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"Future of GW LOTR???" Topic

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The H Man23 Apr 2023 5:29 p.m. PST

What may a post licence GW (not)LOTR range look like?

They have created their own models, not seen in the films. So will they still own these scilpts after the licence expires?

What ones did they create?

What will a new game look like?

smithsco23 Apr 2023 5:51 p.m. PST

I would assume if they lose the license they just drop the line totally. Can't be that much money in it if it can't be LOTR

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP23 Apr 2023 6:12 p.m. PST

If I remember correctly, some of the old GW Judge Dredd line showed up in later SF lines, but not for long. I can see some LOTR sculpts going "Age of Sigmar" until the next change in scale.

The rule is always to overbuy franchise figures. You can't count on them staying in production after the licensing period expires, and the next firm to have the license will go for a different style or scale--quite possibly both.

The H Man23 Apr 2023 8:52 p.m. PST

Good to see GW doing pre orders of old metal. I nearly got some fellowship orcs, but didn't, dang. Maybe next time.

Have to find a list of the GW made up stuff, I think a lot of harad and Easterling off shoots were. That's some evil army or two done.

Or maybe no they are the good guys??

Therre is also the thing of the resculpts. Radagadt, umm..?? I think Smaug was?? I though a bunch were redone for the hobbit?? Newline probably still claim both though.

I could see them used as another, perhaps realistic fantasy game. Maybe aos for computer games, old world for orcs and elves, and what ever they call it for realistic fantasy, like got/LOTR.

For a name? Similar, but different.

Dark realms strategy battle game. Maybe something like that. Sort of a sequel/off shoot look.

It would be smart for them to greese the wheels and get a little game going before the big event. Just some new figs with the realistic look. Maybe as a smaller scale skirmish.

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2023 3:40 a.m. PST

The non-film figures are a tiny proportion of the GW LOTR range – not much milage in a Tom Bombadil-based figure line…

….but they've been making the LOTR range for more than two decades so there's probably no shortage of figures out there for anyone who wants to carry on with the game post licence loss (if that were to ever happen).

Mr Elmo24 Apr 2023 4:25 a.m. PST

Honestly, I don't see a company with a market cap over 3 billion losing their license unless they don't want it. MESBG is a core product so I'm guessing it's safe.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Apr 2023 7:40 a.m. PST

It may not be up to them. Licenses often include minimum royalties. So GW may be looking at a money loser if sales are too low, and may have to drop it.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP24 Apr 2023 10:11 a.m. PST

The rules themselves could easily be renamed or reattached to a new franchise.

I think they were used in an Osprey pirate game.

Mr Elmo24 Apr 2023 2:43 p.m. PST

if sales are too low, and may have to drop it.

The miniatures cost very little and get players in the store looking at AoS and 40K. Even at a loss (which I doubt) it could be worth it: the hobbyists pay for licensing anyway.

The H Man24 Apr 2023 5:36 p.m. PST

Tom bombadil would be licensed, however, yes, perhaps the figure itself is not?

I am talking from GW prospective, not players who would still want to play ME, although it's those people they would be catering to initially.

There is meant to be a 40k film (though I still prefer the 80s tv pilot, sock puppet gretchin and all).

That will be new and, assuming it's in theatres, big enough. It will draw people directly to 40k in store. No need for lotr there.

Its got to be hard to keep selling fighting uruks and moria goblins.

I do notice the metal pre order casts they have been having. Perhaps that's a sign of GW desperately trying to scrape every last cent out of the licence until it ends?

I mean, if they just wanted to provide people with alternative orcs, then they would just make a new sprue and not revert to the metal moulds?

Maybe it's just to cater to people who want them? But that doesn't sound very GW.

Perhaps they are doing it to help off set the licence cost? I mean, recasting metal figures is basically free money for them. Having them limited time orders means they can put up new ones when needed, keeping a couple of chaps perpetually employed making and casting moulds.

I assume they are checking ebay for what oop figures are going for ludicrous prices and or are rare to non existent.

