"declare war on cartels" Topic
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doc mcb | 03 Mar 2023 11:28 a.m. PST |
Barr: Declare War Against Cartels Erik Erikson: William Barr at The Wall Street Journal (paywall): declare war against the drug cartels. If you can't read the full article, here are the two paragraphs that matter: "What will it take to defeat the Mexican cartels? First, a far more aggressive American effort inside Mexico than ever before, including a significant U.S. law-enforcement and intelligence presence, as well as select military capabilities. Optimally, the Mexican government will support and participate in this effort, and it is likely to do so once they understand that the U.S. is committed to do whatever is necessary to cripple the cartels, whether or not the Mexican government participates. Second, the danger cartels pose to the U.S. requires that we confront them primarily as national-security threats, not a law-enforcement matter. These narco-terrorist groups are more like ISIS than like the American mafia. Case-by-case prosecution of individuals can be a part of an overall effort, but the only way to defeat them is to use every tool at our disposal inside Mexico. Merely designating the cartels as terrorist groups will do nothing by itself. The real question is whether we are willing to go after them as we would a terrorist group." |
Bunkermeister  | 03 Mar 2023 11:55 a.m. PST |
You can't use the military to attack cartels. Drugs bring corruption. We don't want a corrupt military. Drug cartels will pay you a million dollars to look the other way. And if you don't they will torture murder your family, and then shoot you. You can't fight them as traditional law enforcement either. Because they take over the prisons and escape. They need to be tried in abstentia and sentenced to death. Then the sentence needs to be carried out in the field, wherever they are found. Foreign nationals on foreign sold don't have American constitutional rights. Unlawful combatantants don't have the protection of the Geneva Conventions. It would be a very difficult sell with a weak administration and a media that ignores 130,000 drug deaths in the US per year. Mike Bunkermeister Creek |
Andrew LA | 03 Mar 2023 12:52 p.m. PST |
Legalise it and tax it. Once big pharma makes the stuff, the price falls & quality improves and Gov makes a load more tax revenue. Legalising alchohol makes the US Gov a ton of money and results in not too many turf wars between suppliers. The product has a massive demand so suppliers will always come forward in the end. |
doc mcb | 03 Mar 2023 1:13 p.m. PST |
Andrew, your analysis is correct as far as it goes, but I do not want to live in that world. And pretty soon nobody else will either. You can always avoid a war by surrendering. And that may be wisdom if resistance is futile. But is it here? |
Sgt Slag  | 03 Mar 2023 2:32 p.m. PST |
Cut the head off the snake, and the body dies. This is not rocket science. It does, however, require backbone from the CIC, in DC. It could be justified, just like the War on Terror, which is basically what it is. Like I said, it is not rocket science. Cheers! |
Robert Johnson | 03 Mar 2023 2:35 p.m. PST |
I'm old, I've done my soldiering, and I'd rather the next generation s don't do the dying at the behest of old farts like me. It's easy to be bellicose from the comfort of your favourite armchair.
