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"From Historicon - Southern Italy, 1014" Topic

3 Posts

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Ponder24 Jul 2023 9:22 a.m. PST


A few photos from my Thursday evening game at Historicon, Southern Italy 1014. Played using the Dark Age skirmish rules, So Convenient for Hewing with 25mm figures.

A fun game, for the first time the raiders were clearly defeated by the defenders. Aiming for 4 players, and had 5 --- everybody played.

Ponder on,


Ponder24 Jul 2023 9:23 a.m. PST


A few photos from my Thursday evening game at Historicon, Southern Italy 1014. Played using the Dark Age skirmish rules, So Convenient for Hewing
. Played using 25mm figures.

A fun game, for the first time the raiders were clearly defeated by the defenders. Aiming for 4 players, and had 5 --- everybody played.

Ponder on,


Ponder25 Jul 2023 6:51 a.m. PST

I have no idea why the post shows up twice.


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