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"Best Intro? Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set (Red Box)" Topic

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian07 Jul 2023 3:18 p.m. PST

You were asked – TMP link

What's a great game to introduce beginners to the roleplaying genre? Something that is not overwhelming in either rules or gaming aides and materials.

And in the final round of voting:

24%: "Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set (Red Box)"
13%: "Traveller (original edition)"
11%: "Dungeons and Dragons (current starter set)"

QUATERMASS08 Jul 2023 8:36 a.m. PST

In my opinion the best way to introduce someone into role playing games dose not lie in fantasy or sci-fi.

The most important element is a good GM which means someone who know's the rule and most importantly can think on their feet.

Secondly at least one(more the better) experienced PC
To lead the narrative and let the newbie take a back seat till they gat the idea of how the game works.

Thirdly. The world for the first game a modern setting in their hometown maybe an alien inashion or zombie Apocalypse,the less research a new player has to do the better.

After that the Sky's the limit! A new player who has decided the enjoy RPG's will be more happy to read the fluff from what ever fantastical universe the group decides to explore.

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