"Pre 1806 Napoleonic Prussians and Saxons in 25mm?" Topic
7 Posts
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hi EEE ya  | 29 Aug 2023 2:08 a.m. PST |
Hello everyone, Do you know if Minifigs made Pre 1806 Napoleonic Prussians and Saxons in 25mm? Thanks |
4th Cuirassier  | 29 Aug 2023 8:59 a.m. PST |
You can still get new Minifigs from Caliver Books. There is no sign of early Prussians. PDF link I doubt there ever were any. I well recall reading Quarrie in 1977 and his comments that nobody made 25mm 1806-era Prussians. If you wanted this army in 1977, you'd have to use Seven Years' War figures. The catalogue linked above includes the Minifigs SYW range so that may be the way to go. |
BillyNM | 29 Aug 2023 10:11 a.m. PST |
Do they have to be Minifigs? Both Perry and Elite do good ranges of Prussians / Saxons for 1806. |
Dave Jackson  | 29 Aug 2023 11:47 a.m. PST |
Wargames Foundry has pre-1806 Prussians in their "Early Prussians" range. |
hi EEE ya  | 30 Aug 2023 6:37 a.m. PST |
@4th Cuirassier I suspected that they never existed in 25mm at Minifigs like the Russians at Austerlitz. However, as I have never had any Napoleonic "S" series figurines, I do not know if the Pre 1806 Napoleonic Prussians and Saxons as well as the Russians at Austerlitz exist, but it would surprise me… @BillyNM and Dave Jackson I only own, buy and want 25mm and "S" series Minifigs, no other figures from any other manufacturer… The only other thing that might interest me is : TMP link because the Boxer 25 mm Minifigs range is very weak, but I am looking for a more complete list than that of Caliver Books if it exists and would like to be certain that the Falcons are compatible with the 25mm of Minifigs. |
BillyNM | 30 Aug 2023 7:14 a.m. PST |
If it really has to Minifigs (which I understand as I have a 'thing' for Hinchliffe) SN13 Spanish Line Infantry (Bicorn) is probably closer than SYW figures. If you do end up having to com[romise and use figures that might 'match' another manufacturer that does 1806 Prussians is Mirliton SG. |
hi EEE ya  | 31 Aug 2023 12:01 a.m. PST |
BillyNM,the 1806 Prussians is Mirliton SG, I saw them, they are still too big ! On the other hand, Bravo for SN13 !
Very goog idea and it could be a good start, in any case now I know I would only find my happiness from Minifigs… Someone else has made other very good finds of this kind in the 25 mm Napoleonic minifigs ranges, even if there will certainly be transformations to be made on them ? |