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korsun0 Supporting Member of TMP28 Jul 2023 7:46 a.m. PST

I just read an interesting article in the Spectator about the 70th anniversary of the armistice on 27th July. I have to hold my hand up in shame and confess I didn't even note the date. The article in the Spectator (for once reasonable) argues that as the third costliest war for Britain since WW2, there seems to be no fanfare. Being in Australia however I may be wrong

I have to say, I didn't notice anything in Australia either, and a quick scout showed one article on the ABC only.

Sad if true. A lot of people died in that war.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP28 Jul 2023 8:11 a.m. PST

iMO the Korean veteran is the most forgotten soldiers of any recent war. The Vietnam vets took it on the chin during the war, but recognition came later. Korean War vets, of which my father is one, I've seen very little. They came too close to the end of WW2 and it ended in a draw. That might be part of it. Never heard them complain about it either.

Too bad, they deserve better.

martin goddard Sponsoring Member of TMP28 Jul 2023 10:22 a.m. PST

It was indeed a brutal war.
Good that it has been noted.
Still not many Hollywood blockbusters about it.


Personal logo Herkybird Supporting Member of TMP28 Jul 2023 10:27 a.m. PST

M.A.S.H introduced me to Korea, though its not a war I have researched extensively.
I think Korea is hidden in the shadow of WW2.

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP28 Jul 2023 10:34 a.m. PST

It exists between to massive wars. WW2 on one side that is the greatest war of all time (in size) and the Vietnam War since lasted 10 years and deeply divided the Us and was the first war we lost. Had to compete against that.

Personal logo Dal Gavan Supporting Member of TMP28 Jul 2023 2:51 p.m. PST

Korsun, in Oz it is remembered in the forces, especially those that were there (1RAR, 2RAR and 3RAR, 77 SQN RAAF and a few others) but the general public wouldn't even know we were in Korea, all they'd know about would come from episodes of MASH. They certainly wouldn't have heard of Kapyong, the Samichon or Chongju.I'm surprised that the ABC even mentioned it.

42flanker29 Jul 2023 5:05 a.m. PST

There were plenty of Korean war movies made in the 1950s.Some good, some not so. 'Fixed Bayonets', 'Retreat, Hell!', 'Pork Chop Hill', 'Bridges at Toko Ri', 'The Hunters', and my all time favourite 'One minute to Zero.'
There was even a quite passable British one, 'Hell' or 'A Hill in Korea' which saw the screen debut of one Michael Caine uncredited, IIRC, and certainly just a couple of lines in a supporting role. (He had served in Korea as a National Serviceman in the Royal Fusiliers. He talks about it in his memoirs in which he describes a couple of scrapes).

korsun0 Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2023 4:38 a.m. PST

@Dal Gavan – thats good to hear. I also found out today when I was speaking to my dad, that his cousin was killed in Korea. He was from Suffolk, UK but was over in Australia and joined up. He was in 1 RAR and killed on 3 July 1952. He is the third name down on the 1RAR Korean War Honour roll (L/Cpl DFW Budd).
I asked him why he never told me, "you never asked"…. I guess that reinforces my point about it not being thought of much. I know all about the great Uncle who died at Loos in 1915 as part of the Suffolk Regiment, but never knew of the Korean War veteran. I now have two graves overseas to visit.

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