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"Who makes this figure -- Roma Lady?" Topic

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Schogun15 Mar 2023 7:52 a.m. PST

Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP15 Mar 2023 8:55 a.m. PST

I wish I knew! I want one!

optional field15 Mar 2023 12:24 p.m. PST

I think it's something from the game Carnivale but I can't find the exact figure. you can find something like it here though link

colgar615 Mar 2023 12:29 p.m. PST

My first thought was that it was a Carnevale figure, but I couldn't see it in a current catalogue. But I was intrigued enough to search harder; looks like it *is* a Romani faction model for Carnevale, from a just-announced preview: link

Schogun15 Mar 2023 3:20 p.m. PST

@colgar6 for the win!

Sounds like she may be available as a single figure.

Eumelus Supporting Member of TMP15 Mar 2023 4:08 p.m. PST

Is "Carnevale" a 32mm line? (Too much to hope for, for 28mm I suppose.)

colgar615 Mar 2023 10:51 p.m. PST

They claim to be 28mm (to the eyes). The Carnevale designer says so in this thread: link .

Personal logo Murphy Sponsoring Member of TMP16 Mar 2023 8:52 a.m. PST

That's a nice figure!

Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP19 Mar 2023 8:54 a.m. PST

Thanks for the links! Bookmarked -- once these are available, I'm there!

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