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"AB - what would you like to be produced." Topic

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Redcurrant12 Apr 2023 4:28 p.m. PST

BE RESPECTFUL – request, do not demand.

In a post last May, Mr Barton said that they had recently had their annual discussion about what to produce in the forthcoming year. I can only assume that this was around the time of Salute, when Nik Robson, from Eureka, comes over for the show.

Suggestions have to be commercially viable.

The following list is taken from the previous topic – feel free to add others for their consideration.

More variations of artillery crew without backpacks.

Danish (1812-14) – the whole range – yes I know this could take years.

Swedish (1812-14) – as above.

French Hussars in full dress, plumes, shako cords, pointy saddlecloth, sword drawn, sitting at rest (with elite company as well). These will also do for Bavaria/Baden/Saxony/Westphalia/Poland.

Confederation of the Rhine troops in single-breasted tunic.

British rifles marching with shouldered arms.

Westphalian cheveaux-legere

Saxon Guards

Italian Light-Horse, with braiding across the chest. This would complete my Italian army, the rest being differently painted French figures.

Redcurrant12 Apr 2023 4:37 p.m. PST

Forgot to add:

Portugese Legion – inf, cav, and art.

Baden troops in helmet.

nnascati Supporting Member of TMP12 Apr 2023 4:52 p.m. PST

British for Flanders 1790s in bicornes and long gaiters.

MDDriessen12 Apr 2023 5:34 p.m. PST

Austrians, British and Prussians in Greatcoats, Frech Revolutionary wars.

Cavcmdr12 Apr 2023 5:38 p.m. PST

Please : – Nobody does these!

Artillery crew evading.

Both for the 18th century and the Napoleonic period.
One or either will do me. They will be used for every army I have so mixed or no hats will do. Movement is more important in this scale.

Many thanks in advance.

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP12 Apr 2023 6:28 p.m. PST

what about completing the Ottomans? Cavalry (Spahis)…and artillery.

nnascati Supporting Member of TMP12 Apr 2023 6:41 p.m. PST

+1 Dave Jackson.

jwebster Supporting Member of TMP12 Apr 2023 8:06 p.m. PST


Mounted civilians. Many generals had a female companion

Spanish in "British" uniform



Au pas de Charge12 Apr 2023 8:26 p.m. PST

Aside from some band sets both foot and mounted. I would like some more casualty sets for different nations' foot and horse.

Some Specialized vignettes, such as different sets with Napoleon and bodyguards or Marshals, ADCs and other hangers on.

A "Three emperors" set for 1813-1814.

Some carriages. Napoleon's carriage, Joseph's Vittoria carriage…maybe some British looters.

I think a set of Peninsular British making a wild bayonet charge for an "After the volley" unit.

von Winterfeldt12 Apr 2023 10:39 p.m. PST

Anything pre 1801 – Antony Barton did already the Austrians, and French line cavalry 1792 – 1800, otherwise he should follow where his enthusiasm for sculpting is leading him.

Anthony Barton12 Apr 2023 11:49 p.m. PST

Thanks, I'm listening.
I might add that I have just made some Polish Hussars for the 1812 campaign; a mule-drawn Spanish gun team , and a set of civilian drivers for the Spanish artillery.
There are more Wurttemburg Infantry poses, more Polish poses,all now made, and Baden Infantry are on my list to do soon.
And a set of Bonaparte figures for 1798, 1800, 1806, and our existing 1812 version.
I hope to be at Salute, so if anybody wants to talk, that's what I'm there for.

Anthony Barton12 Apr 2023 11:52 p.m. PST

Oh, and I took the earlier request for more artillery crews to heart( in fact the first thread on " AB Artillery Variation"): I have made 12 new French artillery figures, to go with the remodelled guns and howitzers.
Someone asked for Russian 1805 cavalry in charging mode : done, all of them.

nickinsomerset13 Apr 2023 1:45 a.m. PST

WW2 French Infantry would be nice,

Tally Ho!

Personal logo optional field Supporting Member of TMP13 Apr 2023 2:11 a.m. PST

is just like to say thank you to Anthony Barton for his enormous contributions to the hobby over many years.

nnascati Supporting Member of TMP13 Apr 2023 5:50 a.m. PST

Anthony, your minis are truly second to none. Yes, please expand and complete the French Revolution era forces, especially British. And please add to the Ottoman range.

