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"why slavery as a single cause of the war does not work" Topic

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Brechtel19804 Aug 2023 11:18 a.m. PST

The following may be of interest:




Brechtel19811 Aug 2023 11:04 a.m. PST

23d +1

Au pas de Charge12 Aug 2023 6:52 a.m. PST

It might very well be coincidence but I have noticed that Lost Cause proponents always want to frame the ACW in two limited convenient terms, Was Secession legal and whether there was a cause, any cause, other than slavery to justify the war.

It is interesting that two more important issues are always ignored. Did the South display any good decision making, did they produce any positives? To date, Ive never seen any Lost Causer able to answer those questions but it wont stop them from pounding the table about how the Confederacy should be admired and respected.

For me, the real historical lesson from the Antebellum South and the Confederacy is that that when a body always acts 100% in its own interests, no matter what the situation, it can often produce opposite results. Basically, pure selfishness and complete inflexibility will blow up in your face. In this way, they were extremists. A warning to groups today who always uncompromisingly lobby for their way.

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