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"Battle report: 1813 Allied armies vs Russo-Finnish Army" Topic

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Comstar27 Aug 2023 6:36 a.m. PST

1814: Following failed talks at the Treaty of Vienna, the CZAR OF RUSSIA, ALEXENDER I has sent his land armies into WESTERN EUROPE. Prussian and Austrian armies have been defeated, and with the French suing for peace, nothing stands in the Russian way to the Rhine.

The DUKE OF WELLINGTON, fresh from his victories against the French in the Peninsula and France, has been sent towards the Rhine in a desperate attempt to stop the Russian onslaught. His trained and veteran British troops are joined by Portuguese and untrained and conscripted Spanish units.

As the Allied army approaches a town to their North, the sound of Russian drums beating to quarters and the shouts of Cossack cavalry can be heard. However, the allied army is walking into a TRAP, with two Russian divisions approaching on their flanks.

However, the Duke is a very experienced commander, and commits only one division to probe the enemy defenses, and has already been alerted to the Russian plans….

I played a game a few weeks ago against Dave – one of the top 5(?) ranked players of FOGN/Glory is Fleeting in the world. We were once again playing the Draft 2023 July rules for Glory is Fleeting, which should, come out this year, a standard 1000 point game.

I tried something new- an 1813 Allied army in Spain and France. This is the combined British, Portuguese and Spanish army that went to defeat the French in Spain, enter France and defeat every French army it came across. There's going to be an 1813-15 1 day tournament next month I plan on going to.

The army is very expensive – with 18 battalions of Superior Veteran British troops are required and 4 battalions of Portuguese. However, I had acquired some Spanish troops during COVID and with the vastly easier allied division rules in Glory is Fleeting, I wanted to try them out too. You can choose from the better 1813 Spanish, or the…bad (poor) 1808 Spanish army list. The poor ones only need 10 battalions of conscripts or poor line troops, and you can get lancers (which are just so cool). The (poorly) trained Spanish are very cheap and help fill out the army.

I didn't know anything about the Russian-Finnish army Dave was commanding, but I could see it was very large – I estimated it outnumbered my army 2 or 3 to 1. I would have to put my faith in superior British shooting and excellent light troops, with a brigade of Super Heavy Shock Cavalry with a brilliant commander to act on one flank. I expected to be also outnumbered by the feared Russian Artillery.

Can the Allied army stop the oncoming Russian army? Will Superior British musketry win the day, or will Finnish Conscripts overwhelm the thin red line? All that can be found on my blogs Battle report

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP28 Aug 2023 8:12 a.m. PST

Thanks for all of the pics.

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