doc mcb | 03 Mar 2023 3:04 p.m. PST |
Until one of your grandchildren dies of fentanyl. |
Robert Johnson | 03 Mar 2023 3:07 p.m. PST |
That's unlikely as it's not the drug of choice amongst the wealthier section of society. It's even more unlikely as none of my grandchildren live in the US. |
Stryderg | 03 Mar 2023 3:30 p.m. PST |
I think in this case, cutting off the head of the snake just let's it grow a new head. As much as I hate to propose it, it may be necessary to "get medieval" on them (be even more cruel and heartless as they are). That might break their stranglehold on the local populations and help ferret them out, but it won't win us any popularity contests and might make things worse in the long run. |
Zephyr1 | 03 Mar 2023 3:38 p.m. PST |
"Barr: Declare War Against Cartels" And then forget ever going to Mexico on vacation ever again, as any US tourist going there will be an easy target for kidnapping/retribution (but idiots will still go.) If there must be a war, it must be one fought in the shadows; Fighting it in the open (for PR bites, as politicians will do) will be a literal bloodbath… |
Legion 4  | 03 Mar 2023 4:17 p.m. PST |
Well by designating the cartels & gangs as terrorists we may be able to freeze their assets, etc. The first step is shutting our Southern border down tight. To make it harder to get the drugs, sex traffickers, etc. across. The cartels are using the illegal aliens as cover. To distract the CBP, etc. As many spending all their time nurse maiding illegal aliens. That is not their job. I don't even know whose job it is ? 90% + don't qualify for asylum anyway. Ask the CBP, etc. And they are from 140 nations. I'm old, I've done my soldiering, and I'd rather the next generation s don't do the dying at the behest of old farts like me. It's easy to be bellicose from the comfort of your favourite armchair. IMO, it is highly unlikely any ground troops need to be involved. It's even more unlikely as none of my grandchildren live in the US. Based on your spelling I'm guessing you are from the UK ? So again I think it highly unlikely the UK will be involved. Until one of your grandchildren dies of fentanyl. No ones' kin, friends, etc. should die from this. But the open border is the gateway to killing many. For some reason, it seems not to matter to those who it should matter. We could use cruise missiles, drones, etc. if we were going to "terminate the cartels and gangs with extreme prejudice". No troops on the ground. However, the Mexican Gov't is corrupt. We couldn't even tell them the strikes are coming. Regardless launching missiles, drones etc. on another nation is an act of war. That is a very big rub. Again … designate they as terrorists. Shut the border down tight. The illegal aliens that we can hold must be loaded on C-17s with armed guards and flown back to where they came from. With 4-5 million already running around the USA. That may be very hard to catch any of them. But with the restrictions on LEOs, ICE, etc. they can't do their job. With all the US deaths because of drugs, other crimes including murder, rape, etc. We can't afford to say we are being "humane", etc. as long as illegal aliens are providing cover for the cartels, etc. And Americans are dying … I guess those American lives don't matter … |
Tortorella  | 03 Mar 2023 7:29 p.m. PST |
Legion, you know I have been in favor of military action, as the cartels are essentially militarized irregulars. Mexico needs help. They are a major economic partner. Yes to closing down the border, then a joint force with select Mexican authorities. Use our tech. But I do wonder about America's apparently endless appetite for getting high throughout our history. 140,000 deaths per year from alcohol, for example. |
Striker | 03 Mar 2023 9:41 p.m. PST |
How are you going to help Mexico when it doesn't look like they could help themselves with all the fancy US toys. Corruption and lying in bed with the cartels by choice or force doesn't make for a workable grouping. The border will never be shut down enough to make any difference. Even if legalized are the cartels going to go to selling cars or farming? Doubtful. And since drug companies exist to make money and the drugs are a sure way to have a captive market they won't be selling anything "at below bargain prices" and the cartels either change their pricing strategy or move against the drug companies in some fashion. Until demand drops it will always be a problem. Like Norway's drop in whaling, it's the lack of demand not making it profitable. |
ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa | 04 Mar 2023 3:20 a.m. PST |
Short of the Mexican government asking for 'serious' help. The only credible options revolve entirely around covert or intelligence based actions. It would probably be fairly easy to further inflame tensions between individual cartels if you're none to queasy about the collateral damage from endemic gang warfare. You could also attempt to track down Cartel finances and to steal it in cyber-operations. If you wanted deniability you could always leave a briefcase of information outside an NK embassy they seem to be quite effective at that kind of thing…. |
La Fleche | 04 Mar 2023 4:55 a.m. PST |
Nah. Declare war on Canada. Look, those dudes have been asking for it for ages; what with their plaid and politeness and all. Their military is rubbish. so they'd be an easy beat – especially compared to those stone-aged Afganis! Additionally most of their population lives within 200 miles of the US border so, by definition, they constitute an imminent threat. Not to mention that Canada is in the thrall of the British Monarchy – you know, those despots who tried to tell you how much your tea should cost! Declare war now, before whatever it was that you were being made to spazz out about winds up on page two of your news feed! |
