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669 hits since 20 Aug 2023
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robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP20 Aug 2023 9:45 a.m. PST

They don't have to go after any of them at all, Random. If you were offering an on-line service, and a French version was for any reason not practical, would you take the chance? Depending on the details of the law you could wind up with accumulated fines with interest and penalties stacked on top whenever someone in whatever department in Quebec collects the revenue noticed you, got mad at you, disliked wargaming in general or just needed a new "revenue stream." It would be a looming potential expense over which you'd have no control.

So you either need a French version, or you need a way to determine province before letting anyone use your site. I wonder whether you could get away with making each Canadian would-be user certify that he/she was not a resident of Quebec?

Andrew Walters21 Aug 2023 9:30 a.m. PST

I highly recommend the series Great Moments In Unintended Consequences on the YouTube channel Reason TV. I don't love all their politics, far from it, but this series is fun. It's all about how government tries to "help" with poorly thought out laws that backfire.

I suspect GW is counting on their fanbase to know how VPNs work. That's easier than complying with cultural laws.

As a software developer, I can't say I haven't done the same thing. "I have to do how much extra work to make my app available in your country? Easier to uncheck the box on the App Store. My app will be available in Iran and North Korea, but not in your country if I have to pay a lawyer to read all your special documents to make sure I'm compliant. No one's paying me to get in trouble."

I hope they sort this out for the handful of folks who can't get a VPN.

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