I'm not to sure about Mantics worms.
It Hex bord based, so looks nothing like the game. Unless there's a 3d version?
Personally I prefer scortched earth and hogs of war.
Scorched Earth weaponry are second to none. Sheer simplicity in graphics and game play make it top of the heap for these kinds of games.
Hogs of war is 3d pigs in WW2. "Born to grill". The characters of your swine are terrific, Hill Billy, Elvis, so on. Music and intros all good. Just a fun game all round.
I would have preferred worms the board Game to have been more like the original computer games. Maybe with a round background so everyone has the sky and the earth asca Ball in the middle. Then destructible terrain could be counters on the board to be removed. And everything falls towards the centre.
It will be interesting to see/hear how it plays. But it doesn't look like worms to me.