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP13 Apr 2023 6:58 a.m. PST

I am very glad to see you engaged here Tony. And the seemingly storm of excellent additions to AB. I was quite concerned about you for awhile. (I used to own True North Productions, and recently sold my 15mm Napoleonic line and outstanding masters etc to The Viking Forge)

Shark Six Three Zero13 Apr 2023 7:31 a.m. PST

Does anyone know how close are these figures to 1/72 plastic?

xLAVAx13 Apr 2023 8:23 a.m. PST

I have tons of AB Napoleonics. Fantastic minis!

The AB ACW range could use some more flag bearer variations, especially because you need 2 per Union regiment.

The range also doesn't have a supply wagon. Though I guess it is not essential, supply wagons still look very cool on an ACW battlefield.

Keep up the great work, what ever you decide! One of my favorite companies.

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP13 Apr 2023 9:44 a.m. PST

Sharksixthreezero, they are not compatible at all with 1/72

Shark Six Three Zero13 Apr 2023 12:20 p.m. PST

Thanks Dave Jackson.

Personal logo Doctor X Supporting Member of TMP13 Apr 2023 1:04 p.m. PST

Napoleonic Swedes and Danes 1812+ have been long neglected. They both seem to have some pent up demand. A search just on TMP will reveal multiple requests for them every time the topic comes up.

The 18mm figures currently available for both these armies are a mix of wrong uniform, ranges that were started and have sat dormant for years, or both.

Napoleonic Ottomans, outside of the Egypt campaign, also seem to be poorly or incompletely represented. They are another army that has come up often on similar discussions.

If an accurate and complete range was available I know I would buy hundreds of each of these three armies.

Carta202213 Apr 2023 2:43 p.m. PST

Dear Mr Barton. I thank you very much indeed for making the new French artillery figures, sorry to have brought up the Howitzer case! You are truely a perfectionist and a treasure in this hobby.
Best wishes.

Ruchel13 Apr 2023 3:08 p.m. PST

Russian 1805 musketeers, fusiliers and grenadiers skirmishing (loading/firing).

14Bore13 Apr 2023 4:02 p.m. PST

Vehicles beside limbers and Caisson

evilgong13 Apr 2023 5:12 p.m. PST

Add my vote to the 'fill out the Ottomans' pile.

Nizam, bostanci, gunners, guns, sipahi, delis, Anatolian irregs, sipahis, janissaries in turbans, Greeks, Arab foot, Bedouin zamburak camel-gunners.

Any or all of these would be great.


David F Brown

Erzherzog Johann13 Apr 2023 9:22 p.m. PST

Walking artillery crew to accompany limbers.

Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP13 Apr 2023 9:26 p.m. PST

Bring back and complete the WSS range he did a couple of decades ago. (I still have 3 unopened packs – always with hopes of coming across more).

Jcfrog14 Apr 2023 6:47 a.m. PST

Danes, considering their very limited use, are not very "economic" for AB/eureka, as they have been nicely done by blue Moon.
variations of some commands for cavalry
(unfortunately I have very much all of what is said by others)
Baden yes
Great coats yes as they are practical to hide facings and fast and cheap add some units when needed.
The 1801 and before is a all or nothing thing (at least all of one campaign) which is a lot of different minis. Not sure it can be done in a time span which is economically viable? though it would be great!

Civilians, so those skirmish games or similar are not reserved for 28mm (Germans, Spanish, Russian/"easterners(!)"
dismounted cavalry that could be needed in those games? (ex fr dragon for Spain without sabers hanging to fall).

Yes Ottomans, could be good, but again a lot of minis, and really you think a lot of sales? scenario books? sources? and even (I ferreted a bit in Russian sources/gamers and it looks these guys are, well , would be disappointing to use in games. If you think Austrians are sticky and dumb, wait for ottomans.

Also yes to artillerists variations, these stand out in games.

dead guys to use as counters/markers.

VonBlucher14 Apr 2023 6:37 p.m. PST

Love to see Guard Horse Grenadiers in undress uniform (Eylau) charging.

Redcurrant15 Apr 2023 2:33 a.m. PST

The Danes have been nicely done by Blue Moon, but there are problems with the range. Firstly it is incomplete, and secondly the cavalry are poor. Sizewise they look like they were modelled on 14 year olds. Needless to say, they are now very low on my painting priority list.

If AB do produce the Danes, then I am quite willing to replace the entire army.

Why wouldn't you want French allies clothed in red?.

14Bore15 Apr 2023 6:17 a.m. PST

I do use unneeded Artilleryman for abandoned guns, but try and use poses that look appropriate. Walking could also go with limbers.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP15 Apr 2023 8:16 a.m. PST

Wish this had also appeared in the WWII forum. I would have requested Free French tank crews. So easy. US tankers but with different heads, whether forage caps, sailors hats or berets. Non existent in 1/72 and a huge market in France at least.

