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"Squadrons and the blue sky series" Topic

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Georg Buechner20 May 2023 9:17 p.m. PST

So I am wondering would the precursor to the blue sky rules series"squadrons" be compatible with the blue sky material? Could it be used as the rules for white star blue sky?

Dennis20 May 2023 10:39 p.m. PST

John Stanoch's Squadrons uses the same basic movement system and other basic mechanics as his later Blue Sky rules series although there may be some minor differences. The principal difference, as I recall, is that Squadrons uses D6 for firing while the Blue Sky rules use D10s. There also may be some "theater" specific rules in some of the Blue Sky series-I never compared them so I don't know for sure.

Black Cross/Blue Sky is the replacement for Squadrons, but it is considerably more expensive as it included plastic flight stands and cardboard aircraft cutouts to make it a complete game in a box, while the other Blue Sky rules were miniatures rules only without the aircraft or flight stands.

John's Blue Sky rules are theater and period specific. So, for example, Squadrons (and later Black Cross/Blue Sky) are essentially Battle of Britain rules, while the others are eastern front, war in the Pacific and so on.

Although the basic flight and shooting mechanics are the same over the series (with possibly some mods for specific theaters and with the difference for Squadrons as mentioned above) the main difference, and reason for the various sets of rules is that each contains the aircraft stats for only those used in the theater and time period represented by the rules. So, for example, you won't find aircraft stats for the Mitsubishi AM-6M 'Zero in White Star/Blue Sky (8th AF rules).

Now for the good news; Marty Fenelon at MSD Games LLC has most of the Blue Sky rules in stock-not Squadrons or Black Cross/Blue Sky. More important though, he also has available as downloads the Blue Sky system stats for what seems to be all aircraft. So if you want to try Blue Sky you should be able to get some rules and most or all aircraft stats from MSD Games.

Also, you might want to read this past thread from TMP:

TMP link

GeorgBuchner20 May 2023 11:08 p.m. PST

thanks i am eyeing off getting the 3 blue sky books from MSD actually, but sadly now copies of black cross there- but if he has all the stats for all aircraft then that could be a good workaround to not having black cross

Ed Mohrmann Supporting Member of TMP21 May 2023 10:41 a.m. PST

Georg. as Dennis noted, 'Squadrons' was a Battle of
Britain' oriented ruleset and did not really feature
fighter versus fighter duels or even Spits/Huries
versus individual German bombers although the rules
do accomodate both escort and interceptor formations.

The other books in the series ('theater' relevant if
you wish) do indeed provide for actions relevant to those
areas of operations (Red Stsr/Blue Sky ops in Russia
even has rules for ramming the enemy and if you really
want to you can try kamikaze attacks in the Pacific
theater set of rules but it is difficult)

Swarmaster1 Sponsoring Member of TMP15 Feb 2024 3:19 p.m. PST

If anyone wants specific aircraft statistics for either the Blue Sky series or the Fight for the Skies (Luftwaffe 1946) series, just send an email to MSD Games. We'll respond as soon as we can with the statistics, or send the existing downloads that have them.

BTW, John evolved the aircraft statistics between Squadrons, Blue Sky booklets, and Black Cross. They are all close, but there are some differences for specific aircraft.

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