Tortorella  | 04 Mar 2023 7:50 a.m. PST |
Yes, I do mean a joint effort with the Mexican military elite,whoever they are, inside Mexico. High tech, not too big. Totally delusional, and I make no excuse. I believe it could be done as a partnership requested by the Mexican government acting against a threat to both nations. Negotiated in secret. As I said before, America is an easy sell when it comes to getting high. But dying to get high is too much. |
Tortorella  | 04 Mar 2023 7:53 a.m. PST |
Maybe we could ask these guys. They train with us already. Mexican special forces. |
Legion 4  | 04 Mar 2023 9:07 a.m. PST |
No US troops should cross into Mexico. Albeit rumors are DELTA & CIA have. Regardless, Mexico is a failed state. Their gov't at almost all levels is corrupt. E.g. their equivalent to their DOJ was just arrested for working with the cartels … We have to look at most of their leadership is corrupt. Can't be trusted. I don't have much faith in the Mexican military, LEOs, etc. If they were that effective the cartels would not be running the country. I would not send US troops to work with them. They are not trustworthy, etc. To use our high-tech firepower to take out cartel, gang locations, drug stockpiles, etc. Would be effective. As we have a lot of cruise missiles, drones, etc. Attacking the territory of Mexico is an act of war. Again, shut the border down tight. Allow the CBP, ICE, LEOs, etc. to do their jobs. If Sanctuary cities don't support ICE, etc. give those cities 0 Fed $. USD Even if 4-5 million aliens have crossed into the USA. Again, according to current and former CBP, ICE, etc. 90+ % don't qualify for asylum. But yet they are released into the USA. With a promise to show up for a hearing years from now. Lunacy ! When I say close the border down tight. No more illegal aliens, drug runner, sex trafficker, etc. Let them know over the media, that no one is allowed into the US until further notice. The US leadership had let it know the border was open. So now we do the opposite. We have to take the control of our border from the cartel, gangs, etc. Stop incentivizing the illegal aliens with the lure of free health care, etc. We can't use firepower on Mexican territory. So we shut the border down tight and let CBP, ICE, etc. job their jobs. And again nurse maiding illegal aliens is not their jobs. It is just the opposite. |
SBminisguy | 04 Mar 2023 9:17 a.m. PST |
So we shut the border down tight and let CBP, ICE, etc. job their jobs. And again nurse maiding illegal aliens is not their jobs. It is just the opposite. And then we can tackle the rise of CHILD SLAVERY in the US! There are up to 100,000 Child Slaves, all illegal immigrants, forced to labor in our factories, fields, and on their backs as sex slaves. And it's ALL because of a wide open border ruthlessly exploited by both the Cartels and AMERICAN BUSINESS! Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S. Arriving in record numbers, they're ending up in dangerous jobs that violate child labor laws — including in factories that make products for well-known brands like Cheetos and Fruit of the Loom. link |
Tortorella  | 04 Mar 2023 10:20 a.m. PST |
Yes, I have been seeing that on the news. These kids have "sponsors",but when they get to them, they are often forced to go to work. There is almost nobody in the government to monitor this because the numbers are too high. At least some of this employment is high risk. It involves many familiar brand names as well as meat processing, where kids work over night to clean the cutting machinery for the next day. These businesses must surely know what is going on here. This just makes immigration even more of a mess. Where is the outrage from both sides? And how about a solution that doesn't succumb to special interests? |
Grattan54  | 04 Mar 2023 11:08 a.m. PST |
If I remember correctly, we went into Vietnam to "help and support" a government that was totally corrupt along with its military. Didn't go so well. Would love to pound the crap out of the cartels but trying to do so would prove very problematic. |
doc mcb | 04 Mar 2023 11:33 a.m. PST |
Uh, Mayberry, the OP is Barr advocating a declaration of war on the cartels, so yes, that means we would be at war with them. In Mexico. Hopefully in cooperation with a Mexican government. But international law permits incursions if a country is not containing its violence. Of course we COULD close the border. |
Legion 4  | 04 Mar 2023 1:48 p.m. PST |
And then we can tackle the rise of CHILD SLAVERY in the US! There are up to 100,000 Child Slaves, all illegal immigrants, forced to labor in our factories, fields, and on their backs as sex slaves. And it's ALL because of a wide open border ruthlessly exploited by both the Cartels and AMERICAN BUSINESS! Yes, but those in charge that should be very interested in that are not. Just like the drugs and sex traffickers that come across the border. Those in charge should be very interested in stopping those too. But once again it does not fit the agenda some are pushing. Regardless of the suffering on these poor children, Americans killed by the Chinese drugs that come across the border or the lives of those who are being trafficked as sex slaves. Guess those lives don't matter ? What is the end game ? All these people are expendable just so somehow illegal aliens will be given the right to vote in National elections.
