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"Brandenburg-Prussian Army OB as of 1699?" Topic

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Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP25 May 2023 12:43 p.m. PST

First, I recognize I may be posting to the wrong board, but as the title suggests, this is not really a subject that stands on its own elsewhere.

Otherwise, the title says most of it. I very much would like to find a source (ideally online, of course) that provides a reasonably complete list of the foot, horse, and guns of the B-P Army as it stood at the end of the 17th Century, or more precisely, the end of the The War of The Grand Alliance (aka "Nine Years War").

Wikipedia is a dead end, it seems, and other searches so far suggest that the 17th Century never happened.

Of course if there is an accessible book with such information, a suggestion there would be appreciate, as well.

Understand, please, that is information would be used for publication, so while that century should be in the Public Domain, some author/compiler may claim ownership to their research. If it would be any consolation, any such source would be credited and provided a gratis copy of the finished publication.

For extra credit: A similar listing of the vessels of the B-P Navy throughout the 17th Century would be welcome, too.

If anyone cares to spitball me a link or resource, he can post here, or E-mail me at

Hoping this ignoramus can be enlightened by this amazing community, is


PS German Language sources shouldn't be a problem!

Personal logo Dal Gavan Supporting Member of TMP25 May 2023 1:24 p.m. PST

TVAG, I don't know of a source, though it may be available in German. An option may be to look at the history of the regiments extant at the start of the WSS ( link )and SYW ( link ) on Kronoskaf. Not a perfect solution but it should give you a starting framework. Also the printed unit histories (eg in Blackwenn- Die Uniformen der Preußischen Infanterie 1753-1786 or Dorn and Engelmann Die Infanterie-Regimenter Friedrich des Grossen) may assist.

Eg the Leib-regiment was formed in 1615 and the commander in 1699 was Count Johannes Albrecht von Barfuss (from 24 August 1689 to 17 August 1702), so the unit existed in 1699.

RittervonBek25 May 2023 1:39 p.m. PST

Just outside your date but would this be a starting point?


nnascati Supporting Member of TMP25 May 2023 1:44 p.m. PST

A shame, but this is information the late Dan Schorr would have at his fingertips.

GurKhan25 May 2023 1:53 p.m. PST

There's a list of Prussian infantry regiments in German wikipedia at link – it gives founding dates, so presumably those founded before 1697 were in the Brandenburg army at the end of the 9YW.

Ditto for cavalry at link

There is a little info in the old WRG book "From Pike to Shot: Armies and Battles in Western Europe 1685 to 1720" by C S Grant (1983) – but nothing like a complete regimental list.

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP25 May 2023 4:00 p.m. PST


Thank you so much for leads to date.

I have looked at a Wikipedia list of "Prussian Army" Infantry units, a number of which are from the right century, but all bear their names at the end of the Empire in 1918. Ditto Cavalry Regiments.


Yes, that otherwise marvelous resource for the Kingdom of Prussia from 1701 is just too late. The ms I'm working on only covers the advent of B-P up to the crowning of Friedrich I, not after. But you have a bit of gold there for the WSS folk!

Dal Gavan!

Also, thanks for the twin titles. I'll see if Project Guttenberg or other such source may have them available.
And thanks for the reference for Ol' Barfus--I have short reference to him at Herderbosch/Uerdingen and found a portrait of the Dude to add to that page.

Now if only I could have found a map of that same action!

Anyway, to anyone else looking at this thread with any other sources--here or abroad on the Net--please don't be stingy!


Personal logo Dal Gavan Supporting Member of TMP25 May 2023 5:01 p.m. PST

Dorn and Engelmann will give you the commanders/inhaber details in 1699, mate. They also did Die Kavallerie-Regimenter Friedrich des Grossen. They are relatively newly published (1992 for the German versions), so may not be available for download. You should be able to get them from the library, though- if they are available through the library system here than they'd be available in the US. The ISBN for the (German language) Kavallerie is 3-89350-344-7 and the Infanterie is 3-89350-345-5.

What they won't help with are units that may have been raised prior to the NYW and disbanded before Fred2 took the throne.

BillyNM25 May 2023 10:12 p.m. PST

Again a tad late, but have you tried the Compendium of the Great Northern War?
Or, a tad early, Charles XI War?

BillyNM26 May 2023 2:37 a.m. PST

Just had a look at the Compendium of the Great Northern War and it does list the establishment date of the units and a timeline of their Inhabers up to the GNW. So you can find which units were around in 1699 provided they were still around a couple of years later, but any that were disbanded in that period will get missed.

Porthos26 May 2023 7:06 a.m. PST

Dear Patrick, did you look at the Berliner Zinnfiguren Online Shop ( ? The link shows you this book: Band 3 der Reihe "Das Heerwesen in Brandenburg und Preußen von 1640 bis 1806". Soldatenalltag, Organisation, Ausbau der preußischen Armee und deren strategisch-taktische Planungen. Weiterhin werden Orden und Abzeichen vorgestellt.

In the same serie books this one is offered: link

The shop's website has also an English version. If those books are not exactly what you are looking for, I am sure that they can help you further.


Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP26 May 2023 8:15 a.m. PST

Pat. Please check your messages here on TMP.

Personal logo The Virtual Armchair General Sponsoring Member of TMP26 May 2023 1:02 p.m. PST

Gentlemen All!

Thank you again for your generous help.

I think the short term solution has been the advice to hit the erstwhile Nafziger Collection where I was able to cherry pick all available OB's from the Battle of Warsaw (1656) to a list of the Army on the Rhine in 1690.

I'm crediting that source, of course, and the Gent who talked me into diving into all 317 pages of lists and bring up the pearls.

However, several other recommended sources will get visits to be thorough, and a few book titles are also still singing their siren songs.

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