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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP08 Aug 2023 9:01 p.m. PST

"On May 13, 1919, the first attack on Petrograd by the Northern Corps of the White Guards began under the leadership of Major General Alexander Petrovich Rodzianko (5.5 thousand infantry and cavalry against 20-25 thousand for the Reds).

According to the plan, part of the forces was to advance towards Petrograd in the shortest direction through Yamburg and Gatchina, while the other part of the white troops was ordered to advance along the northern shore of Lake Peipsi to Gdov. . The southern shore of Lake Peipsi and the direction to Pskov were handed over to the allied White Estonian Army. The leadership of Gdov was entrusted to Bulak-Balakhovich and his cavalry regiment. Already on the 15th, Gdov was successfully released. Bulak-Balakhovich immediately established local civilian self-government in it, sent his own troops from Gdov in a wide fan, drawing broad sections of the peasantry into the ranks of the whites. White detachments sent from Gdov destroyed bridges in the rear of the Bolsheviks, again destroyed the base of the Chudskaya flotilla at Raskopel, and demoralized the Bolsheviks with sudden raids. And most importantly, they launched agitation in the towns and villages, which managed to swallow from the Bolshevik arbitrariness. There were many peasants who dreamed of taking revenge on the Soviet bloodsuckers…"




Full Battle here



Mark Plant08 Aug 2023 10:14 p.m. PST

The southern shore of Lake Peipsi and the direction to Pskov were handed over to the allied White Estonian Army.

This is in reverse in so many ways.

The Estonians took Pskov because they wanted to, and the Russian Whites were told to operate to the North. Estonia was the major military force, not the Whites.

In Soviet terminology the Estonians were White and allies to Iudenich, but it makes very little sense to think of them that way. They were politically opposed to the main Russian White aims, and were quite Socialist.

They had kicked the Whites out of Estonian territory and did not co-operate with them at all by this stage.

jurgenation Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2023 2:20 p.m. PST

Very nice

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP09 Aug 2023 3:17 p.m. PST

Glad you enjoyed it…


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