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The H Man29 Apr 2023 2:32 p.m. PST

Maybe more business strategy?


A new 40k tv show is apparently being made.

I was making a joke about it: Thankfully, for the actors, GW has made the primaris marines, or the costume would seriously screw up their legs…

Wait a minute.

Comics have been very big in the movies since 90-2000s. Computer games also.

Question. Did GW change the scale and anatomy of their games to better facilitate movies and TV deals?

Even AOS has been made to look more cinematic (in a modern over the top cgi sence) than WFB.

After all, thay have been dealing with the biggest trilogy of movies ever made for over 2 decades, something was sure to rub off.

Covert Walrus29 Apr 2023 7:41 p.m. PST

I wouldn't put it past them TBH.

The H Man29 Apr 2023 8:53 p.m. PST

It is interesting if true.

40k is based on top novels and films. Starship troopers, Terminator, Alien, Manga/Anime, Judge Dredd, so on.

Honestly, I'm not sure why the things has been a game for so long. Converting it to more popular media sounds logical.

Perhaps the problem would be its reception in media it has shamelessly taken from.

Eg, Hmm, should I go and see Terminator whatsit, or the new necron flick? I doubt Cameron, or whoever would ignore it.

Apart from any legal issues, if any, the 40k film would get targeted in other ways. Maybe theatres paid to more prominently displayed screen Terminator, or putting out boxed set Home media, so on.

The other franchises used by 40k have a long (often longer) history and already have roots well anchored their respective medias.

GW have done novels and comics. But nothing truly note worthy, from my understanding (like Spiderman or Harry Potter). Even their film/s made escape me (at least one cgi job??).

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP30 Apr 2023 3:06 a.m. PST

As a GW policy, this makes sense. But how exactly is this a conspiracy? I keep getting something like "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful." Is resculpting figures unlawful? Is making movie and TV deals wrong or harmful? Even the "secret" part is iffy. I can't see how they're obliged to discuss corporate strategy with every passing forum or miniatures player.

Now, a secret plan to have JJ Abrams make another movie--THAT might qualify as a conspiracy.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP30 Apr 2023 6:12 a.m. PST

The movie theaters I go to have fairly large lobbies. What would be interesting is a 40K movie release coupled with a GW "store" in the lobby selling starter sets and figure packs based on the movie.

joedog30 Apr 2023 9:35 a.m. PST

People still go to movie theaters?

I thought Covid lockdowns put the final nail in their coffins.

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP30 Apr 2023 11:02 a.m. PST

Am I no longer people, joedog? I walk more or less upright and have opposable thumbs.

I keep dual 23" monitors--good for work, fine for Time Team, Workshop Wednesday or even an old bit of noir--but no way to watch a spectacle. And I'd about have to remodel the house to get a seriously large screen, controls and a decent chair in the same room. There is also movie-grade popcorn. So I was in a theater for Avengers: Endgame, and I expect I'll be back in a theater for Guardians III. The ideal combination is spectacle and a movie I expect to enjoy, but I don't think will be good enough to buy on DVD.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP30 Apr 2023 1:09 p.m. PST

Seriously, Joe? Movie theaters are a billion dollar industry.

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP30 Apr 2023 5:02 p.m. PST

79th, considering the popcorn prices, can you imagine what Regal Cinemas would charge for GW figures?

The H Man30 Apr 2023 5:20 p.m. PST

"Is making movie and TV deals wrong or harmful?"

There are certainly movie deals the original creators regret, Tank girl being one.

Dr Who the movie (probably considered a new series pilot at the time), when braught up in a meeting with virgin books (I think it was, 80s-90s), saw the BBC not renew/end the contract. The Guy who braught it up thought the BBC thought he thought they must be selling loads of books to be asking about it. They got away with doing vanilla new adventures for a while, but their books eventually stopped.

Free Willy, anyone?

It sounds like many actresses in Hollywood have a story.

Often people can't be in one film, as they are in another.

The Terminator stalled because Arni had a Conan contract that wouldn't let him start when wanted.

Zim (I think that's his name, "MEDIC!"), couldn't be in Starship troopers 2 (a highly underrated film) because he was in Caravele.

ELVIS? I'm pretty sure contracts were involved in his untimely departure.

Many people have signed "movie" contracts that directly lead to their harm. Not sure if they are shown in cinemas anymore, maybe down certain streets?

Lots of hind sight, of course, Rust, The Crow…

So on

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP30 Apr 2023 5:55 p.m. PST

Robert, GW would sell the figures for MSRP. The theater would have to get some kind of cut, but those are details for someone else to work out

The H Man01 May 2023 4:32 p.m. PST


I was going to say thats unlikely, as many movies (not enough these days) have Toys and merchandise.

However, GW do have dedicated stores in most cities? So they could push for the manager to get into contact with local theatres.

More likely is a free space marine stuck to the top of a drink cup.

I doubt they would do sprues though.

La Belle Ruffian12 May 2023 6:36 a.m. PST

I was discussing Henry Cavill's involvement as a producer in this enterprise with a friend last week. He walked out on the Witcher due to feeling the writers didn't stick to the lore. I can't imagine he'd put up with taking the series too far from the source material (Dune-esque references aside, maybe).

GW's IP is their key selling point though, with huge sums through computer gaming licences, so I'm not sure how they can lose here. Worse case, someone else has put up the financing and the usual suspects continue buying games and miniatures. Best case, Cavill reinvents 40K fandom and the gaming audience (virtual and miniature) increases substantially.

The H Man25 May 2023 5:27 a.m. PST

As if the hobby wasn't commercial enough.

It may only drive, certainly GW, but others with it, yet further from its roots.


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