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"Horse, Foot and Guns...Version 2.0 ?" Topic

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hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP07 Apr 2023 7:14 a.m. PST

Hello everyone,

Impossible to find a Horse, Foot and Guns Version 2.0, there are only Horse, Foot and Guns Version 1.1?

And also impossible to find a copy of "Tricorne & Musket", a copy of " Shako & Bayonet" and a copy of " Kepi & Rifle"?

Yet these 4 rules are indicated "as to come" on the front of the cover of "Horse, Foot and Guns Version 1.1"?

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP07 Apr 2023 7:30 a.m. PST

It took 10 years to go from HFG version 1 to version 1.1….plus, the dude is 90 years old…

MajorB07 Apr 2023 7:52 a.m. PST

"Horse, Foot and Guns Version 1.1" is the latest version. Phil Barker never developed the system further.

"Tricorne & Musket", "Shako & Bayonet" and "Kepi & Rifle" only ever existed as games under development. None of them were ever published.

Martin Rapier07 Apr 2023 9:14 a.m. PST

That is the only version there is. I don't think Phil is up to taking it any further.

The published version is complicated enough as it is, without any extra supplements.

lkmjbc307 Apr 2023 11:54 a.m. PST

Not all hope is lost on this…

Joe Collins

evilgong07 Apr 2023 2:26 p.m. PST


Not all hope is lost on this…

Joe Collins


Wonderfully cryptic, tell us more.

DAvid f Brown

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP07 Apr 2023 11:02 p.m. PST

Thanks MajorB, that's just what I wanted to know.

blank frank09 Apr 2023 9:38 a.m. PST

Groan I did have a rough draft of one of the sub sets shared through the now defunct HFG Yahoo discussion group. I can't find it on my computer :( So they must be about. There was some play testing of WRG rules at the Milton Keynes club by Steven Bowns who was a member of the new WRG ltd. Sadly he has passed on. I'm hoping a lot Phil's unrealized ideas might be pulled together through John Curry's history of wargaming project.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP10 Apr 2023 4:10 a.m. PST

Anyway Horse, Foot and Guns Version 1.1 is exactly what I was looking for !

blank frank12 Apr 2023 3:20 a.m. PST

I'd be interested to hear how you get on with them. I like the whole DBX concept but I found them a little difficult and the micro measurement a bit involved. And perhaps more important I couldn't get anyone else to play them. I wish Phil's original DBN idea 'Boots and Brandy' was available. As it as shown at a WD (Wargames developments) conference it can't have been more than 2 pages. I suspect those guys who developed DBA into DBN might be the easier rule set.

Personal logo 4th Cuirassier Supporting Member of TMP29 Aug 2023 9:03 a.m. PST

I'm slightly astounded to hear PB is 90 but it is indeed true


blank frank29 Aug 2023 11:19 a.m. PST

I last spoke to him at the Society of Ancients Battle day 2019 where Telamon was being re-fought using 12 different sets of rules. He pointed out they were all based on his 6th edition rule set!

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP26 May 2024 5:03 a.m. PST

@blank frank
I only like HFG-DBR-DBMM and DBA but only in its first edition.

@4th Cuirassier
Impossible to write lies on TMP!

Oakley30 Nov 2024 5:47 a.m. PST

There is talk of HFG version 2 in play test.
Facebook page – HFG (Horse Foot & Guns Wargame Rules)
They say it is a fully revised version…

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