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"Happy Star Wars Day! Star Wars Walkers Filming Models" Topic

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Inch High Guy04 May 2023 4:55 a.m. PST

Happy Star Wars Day, May the Fourth be with you!

These are photographs of the actual models used in filming of the original Star Wars trilogy. The models were part of a display of props and costumes which toured various museums throughout the United States, I took these pictures while the collection was at the Indiana State Museum in July of 2013.

The Star Wars models are known for their weathered and worn appearance. This was in stark contrast to the squeaky-clean appearance of most science fiction ships up to that time, and lent an air of authenticity to the production. The weathering and chipping techniques on display are worthy of note for all modelers regardless of subject matter.

AT-TE All Terrain Tactical Enforcer from the Clone Wars
AT-AT All Terrain Assault Transport
AT-ST All Terrain Scout Transport

More photos here: link

Dschebe04 May 2023 9:33 a.m. PST

Very interesting, thanks.
May the Force be with you.

Oberlindes Sol LIC Supporting Member of TMP05 May 2023 8:10 p.m. PST

Great stuff. I love the look of the Star Wars universe.

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