If I remember correctly, we went into Vietnam to "help and support" a government that was totally corrupt along with its military. Didn't go so well. We went there thinking we could stop/slow the spread of Communism. Did it work ? Look at Vietnam today. That being said, the cane, crutches and walker the VA gave me were made in Vietnam. So, they do know how to do business outside their country. I'm sure the Vietnam Vets that go to the VA and were given those canes, etc. see the irony.
Of course we COULD close the border. That does not fit the agenda as I mentioned above. I.e. Illegals get to vote in National elections. I can see no other reason for this open border, catch and release policies. That and cheap labor for those big businesses that gave $ to candidates during the elections ? |
Striker | 05 Mar 2023 10:47 a.m. PST |
Might as well be talking about fighting on Mars. The Mexican government is as good as A'stan's. The Mexican military and LEO can't be trusted at all. Invading/striking will be an act of war. Neither Dem/Rep have any interest in closing the border. The majority of the US public doesn't care about the border. Drugs are in demand. Once you start blowing up Mexico where to next? Stopping them before they get here has no end. Columbia? Bolivia? Running a shadow war just ends up in more bs. Assuming a 100% win over Mexican cartels then what? Make it a US state? Leave it to fester, and that will work so well? Not make it a state but start shoveling in money to support it? As for those Canadians, "Canadian Bacon" gave us the blueprint, now we just need to execute it! |
Tortorella  | 05 Mar 2023 11:36 a.m. PST |
These are good points Striker and I admit to being frustrated. |
Legion 4  | 05 Mar 2023 3:25 p.m. PST |
Agree with most of that Striker … Most South & Central American "countries" are failed or failing states, like Mexico. As well as many other places in the World, e.g. Hati, many places in Africa, etc. 140 counties are racing to the US Southern Border, and they were invited. The footage is online … That is what happens when you invite everyone to the party … and they all come ! As far as Blue Prints … look how Hungary protects its border. USA take note … But we will need those bigger taller stronger fences that was stopped being built just over 2 years ago … link |
Grattan54  | 06 Mar 2023 11:22 a.m. PST |
Even more concerning are the reports that in a few years AI tech with do away with 85 million US jobs. All these people pouring in and soon no work for them. That won't create any problems for us. |
DJCoaltrain | 06 Mar 2023 2:33 p.m. PST |
If only 10% of the Cartel's smuggled drugs make it to the streets, they still make a fairly nifty profit. That's a business model hard to defeat. If we judge a nation-state to be failed by corruption in the gov't – then the USA must be included. However, I'm willing to trade dead high level politicians for dead high level cartel managers. It will put a serious dent in the corruption of both organizations. |
dapeters | 06 Mar 2023 2:40 p.m. PST |
Almost my entire life there been a war on drugs and all I can see is the sheer number of kids from poverty that end up in incarceration. |
williamb | 06 Mar 2023 2:43 p.m. PST |
While closing the border may prevent some of the drug traffic from getting into the United States, much of it arrives by boats, planes, and underground tunnels. Every once in a while you will hear about a drug tunnel being found, but then another one will be made. Eliminating the cartels may be the only way to make a major dent in the drug taffic. |
Legion 4  | 06 Mar 2023 5:02 p.m. PST |
