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"Sabot Basing for Crossfire" Topic

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The Epic Gamer31 May 2023 8:03 p.m. PST

I played Crossfire nearly twenty years ago at ConnectiCon '05 and picked up the rulebooks shortly after. They've sat on my shelf since then, until earlier this year when I cracked them open after re-watching some Little Wars TV. Since I had the Americans painted for Chain of Command (based on #10 washers) I thought I'd try some sabot bases like I did for my ancients in order to double dip them with Crossfire.


I still need to flock everything. Maybe one of these days I'll put my order in to Scenic Express and get the flocks I'm after to match my mat. In the meantime though they might see some action at our monthly games day in a Crossfire trial with Karl, Destroyer of Breadsticks.

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP01 Jun 2023 4:17 a.m. PST

You use magnets or something else to attach them?



The Epic Gamer01 Jun 2023 4:23 a.m. PST

The washers are magnetic receptive and the sheet underneath is magnetic. Where they need some help I use bluestuff.

Big Red Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2023 5:02 a.m. PST

They look super and its a good thing when you can get multiple uses for figures. CrossFire is a great game.

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2023 5:09 a.m. PST

Looking good Epic!

(can hardly see the base sockets in those stands – nice fit)

Post some AARs whenever you have the time, ok?

huron725 Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2023 5:17 a.m. PST

Battle Honours miniatures?

The Epic Gamer01 Jun 2023 6:36 p.m. PST

Thanks guys.

I'll see about a few pics this weekend, Fly.

Huron, they're FoW hard plastics.

The Epic Gamer03 Jun 2023 7:42 p.m. PST

Only grabbed a few pics today. Karl and I fought over a town center. There was a fair bit of moving in the first 3 "turns" which I found fun/engaging but once we got into good positions in cover (him on the center in buildlings and me in woods with good lanes of fire to him) it just kind of boiled down to a dice roll-off.

There seemed little reason to leave cover and risk reaction fire. I had a CC doing a crossfire with a company HMG and three squads in a platoon but it just didn't seem to do anything to a squad in cover. Thoughts on what to try differently?



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