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Korvessa Supporting Member of TMP25 Jun 2023 7:51 p.m. PST

Experiment – Game One
I thought it might be fun, interesting, to run a game with the same two armies (3rd Crusade v Saracens), using three different rules sets I use (Soldiers of God, War & Conquest and Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed. – without magic). First up is Soldiers of God (SoG). I am new to SoG, this being only my 3rd game – and 1st solo, so probably made some mistakes. The lists were about 325 points (only supposed to use 300, but I wanted to squeeze in all my figs).
Since I plan to post this to more than just the SoG page, there will be some explanatory notes in places that will be obvious to SoG players.
Command groups are important in this game. Each army must be divided into three commands (left, center, right) at the beginning of the game. Below is how the armies were divided, from the Crusader prospective. The number in parenthesis is the number of stands (2 cav or 4 infantry figs) in the unit.
Left command (Saracen right)
Crusaders: Hospitallers (3), Knights (4), men-at-arms (4), Turcopoles (3)
Saracens: Tribal Horse (4), Horse archers (2x3), Ghulams/Mamelukes (4,3)
Crusaders: Arbalasts (2x3), Armenian Foot (3), men-at-arms (2x3), True Cross
Saracens: Levy Infantry (3x3), Archers (3x3) Guard Infantry (3) Guard Cavalry (4)
Crusader right (Saracen Left)
Crusaders: Templars (3), Knights (4), men-at-arms (4), Turcopoles (3)
Saracens: Tribal Horse (4), Horse archers (2x3), Ghulams/Mamelukes (4,3)
Introduction: For those unfamiliar, this is a card driven game and the strategy you pick before the game determines what kind of cards you get. In my previous two games, my son (21) playing the Saracens, absolutely clobbered me – wasn't even close. He chose "Advance & Harry" both times; I tried "Double Envelopment" & "Attack in echelon." Both died in a storm or arrows.
This time I thought I would try "Hold the Line" this time. The idea was to keep the troops from getting too much disorder while they advanced into the arrow storm. The Saracens have something like 40 archer stands (foot & horse) and the Crusaders only 12 – so definitely did not want a shooting contest. The Saracens had the initiative for the first turn (more aggressive battle plan – but the Crusaders had it from turn two on – higher army morale)
Card play and not knowing what is in the opponents hand is a key part of the game, so to keep that element going, I decided not to know both side's cards. I played the Crusaders as I normally would with an opponent. For the Saracens, I dealt their additional cards face down, then shuffled them with their strategy cards, again face down. On the Saracen turn, I drew the top card and played it the best I could. This may have hurt them from time to time, but I figured it would be worth it to keep the mystery going (it was).
Bad News: My camera took a dump early in the game, so I don't have any action shots. But I did get a replacement lens, so I have good shots of the figs,
Turn 1: both sides advance; Saracens score some hits, but Crusaders rally. Biggest event was Saracens played a card that caused the Crusader baggage to route
Army Morale and end of turn: Crusaders 37- Saracens 22.
Turn 2: Similar to one. The Crusader morale is increased by Holy Relic. The Saracens try a flank march with the Tribal Horse on their right. Morale: Crusaders 38, Saracens 22.
Turn 3: Saracen flank march fails to arrive. More shooting at rallying on both sides. Some cards played effecting Morale: Crusaders 36 – Saracens 23.
Turn 4: Flank march fails again, more shooting as Crusaders are getting close to charge range. Some units showing disorder. Arbalsts (Crusaders) & 1 unit of Levy Infantry break. Morale: Crusaders 33 – Saracens 22.
Turn 5: Similar to above. Flank marchers gone for good Morale: Crusaders 32 – Saracens 23
Turn 6: Aggressive cards just not coming, Saracens continue to chip away at Crusader morale. Lack of baggage has hurt Crusaders; Saracen Baggage has helped Saracens. Saracens do manage to provoke right flank Turcopoles into an il-advised charge into some Mamelukes. Morale: Crusaders 30 – Saracens 24.
Turn 7: Crusaders still can't buy a charge card. Second unit of Crusader crossbows route. Morale Crusaders 26 – Saracens 24.
Turn 8: Horse archers are hard to catch. Right Flank Turcopoles route v. Ghulams. Saracen luck with resolve saves has been very good. Morale Crusaders 23 – Saracens 23.
Turn 9: More of the same. Saracens now have initiative. Crusaders change army plan to "double envelopment." They will be able to charge from here on out. Army Morale: Saracens 23 – Crusaders 21.
Turn 10: Saracen luck on Resolve saves continues (5/6 on a 5+). Right flank knights make an il-advised charge (should have rallied first) and break. Army Morale: Saracens 23 – Crusaders 17.
Turn 11: Crusaders have been in melee for a while now, Saracens finally starting to break – but I failed to write down which units. Army morale: Crusaders 16 – Saracens 11.
Turn 12 & 13. My notes failed me here. Basically, the Saracens completely destroyed Crusader center – only survivor was true cross. Crusader left destroyed Saracen right – killing commander. The Crusader right decimated the Saracen left, with only one unit surviving.
At the end of turn 13 army morale was: Crusaders 1 – Saracens 0. As close as it gets
It was a very fun game.
Next up: War & Conquest.

Like I mentioned – no in game photos :-(
Buthere are photos of the two armies:



Pictures of the various units can be found in my gallery

Dave Knight26 Jun 2023 2:22 a.m. PST

I bought Soldiers of God when it came out but have not had a game yet. I need a good long painting session to flesh out my armies. I am not a fan of War and Conquest but to be fair only played a couple of games. I have played a fair bit of Warhammer Ancient Battles (first ed) many of them from the El Cid book which I enjoyed. Any particular reason for using Warhammer Fantasy?
Excellent looking armies.

Perris0707 Supporting Member of TMP26 Jun 2023 9:36 a.m. PST

Great article! Thanks for posting this. I am mostly a solo gamer as well.

Korvessa Supporting Member of TMP26 Jun 2023 11:10 a.m. PST

Any particular reason for using Warhammer Fantasy?

Just that it is a rule set I use and the armies would translate reasonably well (Bretonia and Araby).

I used to play Warhammer Historical, but moved on to W&C when the former died.

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