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""La Revolution Militaire Napoleonienne" by Stephane Beraud?" Topic

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Wunsche01 Jul 2023 3:29 p.m. PST

I picked up volume 3 in Paris and am totally engrossed. It's a fantastic book that focuses on French organization and tactics. The information is perfect for the war gamer as it speak to formations, infantry and cavalry combat, etc. He also does a great job incorporating various analyses done by French officers and excerpts from memoirs to demonstrate experiences and tactics as experienced by the fighting man.

Has anyone read the first two volumes and can recommend them? I am leaning towards getting them, but I believe they focus on the bigger picture.

Au pas de Charge01 Jul 2023 3:39 p.m. PST


Never heard of him before but the book's on my radar now.

Lilian01 Jul 2023 5:46 p.m. PST

heard positively but not seen and so nor bought because I buy rarely something before to have a "paper-book contact" in my hands and eyes
the author had published the first books a long time ago in 2007 and 2015 for another editor

Contents – Volume 3
Première partie : Les acteurs du combat napoléonien
Chapitre I : Du conscrit au grognard : Le contexte de la conscription – Du conscrit au soldat : l'incorporation
– Marches et bivouacs : le quotidien du soldat impérial
Chapitre II : Le combat à poudre noire – Les expériences du combat / Les différentes formes de combat / Les motivations du combattant / La question de la « brutalisation » de la guerre napoléonienne
Chapitre III : Vers la gloire ou la misère. Les blessés, prisonniers ou pensionnés, Les morts et les blessés / Les promus, pensionnés et retraités

Deuxième partie : Les ressorts du combat napoléonien
Chapitre IV : Une infanterie agile – Les origines de l'agilité / Les succès de l'agilité
Chapitre V : Une cavalerie puissante – Une nouvelle organisation de la cavalerie napoléonienne : croissance et indépendance / La cavalerie dans la manœuvre : surprise et poursuite stratégique / La cavalerie dans la bataille : les charges massives
Chapitre VI : Une artillerie mobile – Une artillerie au service de la manœuvre / Vers la coordination des feux
Chapitre VII : Une coordination interarmes systématisée

and here the same for Volumes 1 and 2

BillyNM01 Jul 2023 9:38 p.m. PST

I suppose it's too much to hope for that there's an English translation edition?

von Winterfeldt01 Jul 2023 11:02 p.m. PST

The first two volumes are much better than volume 3 – which is good but not as sensational as volumes 1 and 2, those are in my view the gold standard or state of the art about how Boney conducted his operational art of war, his style of work, and so on in a most clear fashion – those are must reads and I did not encounter any other books which even come close to them.

Those books alone would merit to learn French.

GeorgBuchner02 Jul 2023 1:52 a.m. PST

tres interessant!
is there any such equivalent work for the Prussians? or the coalition overall?

von Winterfeldt02 Jul 2023 4:25 a.m. PST

in case you are interested in the French Army you should learn French there is such good stuff out there in French, also recently – Brun : La Grande Armée, as well as – Les Mythes de la Grande Armée
Sous la direction de Thierry Lentz, Jean Lopez, as for the Prussians – of what period – ?

GeorgBuchner02 Jul 2023 6:28 a.m. PST

Well the whole period, but yes j'apprends le français aussi!

4th Cuirassier02 Jul 2023 7:49 a.m. PST

Great recommendation, thanks.

Is "Poche" the French for Kindle? It's a lot cheaper that way but fortunately Amazon UK has it in papperbok.

von Winterfeldt02 Jul 2023 8:04 a.m. PST

nothing there for the whole period, a good start would be however the 3 volumes series by the Prussian General staff – Das Preußische Heer der Befreiungskriege, so far I could only alas find volume 2 on the net, in case you read French, all 3 volumes of Beraud would be a very good investment and joy to read.

Oliver Schmidt02 Jul 2023 8:25 a.m. PST

Das Preußische Heer der Befreiungskriege, Band I:


(for Europeans, a US proxy server is needed)

For completeness, the link to volume II:


I didn't find volume III.

colkitto04 Jul 2023 1:15 a.m. PST

Is "poche" not just a small ("pocket" sized) version?

4th Cuirassier08 Jul 2023 1:21 p.m. PST

The first two volumes have just arrived from separate suppliers, and one is indeed a pocket sized version. A bit irritating as it will make the ookshelf look untidy.

Wunsche08 Jul 2023 8:54 p.m. PST

Thanks for all the good advice. I have decided to work my backwards, going from v.III to v.II. 4th C has beat me though – my order of volume II is on the way, but not expected to arrive prior to July 14th. Kind of fitting! Thanks again!

von Winterfeldt08 Jul 2023 10:57 p.m. PST

in case also get Les Mythes de la Grande Armée – it is quite decently priced for kindle edition and Béraud did write two chapters in this book a well.

Wunsche09 Jul 2023 11:00 a.m. PST

vW, I actually bought both Mythes and Revolution v.III both at the same time at a FNAC in Paris. I read Mythes first and thought it interesting, but not nearly to the same level as Revolution. As a novice war gamer, Revolution helped me think through a lot more of what I should be doing and seeing on my tabletop.

Once I've worked through my French, I'll be coming back to you in the future for comparable reading regarding the Austrian army, since I think you are the resident expert. I've already gone through Napoleon's Great Adversaries, but want something more (I can read German sources).

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