While closing the border may prevent some of the drug traffic from getting into the United States, much of it arrives by boats, planes, and underground tunnels. Well any reduction would be good. And the cartels know if they try to get drugs across the border, some may be intercepted but some will get thru. Along with sex traffickers, murderers, etc. while you will hear about a drug tunnel being found, but then another one will be made. Watch the movies Sicario and Sicario Day of the Soldato. What I saw there may be accurate. Tunnels and all. Eliminating the cartels may be the only way to make a major dent in the drug taffic. Again the only way to do that with no boots on the ground. Is cruise missiles and drones. The preferred method, IMO. But again, that would be considered an act of war on the state of Mexico. |
Thresher01 | 06 Mar 2023 6:12 p.m. PST |
Sounds like a good idea on the face, but very, VERY bad if you really look into it. Vietnam era complexity, only worse, since the drug cartels are so well funded, connected, and armed. They own the Mexican government, and perhaps even some/many of our leaders too – hence the lack of action on the southern border thus far. They can now create a lot of havoc even here in the USA, since MILLIONS have entered our country in the last two years, freely (5 – 6+ MILLION), and 250,000+ more coming in each and every month. |
Tortorella  | 06 Mar 2023 7:13 p.m. PST |
Well, now they have shot up and captured some Americans in Mexico, holding them for ransom. Enough! |
Legion 4  | 07 Mar 2023 10:24 a.m. PST |
4 Americans have been kidnapped by the Cartel in a town just across the Border. 2 were killed. A few years back a US male College Student was captured by one of the gangers/cartels and ritually sacrificed. A group of some Americans living Mexico a few years back. Their cars were ambushed. They were all slaughter by the cartel/gangs. All women & children … about a dozen. Just saw a report/interview on the FOX. What will it take for the gov't of the USA to lock down the border with Mexico tight ? Make Mexico off limits. At least until they are a functioning nation. The nation is a failed state run by the cartels & gangs. Guess those lives of these Americans and those killed by drugs, murdered, etc. don't count ? |
Legion 4  | 07 Mar 2023 6:34 p.m. PST |
The two Americans that survived the cartel's attack are back in the USA. Two that were killed have still not been returned. The initial report was they were miss-ID'd as another cartel. However, that has since changed. The boss or bosses at the cartel's top. They knew they were Americans and since they don't fear or respect the USA. They decide to kill Americans … to demonstrate their power, etc. I guess. The cartels & gangs control the border not the USA. And have gangs in many US cities. I await more information about this. |
Tortorella  | 08 Mar 2023 11:51 a.m. PST |
Yes, they have to be dealt with. It has sounded like the Mexican government doesn't want it to appear like we are there, but covert ops do occur. I say get one sorted out and make these guys accountable. There is too much ranting in the media -all hat and no cattle. We have all the outrage we need, it gets nothing done. We have politicians who prove this everyday. We have failed to deal with this conclusively for years because it works so well as a political scare tactic.. The border is being tightened and it is far from open, much of it is walled, we have maybe 25,000 border control staff there, electronics, and detention. I say this because it is not factual to say it is an open border. But it is factual to say it's not enough. Drugs get here from every part of the border, even Canada. Terrorists come in thru the airports, mainly, and a lot get caught. Planes, ships, all kinds of other ways for drugs. We have done nothing to try and decrease demand, and I don't know what that would be. The War on Drugs in the Reagan era did not work.
