Nick Stern | 02 Apr 2023 6:22 p.m. PST |
My favorite battle, that I've run four times, is Jackson's Night Battle on Dec. 23rd, 1814. It's the Battle of New Orleans in a microcosm. You've got Choctaw warriors, Free Men of Color, Mounted Rifles and US Army Regulars attacking the 4th Regiment of Foot (The King's Own), the 85th Regiment of Foot Light Infantry, 95th Rifles and all the while you've got Lafitte's Baratarians in the schooner Carolina cruising the river lobbing round shot into the British camp. Oh, and don't forget the British rockets. All this took place in the dark of night and the Americans managed to capture the commanding officer of the 95th in the confusion. |
Grattan54 | 02 Apr 2023 7:42 p.m. PST |
Ft Mims. I find the idea of a real native America attack on a fort and a desperate defense interesting. |
Glengarry5 | 02 Apr 2023 8:36 p.m. PST |
Lundy's Lane is my favourite battle to wargame as the Americans had improved enough to make it a fair fight and much of it was fought after dark, which makes it challenging to design a scenario for! |
robert piepenbrink | 03 Apr 2023 3:37 a.m. PST |
Bladensburg, I think. Plenty of decisions and alternatives. |
Ferd45231 | 03 Apr 2023 6:47 a.m. PST |
Chippewa. "Those are regulars, by God". H |
IronDuke596 | 03 Apr 2023 9:58 a.m. PST |
All of the above are good choices. Chippewa. Both American and British regulars were evenly matched, Canadian and American militia, Indians on both sides, a combination of wide open fields and swampy forest, rivers and a lake front. Closely followed by Lundy's lane. |
epturner | 03 Apr 2023 1:42 p.m. PST |
I love Queenston Heights. Closely followed by Chippewa, Crysler's Farm and Lundy's Lane. QH is a fascinating battle just because of the personalities involved. But it's a very interesting action, too. Malcomson's book is excellent. I've run it twice at conventions. Might be running it again at Historicon this year. Eric |
Major Mike | 04 Apr 2023 8:12 a.m. PST |
Andrew Walters | 05 Apr 2023 9:01 a.m. PST |
Battle of New Orelans for the song. Something on the Great Lakes if you wanted a cool naval game. |
Brechtel198 | 05 Apr 2023 12:42 p.m. PST |
My favorite battle, that I've run four times, is Jackson's Night Battle on Dec. 23rd, 1814. It's the Battle of New Orleans in a microcosm. You've got Choctaw warriors, Free Men of Color, Mounted Rifles and US Army Regulars attacking the 4th Regiment of Foot (The King's Own), the 85th Regiment of Foot Light Infantry, 95th Rifles and all the while you've got Lafitte's Baratarians in the schooner Carolina cruising the river lobbing round shot into the British camp. Oh, and don't forget the British rockets. All this took place in the dark of night and the Americans managed to capture the commanding officer of the 95th in the confusion. There was also a company of US Marines and an American artillery detachment in the attack. |
Brechtel198 | 05 Apr 2023 12:45 p.m. PST |
The siege of Fort Erie. A bloodily repulsed British attack and a successful American sortie against the British siege lines. Then Chippawa and Lundy's Lane. My son and I went to all three battlefields in June 2016. Lundy's Lane is now in the middle of town, Chippawa battlefield is pristine, and Fort Erie is beautifully restored. |
cmdr kevin | 06 Apr 2023 9:58 a.m. PST |
Fort Erie , because I was there well not back then but the reenactment of the battle every year since 2013 |
Dye4minis | 08 Apr 2023 4:54 p.m. PST |
British Attack at Harve de Grace in Maryland. Not so much the lopsided battle but for the captured "resistance" member captured and his daughter successfully pleaded for release from the British commander- Recognizing her for their courage. Why? Because it's a good and true story and shows that chivalry was still alive and well during that time. No, I am not a British player in this period. |
TimePortal | 22 Feb 2024 10:01 p.m. PST |
I enjoy the battles where the Red Sticks stopped American expeditions and they had to stop regroup before trying again. The Georgia and the next year Carolina offensives were stopped. Jackson was halted twice several months apart before the successful attack on Horseshoe Bend. Spelling is bad because it is late. entichopee Creek where a retreating force was ambushed. This was in southern modern Clay County. Emauckfu was an attack on the Bend that was halted , current northern Tallapoosa county. The Tennessee forces had merged and had a supply stockade Fort Williams on the Coosa River. Though the fort vanished with the rise in river, the cemetery was moved and can still be seen. Jackson never told the truth about losses since it would hurt recruiting. Many wounded died of their wounds. The cemetery monument lists dozens of dead. By the way the Talladega cemetery monument lists a lot as well. |