with more maneuver.

PzGeneral03 Sep 2023 9:18 a.m. PST


Life is too short…


Titchmonster03 Sep 2023 10:23 a.m. PST

Not replaced per se. But, duplicated is the right term. Having a similar period in multiple scales for varying rules is my Stalingrad. Why I do it, I will never know but I likes what I likes.

Inch High Guy03 Sep 2023 10:25 a.m. PST

Augmented, duplicated, replaced, repaired, repainted, updated.

VonBlucher03 Sep 2023 11:17 a.m. PST

Yes, went from Minifigs Napoleonic 15mm, and sold them all off as I purchased AB figures and started to repaint my Armies. But even better was they released an extensive range of 1806 Prussians in the early 90's. Enjoying the painting aspect of the hobby (Painted many large-scale figures for display) I was really hooked on the beauty of the AB sculps.

David Manley03 Sep 2023 11:49 a.m. PST

I took three attempts to get into Sudan colonial. Twice in 6mm, then finally successfully in 15mm

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP03 Sep 2023 12:38 p.m. PST

No, not as specified. I've sold off forces when I was broke, and replaced them--or on one memorable occasion bought them back in an estate sale--when the money improved.

Does building the same period in a different scale, with different rules and possibly different levels of representation count? That I've done.

Bunkermeister Supporting Member of TMP03 Sep 2023 3:14 p.m. PST

My 1/600th scale fleet became a 1/700 scale fleet, became a 1/1200 scale fleet, became a 1/2400 scale fleet. Each time I think there was a logarithmic progression of numbers of ships.

Probably starting with about three in 1/600 scale and now have most of the major surface combatants in WWII that were at any one place at one time.

Roco made a Panzer IV in about 1961 that was terrible but the only one in town, by about 1980 I had a full battalion of over 100, four companies of 22 tanks each plus HQ and etc. Plus AA guns as well. Then Roco replaced it with a new Panzer IVh, better, stronger, faster. I immediately disposed of all the old ones and now I have about 50 of the new ones Roco ones, plus tanks, assault guns, AA guns and other versions in resin several other companies as well.

Did the same with the Roco Panther, it, like the Panzer IV was way underscale for HO. Trident, Boley and Paul Heiser and a few others provided much better versions in plastic and resin.

Those are the three major times I exchanged everything.

Mike Bunkermeister Creek
Bunker Talk blot

Grelber03 Sep 2023 4:12 p.m. PST

Yes, I replaced my 25 mm Ral Partha and Citadel Vikings with 28mm Old Glory, Foundry and Gripping Beast Vikings. I did keep a few of my favorite 25 mm figures around, though.


Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP03 Sep 2023 7:19 p.m. PST

No, can't say that I have.

Martin Rapier03 Sep 2023 11:47 p.m. PST

I replaced all (or most) of my 20mm WW2 stuff with 15mm. It has only taken around 30 years so far.

I replaced all my old Lancashire and Skytrex 6mm micro armour (the ones with pins for gun barrels) with more modern stuff. The originals are in a box in the attic 'just in case' though.

FusilierDan Supporting Member of TMP04 Sep 2023 3:19 a.m. PST

No, but I have sold off the unpainted older figures and continued forward with the newer preferred figures.

Louis XIV04 Sep 2023 10:14 a.m. PST

Not a project but I did restart my hobby. New paint, miniatures, everything.

If I happen to have something NIB from the long long ago that I would otherwise buy, I will use it.

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP04 Sep 2023 11:39 p.m. PST

So have you ever redone a project because newer better
figures came out.

No. I have stripped paint and repainted because I didn't like the end result, or because I decided to merge small units to make a larger unit.

Newer, better, figures either become their own unit or get painted to match the existing unit.

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP05 Sep 2023 1:22 p.m. PST

Yes. Sold off a bunch of figures, then I bought new replacements, years later. No regrets, enjoyed both sets.

Replaced some poor quality, rubber toy Bats with superb Schleich toy Fruit Bats, which made my Goblin Aerial Cavalry really spectacular. Cheers!

Personal logo etotheipi Sponsoring Member of TMP05 Sep 2023 2:45 p.m. PST

I've donated figures for a few scenarios, then redone them for myself (once, redone first then donated).

Newer/better figures were not the motivation.

The Last Conformist05 Sep 2023 11:56 p.m. PST

Not really. Because of reasons, however I do have a 15mm Mid-Republican Roman army that can morph to Late Republicans, and a 15mm Late Republican Roman army that can morph into Mid-Republicans.

I've replaced a few individual units. The original figures have been kept and sometimes pressed into other employment.

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