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"Pugnat gladiatorium" Topic

3 Posts

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hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP19 Apr 2023 10:13 p.m. PST

Hello everyone ,

As you know, in DBA, DBM and DBMM, troop types are classified by how they fight rather than by their equipment as in the older rules.

I thought it's funny because that's exactly how the gladiators of ancient Rome were characterized, by their ways of fighting…

They called it "armaturae," (the panoplía or panoply).

From this concept I immediately thought of DBA, DBM and DBMM…

Well the first problem is that historically gladiators fought 1 against 1 or 5 gladiators of the same type against 5 others of another type…

So we should base them individually?

No, this will completely distort the DBA, DBM and DBMM systems.

So we will not take into account this historical characteristic, on the other hand in DBM and DBMM, gladiators are always counted as irregular, it is already a first piece of information.

But how to count their element bases?

After a serious reading of the description of the different types of element bases in DBMM I propose for example for 15-25mm figures that:

The gladiators of the velites'armaturae' are Psiloi (S) @ 3 points, (two miniatures per element base).

The gladiators of the hoplomaques 'armaturae' are Spears (O) @ 4 points, (four figures per element base).

The gladiators of the equites 'armaturae' are Light Horse (O) @ 4 points, (two figures per element base).

The gladiators of the Gallic 'armaturae' are Warband (F) @ 3 points, (three figures per element base).

The gladiators of the essedaries 'armaturae' are Cavalry (O) @ 6 points, (One chariot and one or two crew miniatures per element base).

The gladiators of the sagittarii 'armaturae' are Psiloi (O) @ 2 points, (two miniatures per element base).

The gladiators of the retiary 'armaturae' are Psiloi (i) @ 1 point, (two miniatures per element base).

The Gladiators are Samnite 'armaturae' are Blades (S) @ 7points, (four figures per element base).

The gladiators of the mirmilion'armaturae' are Warband (S) @ 5 points, (four miniatures per element base).

Gladiators of the Thracian 'armaturae' are Auxilia (S) @ 4 points, (three or four figures per element base).

The gladiators of the secutors' armature' are Blades (F) @ 5 points, (three or four miniatures per element base).


Just for fun I let you decide what types of element bases will be the gladiators of the "armaturae" that I have not indicated.

A 'familia gladiatoria' will only be made up of elements of the same type and will fight an opposing 'familia gladiatoria' of an equal FGP ('familia gladiatoria points').

It is absolutely necessary that all the elements of a 'familia gladiatoria' are identical otherwise it is no longer a gladiatorial combat but an ordinary military battle…

GurKhan20 Apr 2023 7:39 a.m. PST

Sounds …. odd.

If you want a DB*-style gladiatorial game, have you considered DBV – link ?

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP21 Apr 2023 5:46 a.m. PST

I did not know, but it is not a rule that is played by elements and it is not specifically for gladiator fights.

But did you not understand what I wanted to do above with "Pugnat gladiatorium"?

It is exactly with the system of games of DBA, DBM and DBMM that the Romans classified the gladiators, by their ways of fighting, not their equipment.

Thank you anyway.

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