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"Camuflaje invernal con blanco «lavable»" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP20 May 2023 8:07 p.m. PST

"I recently published a blog post describing the "lacquer technique", which is commonly used to create "washable" winter camouflage: whitewash-like paint that was applied as you go and peeled off or washed off easily with the arrival of warm weather. the rains, creating very characteristic whitish spots and runoff. However, to create a camouflage of this type in a much easier way, we can use a specific acrylic product, such as Washable White Camo A.MIG 0024. We only need to apply a layer of this paint and then activate it with a little water, skipping the application of lacquer or chipping liquid. In addition, being an acrylic product it is not toxic…"



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