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PotbellyMinis04 Mar 2023 6:05 p.m. PST

If you're wanting to get into Biblical-era gaming, then Red Copper have finished their Qadesh kickstarter. It's an interesting range, and while not exhaustive, has all the fundamentals of a Hebrew, Sea Peoples, Hittite, Syrian, or Egyptian army for those interested.

The models are slightly oversized, so like his Aztec range I've been printing them at 90%, which seems about right for 28s. The detail is good though, and the models are animated enough to make them both fun and interesting. In particular he's provided three of each type of light or heavy chariot, and it looks like the horses and crew can be swapped between chariots to make up variety.

If you're able to print your own minis, then contact Mario via the kickstarter page he canprobably set you up with the STL.

If you're unable to print, then a local printer like me could probably help. Our rates are pretty reasonable.

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