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987 hits since 15 Mar 2023
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Joe Legan16 Mar 2023 5:40 p.m. PST

Played 1 month out of 3 in a scenario of B-17 Flying Fortress Leader. Not a review really just a report of my missions.
Found here if interested:



Frederick Supporting Member of TMP17 Mar 2023 5:05 a.m. PST

Interesting system – thanks for sharing

Joe Legan17 Mar 2023 2:24 p.m. PST

Your welcome. There is a lot there.



Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP17 Mar 2023 3:29 p.m. PST

Pretty cool, Joe, thanks for sharing. I'm always fascinated by these solo games; I've spent a lot of time reading rule books (found online) and reading reviews/watching reviews (on YouTube) of them, particularly the DVG games.

I bought some print and play solo games from Berserker but haven't really figured them out (skimmed the rules, saw lots of fiddly stuff, resolved to come back to them but haven't), and the DVG games look more complex than I'm looking for, both in terms of the "fiddliness" of the rules as well as the difficulty in converting to a miniatures game (which I'm always looking to do).

The other issue is that it seems/feels like there's not much decision-making involved, or if there is, they don't seem particularly consequential. Any comments in that regard regarding your DVG experience? In this game, it seemed like you were really just picking what units to assign to each target, and it didn't seem like the decisions changed much (obviously, fighter escort was either present or it wasn't, and the bomber units just seemed to vary by experience (and thus capability, apparently), which seems like just a bonus or dice roll modifier?

Sorry, don't mean to bog you down and definitely not trying to run anything down, I'm genuinely curious as to your observations as your opinion might convince me to pick one of the DVG deals up (probably not this one, but maybe Tiger Leader/Sherman or Corsair Leader).


Joe Legan19 Mar 2023 8:14 a.m. PST

Thanks Jack, fair questions as always. I know you and I have a different tolerance for fiddly stuff. There is a fair amount of fiddly here as you have to keep track of a lot.
Regarding decisions I have played a fair number of games where it looks like you are deciding things but they aren't important. This game is NOT like that. The decisions you make are many and have consequences. There are strategic/operational though. Do you go for your primary targets or bomb airfields and factories? Airfields will disrupt luftwaffe ops this month, factories next month. Do you do one raid and ensure destruction of the target or two raids and try to make hay? I could go on and on.
There are no tactacle decisions once the missions go. You are the mission planner


Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP19 Mar 2023 4:44 p.m. PST

Gotcha, thanks Joe, I appreciate the further detail. Good to hear regarding the decision-making, and now I understand your comments on being the S-3/OpsO, makes perfect sense. Believe it or not, I have a well developed obsessive-compulsive side and so I actually enjoy planning and the charting of results (stats), which is why I always have these massive, overly developed rosters for my campaigns.

Very interesting. So, have you played any of the other DVG ‘Leader' games and, if so, anything to recommend? Personally, the bomber group stuff just isn't my thing, but you've definitely piqued my interest.


Joe Legan20 Mar 2023 6:25 a.m. PST

Jack, now why would a Marine NCO not get bomber stuff? I just don't understand. :)
I have the original Gmt hornet leader and thunderbolt/apache leader. Both good games but hornet leader got old fast. Apache leader you have to take out advancing targets to help the ground war which is pretty cool and gives the game legs. Character based.
My brother bought panzer Leader and u-boat leader and wasn't impressed.
Apache leader has actual decisions because you have advancing forces that need to be neutralized and you have to decide where to send your assets. My guess is the DVG version is improved somewhat. That would be my suggestion. [ could look with micro armor but I bought all your Russian stuff.]


Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP21 Mar 2023 2:13 p.m. PST

"…why would a Marine NCO not get bomber stuff?"
Hmmph, I like to think of myself as having quite an eclectic set of interests ;) But yeah, OpsO for a Bomber Group just seems to be a bridge too far.

Very interesting, thanks for the insight. I'm really liking the look of Corsair Leader, but I bit worried that it overlaps with too much stuff I've already got going on (and I'm not sure I want to do the work to integrate it), but I've just become aware of Phantom Leader and Israeli Air Force Leader, so I'm seeing what I can see on them and will probably pick up one of those three.

Will have to give Apache Leader a good, hard look too, though, based on your comments. And since my 6mm stuff is gone maybe I'll look at 3mm ;)


Joe Legan21 Mar 2023 7:06 p.m. PST

It will play well with all that 15mm stuff I swapped you.
I actually have a unopened copy of phantom leader sitting around. Will give you a good deal on it if you want. Email me. And yes you do have a breadth of interests for a Marine. That is why I talk with you. : )


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