Its good for us either way, but there may be more behind it than that. After all their new fancy plastics are so much better aren't they (cough, cough)

Zephyr124 Apr 2023 9:46 p.m. PST

The whole line will most likely be discontinued after the license expires, mainly because continuing even parts of it (if they are allowed to) creates an administration/department cost (meaning, paying people) for a now unsupported line (GW has a history of discontinuing their own products ;-), so the personnel will be reassigned to New! Exciting! Coming Soon! projects… ;-)
But if you want'em/need'em, get them now, because there is no guarantee any might be released in the future…

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP25 Apr 2023 6:00 a.m. PST

Its got to be hard to keep selling fighting uruks and moria goblins.

Actually I don't think that is hard at all.

Tom bombadil would be licensed, however, yes, perhaps the figure itself is not?

To Tolkien Enterprises, but not Newline since he was left out of the films entirely. Not even a mention.

The H Man25 Apr 2023 5:12 p.m. PST

I would assume the GW people work on multiple projects, or at least, can.


Selling lots of orcs offers an interesting point.

If the licence ends and the models are still selling well. Hence my topic.

If the game/models are good enough to keep selling and keep it available, why would GW want that to end just because the licence ends?

Perhaps they could start a supplement about another land, out side of middle earth, but not mentioned in the books (I think they basically did this to some extent). Then populate it with some elves and orcs that are unique, perhaps a relm of men and dwarfs. Adds some freshness to the existing game, and once the plug is pulled, its good to go.

Another option, as mantic has done it, and maybe GW? Is to rescale figures to match the other games.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP26 Apr 2023 5:32 a.m. PST

Where do I find the 80s 40k pilot you mention?

What's it's title?

The H Man30 May 2023 6:44 p.m. PST

It, or part if it, was up on YouTube for a while.

My friend had a tape, can't remember if it was bought or just from tv.

I think it was more aimed at kids than adults. Some pirate type Ork and his grots and an imperial type doing the daring do to stop his dastardly plans, with Guardsmen/marines.

Usual Fair.

Obscure, like the Czech? LOTR show.

The H Man07 Nov 2023 10:05 p.m. PST

I suspect the writing is on the wall.

GWs site is now Warhammer.

The Old world is coming out soon.

LOTR is not a Warhammer game.

It is, sadly, not needed anymore, as GW/Warhammer are doing their own movies/tv. They are bringing back their own orcs and elves game.

I, sadly, can't see where LOTR fits in to the upcoming year.

I estimate the license for LOTR may run out next year.

Its already pushed down to lower shelves among the lesser games, with no huge releases, that I am aware of, for a long time.

Its been vigorously raided for all possible miniatures.

Time will tell, but I think they are just awaiting the licence expiry.

The H Man26 Dec 2023 2:45 p.m. PST

Just looking at the Warhammer community news for lotr.

Looks like just a clear option for the dead in the last number of months.

GW doesn't even know if they are cast with a blue or green tint! That's how much they care!

That and a title saying how strong the game is going. Things aren't lining up. Smells of Warlord Dr Who to me.


Got the old world coming out next month??

That's a major shift in focus for GW.

Out with Rohan and the dead and in with bretonians and tomb kings.

Maybe the final push with the clear dead casts wasn't accidental. Perhaps it was to get undead top of mind for lotr players, so that a transition to tomb kings would be players next step.

Coincidence, I don't think so!

Again, the armies selected for the old world are the closest to lotr.

Orcs-orcs. Beastmen-orcs. Warriors of c- orcs/dunland. Dwarfs-dwarfs. Elves-elves. Wood elves-wood elves. Bretonians -rohan, empire-gondor,

Tomb kings are the only anomaly, except for the dead warriors, but also reflect harrad, and the desert themed releases of lotr.

There are no Ratmen or lizardmen or deamon armies or dark elves, or ogre armies, or chaos dwarfs, in lotr. Funnily enough, they aren't in the old world either!

Two near identical fantasy games. One with a 20 year run with few new releases, no new content and probably the same sized yearly bill attached. The other missing for much of that time, licence free, with possibly even more existing content to draw on and expand with free sculpts and moulds ready to go for a huge range with go to go fans all over the world.

Hmm… Tough business choice.

I believe lotr has 1-3 years. They may want it around, just in case TOW flops, but I'd say they will be selling far more TOW going forward than lotr.

Paul Walks04 Feb 2024 10:48 p.m. PST

I see GW have announced they are rereleasing some of their old metal LOTR sculpts on a limited run basis during 2024, so if you missed out on any Rohan character figure for example now is the chance to pick up, but suspect they wont be cheap!

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