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"Sabretache Napoleonics?? Any reviews?" Topic

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nsolomon9921 Mar 2023 7:58 p.m. PST

Noticed a rules set called "Sabretache Napoleonics" referred to on the front page. I've never heard of them, are they new or is this a new edition? Any reviews? Anyone played them yet? Anyone been part of the playtest program? Quite a high asking price so I'd like to know anything about them before investing.

GeorgBuchner21 Mar 2023 10:39 p.m. PST

i have a copy of those rules, i got out of curiosity last year, but havent used them

Looking just now through them however i can say that the look very complicated and focus alot on passing orders to subordinates which i guess means it is made for games with a few players per side.

It reminds me of Legacy of Glory but seems to be aimed more at tournament play though there doesnt seem any easy way to organise armies, which would better just going off historical OOBs i my novice understanding is right

units have Strength points and each point represents roughly 100 men, and Morale factors which degrade as sp are lost, but of course how that degrades is guess dependent on other qualities of the unit, i didnt find in the rules how this is determined, i am guessing players would have to work all this out when creating OOBs, it comes with one battle – the Battle of Maida and in it there are also special rules for both french and british, but i didnt find anywhere in the rules about how special rules get determined

in the section on setting up, it makes it clear to me that these rules are not ones i am probably ever going to use -it demands probably a bit too much roleplay for my tastes :

from the Setting up section 1.50:

"Usually a player is in command at level3 cORPS OR level 2 division. Each player is a Commander and a CinC is needed for teams. The Umpire briefs the players, clarifies rules, and monitors off table events. Each team has a gridded sketch map of the battlefield with their forces and the exit for teh holding area. They are used to grid reference orders and battle plans. the umpire is kept informed about hidden forces on the maps. Movement tiles may be used as dummy units. The players knowledge of the geography should match the scenario conditions. "

DeRuyter22 Mar 2023 10:31 a.m. PST

Sounds like a Kriegspiel type game.

Georg Buechner22 Mar 2023 1:35 p.m. PST

I am not familiar with how Kriegspiel works but the author does reference it a few times.
These are the type of rules that are heavy on the use of acronyms for their many turn/phase elements and mechanics

I don't mind complicated rules but as long as I could figure out a way to play them solo, these would take a lot of work to do so

nsolomon9922 Mar 2023 3:57 p.m. PST

Thanks Georg, thats an excellent response, tells me what I need to know, appreciated.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Mar 2023 3:58 p.m. PST

Kriegspiel was a double blind game the Prussian general staff developed. It used maps and little wooden blocks plus the craziest dice thing you've ever seen.

Too Fat Lardies made a reprint a few years back:


DeRuyter24 Mar 2023 11:54 a.m. PST

Thanks Extra Crispy.

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