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"Battle of the Java Sea - Dutch 1/3000th" Topic

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1,063 hits since 14 Mar 2023
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The Wargames Room14 Mar 2023 4:35 p.m. PST

Continuing my occasional series on my painting projects a short article along with photos of models for the Battle of the Java Sea. As before the models are 1/3000th from the Navwar range.


Grelber14 Mar 2023 7:59 p.m. PST

Nice looking ships!


The Wargames Room15 Mar 2023 12:05 a.m. PST

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.

Decebalus16 Mar 2023 2:03 a.m. PST

Your Navwar models are so wonderful. I am a big fan of the miniatures, but you have given them a really crisp optic.

Maybe you like to see my Navwar ships. (the text is in German)

TangoOneThreeAlpha16 Mar 2023 2:59 a.m. PST


Thanks for the links to all your very interesting articles. I am just about to dive into WWII naval wargaming, but using Sam Mustafa's new rules 'Nimitz' and intend to use Navwar 1/3000 scale ships, although I'm yet to decide on which theartre to start with. One headache I am having is deciding on which model paints and colours to use, it would be very helpful if you could give a brief rundown on which colours you used for your models.

Many thanks, cheers Paul

The Wargames Room16 Mar 2023 9:57 p.m. PST

@Decebalus, thank you for your very kind words. Your models are excellent as well. While I know Navwar aren't for everyone, I'm really pleased with how they come up. Yours really are first class.

@TangoOneThreeAlpha, thank you for your feedback on the articles. It's hard to know if the anrticles are of interest or if I'm just rambling. Interestingly, I had been wondering about posting an article on paints and techniques, including basing. It sounds as if that may be useful. I intended to just build a selection of ships for the Mediterranean, but I'm enjoying painting these ships so the project keeps growing.

Decebalus17 Mar 2023 3:55 a.m. PST

Paul. I use the classic three tone system, i.e. black base coat, dark grey, middle grey, edge highlight with light grey. IMO that looks better, i.e. cleaner, than using a wash. For the deck i use a middle brown and than i paint little stripes in a lighter brown. I know, that is absolutely unrealistic, but it gives a wooden optic.

I really like paintinbg these little shgips, because it is so simple. It is like a coloring book.

One tip: You want to see, what ships belongs to which nation. After some research without any clear information who used lighter or darker color, i arbitrarely decided, that my british ships have a little bit darker greys and especially a darker brown deck than my germans.

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