For what its worth from Hofschroer:
Prussian Landwehr Uniforms 1815
On 28th March 1815 blue tailless jackets were introduced. They had collars, shoulder-straps and buttons in the provincial colours. There were six buttons on the front of the jacket. The cuffs had piping in the collar colour around them and either a metal or cloth-coloured button for closing the seam slit. NCOs wore the same uniform and officers a double-breasted tunic with two rows of buttons but with the same markings as the jacket.
These jackets do not appear to have been widely adopted by the beginning of the campaign, and the cavalry certainly retained their ‘Lithewkas' for the time being. As a result of an AKO of 29th April, the colour of the shoulder-straps and cuff piping were changed to that of the collars. Regimental numbers, compulsory as a result of a KmO of 20th May, were embroidered on the shoulder-straps. They were red on white and yellow straps, white on the others. Officers wore yellow with gold lace.
The following section is based largely Bourdier's "L'Armee Prussienne de Waterloo" which itself has no sources mentioned, so its reliability cannot be checked.
The Kurmark
The 1. Inf.-Regt. wore the regulation shako covered in waxed-cloth. Their "Lithewkas" were ultramarine. Trousers were white, covering the grey gaiters. Belts were black. The grey greatcoat was worn on the brown pack. Regimental distinctions were poppy-red collars and white shoulder-straps. Sabres were carried.
The 2. Regt. wore a tall cap covered in waxed-cloth. Their trousers were also white with grey gaiters. Greatcoats were worn bandolier fashion with a leather sleeve on the left shoulder. Collars as above, poppy-red shoulder-straps. Sabres or axes were carried.
The 3. Regt. wore a low dark-blue cap with a red band and white cross. Baring the usual regimental distinctions, the rest of the uniform was as the 2. Regt.
The 4. Regt. wore tall uncovered caps. Baring regimental distinctions, the rest of the uniform was as the 2. Regt.
The 5. Regt. wore waxed-cloth covers on their low caps. They wore grey trousers, greatcoat crosswise and a red "5" on their shoulder-straps.
The 6. Regt. wore their low caps uncovered, white trousers, greatcoat crosswise and a yellow "6" on their shoulder-straps.
The 1. Kav.- Regt. wore the British light infantry shako with a black and white pompon. On campaign, it was covered by waxed-cloth. The dark-blue "Lithewka" had cuffs piped red as were the grey trousers. The lance pennants were white over black. The grey square-cut shabraque had two red stripes.
The 2. Regt. dressed as the 1. except for the usual regimental distinctions.
The other four regiments wore the regulation shako and uniform. The sheepskin saddle-cloth was trimmed red. The pennants were as the 1. Regt. Except for the 5. Who had black with a yellow cross.
The Neumark
The 2. Inf.-Regt. wore waxed-cloth covers on their low caps. The "Lithewkas" were quite light-blue, trousers grey piped red and the great coat was worn crosswise. Collars and shoulder-straps were poppy-red. Belts were white.
The 3. Regt. differed from the 2. Only with its regimental distinctions and white trousers.
The 1. Kav.-Regt. wore British light infantry shakos with a waxed-cloth cover. The light-blue "Lithewka" had red piping on the cuffs. The cartridge-box had a yellow-metal lidbadge. The sabre had an iron scabbard. The lance pennant was white over black. The black sheepskin saddle-cloth was trimmed red.
The 2. Regt. wore a waxed-cloth cover on their regulation shakos. The remainder of their uniform was as the 1. Regt. Except for the light-blue piped red waist sash and the red over black lance pennant.
The 1.Inf.-Regt. wore their low caps uncovered. The "Lithewka" was dark-blue, trousers white and the greatcoat was worn crosswise. Collars were white, shoulder-straps as per the norm. Belts were white.
The 2. Regt. covered their caps and had red shoulder-straps, but otherwise were as the 1. Regt.
The 1. Kav.-Regt. wore the British light infantry shako covered by a wax-cloth. Either a short single-breasted coatee or a light grey "Lithewka" were worn. Grey piped red trousers. Lance pennants were white over black. The black sheepskin saddle-cloth was trimmed white. Officers wore the "Lithewka". Trumpeters had yellow and white "swallows-nests" and red and white trumpet cords.