We have gone from drug to drug since forever. Meth was a terrible scourge not long ago, much of it made in the USA. This latest one is more dangerous, but you won't die if you don't use it or the other drugs they put it in. How do we reduce demand? Think about Prohibition…. What would work? But this has also made me think more than ever that there has to be a way to get these guys, tight border or not. Making them terrorists opens up the door for millions more to claim asylum. Covert strikes? Mexicans must approve it. As usual, no easy answers except maybe – Hey US business people, stop hiring the children! |
Legion 4  | 08 Mar 2023 1:08 p.m. PST |
If the US made drone strikes on Cartel & gang bosses. It would be considered an act of war. However, the Mex. gov't should be glad as they have turned into failed Narco run state. If we told the Mex. Gov't of our incoming strikes, some in the gov't most assuredly tell the cartels/gangs. If we strike, the homes of these criminals most assuredly their family will be killed. That is collateral damage that can't be avoid. It does come down to us or them. That is the equation. By claiming them as terrorists we may be able to affect their $ flow, etc. ? But it will give many illegal aliens to claim asylum as they are escaping from terrorists, etc. We need to be very wary of this. Illegal aliens, the cartels and gangs have taken advantage of the open border policies. Just ask the CBP, ICE, LEO, etc. FOX interviews them often, current, former and retired members from those agencies. They clearly say the admin's etc. open border does not work, and why, etc., etc. There are so many gangs from Central and South America in US cities. The local gangs are done. The cartel gangs will kill anybody they want. We keep seeing this, not just men, but women and children too. Our strikes are targeted hits. But CD will happen. If the US strikes the cartel and gang locations, across the border, etc. These gangs that have been coming across the border for a very long time. They claim asylum, etc. but no one know they are criminal gangs. Here to do the cartels' bidding. The minors that came across the border, get recruited by the gangs. If some don't want to join. The gangs say they will rape and/kill their mother, sister, etc. etc. Which has happened. These gangs operating in the US could blow up hotels, etc. commit terrorist's acts of all types. Just like, AQ, ISIS, etc. In response to US strikes on the cartels and gangs. FWIW, our drone, cruise missiles, etc. strike would have to be simultaneous. Give them no chance to prepare, move, etc. after the 1st Waves of strikes. One very large, targeted attack on all cartel and gang location. All at the same time. Giving them no time to react. Only to die … Yes, there will probably be CD. But again, that couldn't be avoid if we wanted to have the effect that we need. IMO turning many cartel and gang members into lunchmeat … And of course, if we use strikes like this it will mean we will have to shut the border down tight. Nothing comes across … period … no matter who they are. May have to use Regular Military along with NG. Fortifying the border heavily. Including hard points, obstacles including the Wall, etc., just like if in combat. Even MBTs and IFVs. Even some FA in support. ICE, LEO etc. have to be allowed to hunt down illegal aliens who we suspect are gang members, etc. We don't need the US on the ground across the border. We use tech to do our killing of those that threaten us. |
Tortorella  | 08 Mar 2023 3:03 p.m. PST |
Legion 4  | 08 Mar 2023 6:52 p.m. PST |
Thanks Tort … Also … Another consideration. If we declare the cartels & gangs terrorists. China can be considered complicit as they are supply the drugs to the cartels. But based on the current situation with our leadership, etc. Neither will happen. |
Legion 4  | 09 Mar 2023 8:15 p.m. PST |
Heard the cartel apologized for what they did to 4 Americans. Turned over 5 individuals they said were responsible(?). Guess they may have heard the US was thinking about using missiles, drones, etc.? |
Legion 4  | 10 Mar 2023 9:46 a.m. PST |
