"The Things That Inspire My Gaming: Books, Movies and Music" Topic
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10 May 2023 12:42 p.m. PST by Editor in Chief Bill
- Changed title from "The Things hat Inspire My Gaming: Books, Movies and Music" to "The Things That Inspire My Gaming: Books, Movies and Music"
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Borderguy190 | 10 May 2023 12:39 p.m. PST |
After reading this blog article: link And answering her questions, I got to thinking about the books and movies and music I really enjoy. All of which has directly or indirectly inspired my gaming. Which, of course, I didn't mention! Read about it here: link Let me know what your favs are. BG |
robert piepenbrink  | 10 May 2023 3:42 p.m. PST |
Hmph. Book into movie: LOTR Book this year: She's kidding, right? They haven't even been marked down yet. Movie: Casablanca, Lion in Winter, Wind and the Lion. Song: When the Roll is Called Up Yonder, Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho, Battle Hymn of the Republic. Instrumental pieces would have been a much more difficult sort. Book Hero: John Eric Stark, Daniel Leary, Aral Vorkosigan. (Miles might make 4th.) TV Show: Classic Trek, Kolchak, Nero Wolfe (The A&E Version) Hardly any of which connects with my miniature wargaming, by the way. |
thosmoss | 10 May 2023 6:07 p.m. PST |
Movie: Aliens I can't help but wonder if this movie not only spawned the industry that made GW a giant, but if just about all skirmish style games can trace their roots back to here. |
FusilierDan  | 11 May 2023 3:53 a.m. PST |
Interesting questions and for me it's difficult to limit it it to one on most of them. Many of these media don't past the test of time. Filming technique, hair styles, relevance to your life's currant situation all play a part. That said; Q1: A FAVORITE BOOK MADE INTO A MOVIE? To Kill a Mocking Bird is my favorite book and the movie is in my top ten favorites. The main take away for me is that the reasons people do things are not always apparent. Q2 – A FAVORITE BOOK PUBLISHED THIS YEAR? I've yet to read a book published this year. Q3: FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME? Tough question. I have trouble limiting it to ten. I'll pick Glory today. Great story with excellent cast. Q4: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SONG? Night Rider's Lament written by Michael Burton and Jerry Jeff Walker. Q5: FAVORITE BOOK HERO? Frodo Baggins. An ordinary soul who accepts his fate and goes above and beyond to do what is needed to save others Q6: WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW? TV shows are difficult. Sometimes the first few seasons are very good and then they start to loose their charm. For this I'll say the first few seasons of The Gilmore Girls. Witty fast paced dialogue and quirky characters. |
Borderguy190 | 11 May 2023 5:38 p.m. PST |
Some really answers! @Robert for real. who pays full price for books? @ thosmoss I agree. It all leas back to that. The entire tyranid race is basically a xenomorph @Dan Good choices, and Mockingbird really is so good. |