The 2. Regt. wore the regulation shako and "Lithewka". Trumpeters had red and white "swallows-nests" and lance pennants were white over black.
The 1.Inf.-Regt. wore tall caps covered in wax-cloth, dark-blue "Lithewkas", white trousers, black belts and grey greatcoats worn crosswise by the men who had them. Collars were in the province colour, yellow, and white shoulder-straps denoted the regiment.
The 2. Regt. differed in that they wore the British light infantry shako with a white cross and red plume and yellow cuffs. They did not have greatcoats.
The 3. Regt. wore their low caps uncovered. Trousers were white, as were the canvas packs. Belts were black. They also did not have greatcoats.
The 4. Regt. wore their high caps either with or without cover. They wore dark-blie short single-breasted jackets or the "Collet2. The trousers were white, belts black and the grey greatcoat was worn crosswise.
The 1. Kav.-Regt. wore the regulation uniform and black sheepskin saddle-cloths trimmed in red. Lance pennants were white over yellow.
The 2. Regt. also wore the regulation uniform with their saddle-cloths trimmed yellow.
The 3. Regt. wore chapkas which were blue with a yellow trim above and such cords (gold for officers in both cases). Yellow metal chin scales. The dark-blue ulanka was piped yellow with such collars and "Polish" cuffs. The dark-blue tails were also piped yellow. The buttons were of yellow metal. The epaulettes had such a frame and yellow fields. The trousers were grey with yellow metal buttons along the seams. Belts were black. Lance pennants were yellow over red. The uhlan style shabraque was dark-blue piped yellow with a yellow stripe and grey greatcoat roll. Swords were carried in an iron scabbard.
The 1.Inf.-Regt. wore either the covered regulation shako or low dark-blue cap, the "Lithewka" and grey or white trousers. The pack was of white canvas, the belts black and no greatcoat was carried.
The 2. Regt. wore an uncovered cap with a light-blue band and piping, the "Lithewka" with light-blue cuff piping, white trousers, white canvas pack, black belts and no greatcoats.
The 3. Regt. wore the same as the 1., but without the cap piping.
The Kav.-Regt. wore the "Lithewka" with light-blue collars and cuffs, white shoulder-straps and yellow buttons. The double-peaked shako had brass scales, a black/white pompon and white Landwehr cross. The lance pennant was light-blue over red and the black sheepskin saddle-cloth was trimmed in light-blue.
The 1. Inf.-Regt. wore the British light infantry shako with a black plume, white centred black pompon and white cross. A dark-blue, short, single-breasted coatee was worn. The green "Brandenburg" cuffs had dark-blue patches. The coat-tail turnbacks were green. The white trousers were worn over such gaiters. The cuffs of the III. Bat. Differed in that they were plain, just marked with green piping. Their trousers were grey. The I. and II. Bat. Wore their greatcoats on their brown packs, the III. Crosswise. Belts were black. They did not carry sabres.
The 2. Regt. wore covered shakos and single-breasted "Lithewkas". Their grey trousers either covered such gaiters, or were covered in black gaiters. Belts were white. No greatcoats were worn.
The 3. Regt. wore uncovered caps, "Lithewkas", trousers as 2. Regt., white canvas packs, black belts and no greatcoats.
The 4. Regt. wore covered caps, "Lithewkas", grey trousers over such gaiters, white canvas packs and black belts.
The 5. Regt. wore uncovered caps, the "Lithewka" with green shoulder-straps, trousers as 4. Regt., black belts and no greatcoat or sabre.
The Kav.-Regt. wore the regulation uniform. The lance pennant was orange with a black cross.
The 1. Kav.-Regt. wore the regulation shako with a waxed-cloth cover bearing a white Landwehr cross. The "Lithewka" was dark-blue with a madder red collar and white shoulder-straps. Belts were black, buttons of white metal. Overalls were grey. Lance pennants were white over madder red.
The 2. Regt. differed from the 1. only in its headgear which was a dark-blue chapka piped white with a white Landwehr cross and cords, a black plume and brass scales. Their saddle-cloths were of black sheepskin with a madder red trim.
As infantry were not involved, there is virtually no information about them save they wore light-blue trousers.