"Trial spell lores for Armies of Arcana" Topic
3 Posts
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Mindstone | 16 Mar 2023 11:28 a.m. PST |
Hey folks, I am working on some trial magic lores for Armies of Arcana. None of them have been tested as of yet and I'm looking for feedback! link There is a good old 'Light' and 'Shadow' Lore. Then there is the first ever minor Lore – 'Sorcery'. Sorcery costs half as much as a normal lore and is about half as powerful. Otherwise works in the same way. You can just upgrade any non-caster to use Sorcery for the 125pts cost. Mindstone p.s. the Shadow lore references units which will feature in a new demon trial list, coming soon! |
cfielitz | 17 Mar 2023 4:25 a.m. PST |
I still use Armies of Arcana rules for mass battles. Thanks for the link. I will have to check the spells out. |
Mindstone | 17 Mar 2023 8:26 a.m. PST |
Thats to great to hear pal – I still have the occasional game in the UK! I am working on a whole expansion called the 'City of Shadows', with new army lists and a whole load of story too. So your feedback would be highly appreciated. Hopefully the new spells are just fun! :) |