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"Soldiers of Napoleon FAQ/ERRATA" Topic

3 Posts

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Comments or corrections?

BillyNM16 Jun 2023 8:17 a.m. PST

Is there a set of FAQ or errata available for these rules?
There are several points I'm looking to clarify:
1). I don't understand why HC are more likely to beat LC if they counter-charge (get the HC vs LC bonus) than if they charge them directly (don't get the HC vs LC bonus)?
2). Where / what is the Special Rule for 'Armoured Cavalry' that is listed against some cavalry types?
3). Why do counter-charging cavalry move further than the charging cavalry they are counter-charging e.g., in the example given of French Chasseurs counter-charging Light Dragoons.

BillyNM16 Jun 2023 8:44 a.m. PST

D'oh! I've now found the 'Unit Special Rules'. Ho hum.

Greystreak17 Jun 2023 3:11 a.m. PST

Support for Soldiers of Napoleon is only available via the Facebook Group "Soldiers of . . ." which supports Soldiers of God, Soldiers of Rome, and Soldiers of Napoleon. The rules author and several play-testers routinely answer questions within hours on that FB Group, and FAQ's, etc. are in the Files section therein.

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