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"Russian Jaegers in Winter Dress Review" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP01 Aug 2023 9:26 p.m. PST

"By the time of the wars of Napoleon the value of light infantry was widely recognised, and all armies would field such men in increasing numbers. The Russian Army chose to name such men using the German word Jäger, and by the later years of the Wars they constituted almost a third of the total infantry of the Tsar. While they received special training, they could and often did act as ordinary infantry, and the skirmishing role could also be performed by many musketeer regiments, yet the considerable numbers of Jägers is more than enough to justify their being depicted in this hobby. Surprisingly, this is the first set to show them in winter clothing, which is their most likely appearance in the campaign of 1812, one of the most significant of the whole period…"




Full Review here



Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP14 Aug 2023 8:32 a.m. PST

That is a great site, but I think here they have been very generous in their rating. Strelets can do better than these. A novel choice of subject yet again but poorly executed

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP14 Aug 2023 2:35 p.m. PST



Lets party with Cossacks Supporting Member of TMP16 Aug 2023 1:34 a.m. PST

Very likely true Deadhead. The fact remains, I guess implicit in your post, that Strelets upped their sculpting in the last few years to allow for such criticisms!

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