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"Dog Tags: Identifying our Deceased Military Veterans" Topic

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573 hits since 20 May 2023
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian20 May 2023 4:02 p.m. PST

Behind the imposing gates of Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia rests the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Around the clock, active-duty personnel stand as sentinels remembering our fallen veterans. Many cemeteries have remains of soldiers from past wars marked with a single haunting word, "Unknown." To properly identify each man and woman who have paid the ultimate price for their country, the military created identification tags. Here is a look at how those tags have changed over the years…

Fold3: link

14Bore20 May 2023 4:06 p.m. PST

Pretty interesting, I still have mine, made sure my D-Day vet FiL had his when we burried him, I put it in his pocket.

mjkerner21 May 2023 7:54 a.m. PST

Very nice gesture for your Father in law, 14bore. RIP.

jgawne21 May 2023 9:13 a.m. PST

I have a pretty good collection of them from WW1 on. The sad thing is now folks are faking them. Vietnam has long been a hot bed of dogtag fakery, and continues to fool lots of people to this day. Now tags are so collected people fake WW1 and WW2 tags. One fellow make a ton of money faking tags 'found' in Normandy, and named to famous soldiers, until caught out.

A friend of mine has an 'almost' complete collection of WW2 taqgs from every town in the state. The very best history of them is a privately printed book by Paul Braddock.

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