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"AB - what would you like to be produced." Topic

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Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP23 Oct 2024 7:59 a.m. PST

OK, it is 20mm and WWII, but I recently got a bunch of AB tank crew, US and "British" uniforms, and they are just of incredible quality. That range keeps expanding with some very imaginative subjects of late.

von Winterfeldt23 Oct 2024 11:26 a.m. PST

I just like to express my awe when painting those lovely sculpts, like at the moment Austrian infantry of the French Revolution, I am impressed how AB goes into pains to sculpt even the different finger position of a drummer and how they hold the drum sticks, in 18 mm – insane sculpting which speaks about the dedication of the sculptor, a labour of love.

I would wish anything regarding the French Revolution, though that might be a most unrealistic wish there seemingly hardly anybody is interested in this period.

Anthony Barton10 Nov 2024 3:24 p.m. PST

Thank you both for your very kind words, which are the sort of support that keeps me going.
Yes, I do care about the detail and quality of what we produce,and when it comes to things like the drummer's fingers, well, I am myself a drummer, trained to play a sidedrum as a cadet when I was 13, and since then in more recent years the Town Drummer of York , beating a massive 16c style drum for Civic occasions. So I have a personal interest in getting such details right.

Nine pound round11 Nov 2024 5:51 a.m. PST

I would second v.W. I would love to game the minor and peripheral games of the Revolutionary era, but clothing changed so much during that time (and semi-irregularly uniformed emigre and volunteer units were so common) that there are virtually infinite possibilities.

To the general acclaim, I would add that your figures are an absolute joy to paint, in a class by themselves in that regard, offering definition and detail that give finished figures a unique charm.

Valmy9213 Nov 2024 5:25 a.m. PST

I'll add my admiration as well. I just finished a unit of mixed Marie Louises and National Guard, love the variation and detail. I currently have figures by three manufacturers on the table and the AB action AdCs are far and away the best.

14Bore13 Nov 2024 5:31 a.m. PST

Soldiers sitting down

Redcurrant30 Dec 2024 3:22 p.m. PST

On the Eureka website there is a note as to what is coming out.

There are Guard Chasseurs a Cheval in full dress, Italian Guardes D'Honour, Dutch Hussars and artillerymen, Cossack artillery, Austrian Landwehr, and all sort of other things.

Look out for the new releases from Eureka.

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