Swampking15 Apr 2023 10:18 a.m. PST

French allies in red won't work for 1812+ Danes, as the Danes were in a jacket without rear tails. However, most of the infantry uniforms had front 'flaps'.

However, I would argue that Nap. Danes (either 1808 or 1812+) are commercially viable; namely because they could be used for Norwegians vs. Swedes or for some of the South American Liberator! units of the same time period or after.

At present, I've had to resort to using OG15s and Miniature Figurines Nap. Brunswickers for infantry and artillery and Brit Nap. dragoons in shako for my 1814 Norwegians.

AB are incredible minis and some of the Naps. can be used for other periods, such as the Nap. Prussian Landwehr for 1848 Danish jaegers.

If I had a vote, I'd say more Ottomans – with infantry command and Greek Derbents. Admittedly, the old Jacobite Miniatures Nap. Greek Derbents were awesome, especially the officer with eye patch and pistol!

Dave Jackson Supporting Member of TMP15 Apr 2023 10:57 a.m. PST

Tom Dye……WSS you say??

CamelCase16 Apr 2023 11:39 a.m. PST

Do the whole line over again….in 10mm

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP16 Apr 2023 4:49 p.m. PST

I'm not in the market any more, but I remember French Rev/1803 Hanoverians as being a gap.

johannes5517 Apr 2023 1:49 a.m. PST

I thought Kingdom of Holland were also in the pipeline?

Redcurrant17 Apr 2023 1:55 a.m. PST

On the previous thread Mr Barton said that the Kingdom of Holland infantry had been done and was on its way to Eureka in Australia, but that was over 3 months ago.

I am also looking forward to their release.

Jcfrog17 Apr 2023 12:07 p.m. PST

and something else missing:

a couple of ACW horse artillerymen to mix, (would be the only one anywhere) with riding boots to figure out nicely your acw HA units.

Acw dismounted cavalry command.

Nbonaparte Supporting Member of TMP18 Apr 2023 7:09 p.m. PST

My vote French 1807 gunners in greatcoat. Need them to complete my Eylau OB andgame

Nbonaparte Supporting Member of TMP18 Apr 2023 7:14 p.m. PST

A vote for Roman legions advancing with gladius EIR specifically 9AD-16AD for Germany. Also Germans too.

Nbonaparte Supporting Member of TMP18 Apr 2023 7:18 p.m. PST

A vote for Roman legions advancing with gladius EIR specifically 9AD-16AD for Germany. Also Germans too.

I second or third was it sincere thanks to Tony. I love AB figures and have and will continue to purchase them.

MaleGriffin19 Apr 2023 3:02 p.m. PST

First off, thank you Tony for all the Fantastic figures!
I would love to see more ACW figures. (My Napoleonics are 28mm) The "new" Generals are fantastic, but I would love to see more, like the Old Glory and Blue Moon lines. Eastern and Western theaters. A rework of the ACW artillery. The hand spike is much shorter than portrayed. What does each crewman do? Look up ACW cannon drill for positions and poses. More officers and command variety please. A Confederate cavalry bugler in slouch hat. For that matter, do some head swaps on the masters so we get more variety in finished figures. It's too hard to swap 15mm heads ourselves.

Speculus20 Apr 2023 4:49 p.m. PST

Hmmm… I would love to see an Imperial Guard band with a snazzy drum major. This is also pretty niche, but also some prisoners ( you see them a lot in paintings).

Redcurrant04 Jun 2023 12:56 p.m. PST

I would love to see what the Eureka range gets up to as it gets going again, from such a long holidays.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP04 Jun 2023 1:11 p.m. PST

If ever ever there was a thread to keep going, this is it. You do get the impression that "someone" is actually listening and will bother to respond.

I want Free French tank crews and may yet get such it seems.

Never mind. A quality modeller that listens to us…respect

Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP04 Jun 2023 11:16 p.m. PST

1815 Hanoverians wearing flat caps.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP05 Jun 2023 1:44 a.m. PST

Did they though? Much suggestion that that is an oft represented fantasy (which would be a shame!)

John Tyson05 Jun 2023 9:33 p.m. PST

I would like a Marshal Kutuzov in an open carriage for the battlefield--with accompanying persons.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP06 Jun 2023 7:09 a.m. PST

Well it was quite a few years back now, but I did make a series of carriages from AB miniatures figures. Here are two of them, open carriages, which might inspire.






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