Also one female Mexican bystander was killed when the cartel gang opened up. Saw today the Mex. Pres. is blaming the US for so many wanting to use drugs. Would not support any US military actions in Mexico. He said earlier he was glad the US didn't shut down the border. Hmmm … we know for sure, IMO whose side he is on … the cartels. He must be on the take as well … So, we sacrifice 300 Americans a day. Because the border is wide open. And seems the Mex. Pres is not our friend. We can't start a war with Mexico … but we can shut down the border. Go after cartel funds, etc. To at least mitigate the drugs, criminals of all types, etc. crossing our border. Even if a small vocal part of our population wants open borders. And will be upset with our leaders if that happens. And won't support[$$$$] any upcoming elections, etc. So, I guess those live of ours don't matter. If they die from drugs and criminals, crossing the border. Many support BLM … but black Americans die from these drugs, etc. too. So again, I guess those lives don't matter either ? Many trying to cross the border are "innocent", but the cartel makes $ off them. Plus uses them as cover to allow the flow of drugs, sex traffickers, etc. to get across the border. As long as the border is open, and drugs, criminals, etc. are coming across no one is innocent. Do those non-American lives matter more than the USA's. No … if a choice has to be made. American Live Matter … that would look good on a T-Shirt … |
Tortorella  | 10 Mar 2023 11:32 a.m. PST |
A huge disappoint from the Mexican president but not a huge surprise. It's not "Biden's crisis". That's not journalism. It America's. We do not have open borders. That is a fact. But we have not deployed enough resources of all kinds. For years. And recently we have seriously failed to act on the escalation of refugees and others. And this is something most can agree on. Finally the wheels are turning, but we will see. And now the hard part about fentanyl. US citizens bring in something like 97%of it through Customs on the border. It's much safer and easier for the cartels to hire Americans, who get less scrutiny, to bring it through.. the pills are small and easy to hide. The demand is almost entire from Americans, who also help distribute it. Put it in other drugs to help drive addiction. The oxy crackdown drove fentanyl use as well. It's is a very powerful and messed up addiction. People may not even know what they are taking, buy it thinking it's pharma grade. Then it kills them. China was just dropping it in the mail for a long while until we're kept confiscating it. Easier now to send it to Mexico. Since the media echo chambers keep politicizing this, here's a link with this different opinion. link |
Legion 4  | 10 Mar 2023 3:40 p.m. PST |
The Mex. Pres. is saying fentanyl is not coming from his country. Well we know it is coming from PRC/CCP to Mex. then across the US border. IMO it is our current leadership's failure/fault to have opened the border in the first. And not taking CBP, ICE, DEA, LEOs, etc. advise[warning] do not change anything from the previous Admin. They had the best control over the border, then they have had in decades. I'm only repeating what I have heard in reports, interviews, etc. from those who work on the border or have retired from LEOs, etc. Yes, CBP, ICE, DEA, LEOs etc. has said this repeatedly. But the control of the border does not fit an agenda, narrative, etc. of those in charge, etc. beholden to a very vocal, wealthy, etc. minority. So are all these CBP, ICE, DEA, LEOs, etc. all actors reading a script ? For who, who pays them, etc. ? The lines of illegal aliens crossing the border in massive numbers that the camera shows are actors too ? Those are actors playing all those Americans that died because the drugs, etc. coming across the open border ? When they lay in their coffins at their funeral …. Maybe everyone who wants open borders for whatever skewed, biased, etc. reasons. All of these types should adopt and/support these illegal aliens that came across the open border they wanted … Or maybe send an apology and large solation payments to all those who lost loved ones that were poisoned, OD'd, murdered, raped, etc. because of the open border they wanted. A lot of blood on a lot of hands … and IMO it starts at the very top. |
Tortorella  | 10 Mar 2023 5:48 p.m. PST |
The number of encounters with border patrol was the lowest in two years last month and the number of immigrants seeking entry fell by 40 per cent from December. As I said, we will see. The "top" is walking middle ground and it may not be enough or the right solution. Given the massive increase in migrants the last couple of years, its pretty late in the day. Nobody is saying there is not an overwhelming problem. I have no doubt that the border is irresponsibly understaffed, not nearly enough law enforcement and support. LEOs are not policy makers either. Each has their own piece of enforcement to manage, whether its part of the border or Chicago. They see what they see. There are no actors, except in the media, they pick the parts of the story depending on their audience, as we are learning. The issues driving migration continue to be ignored as far as I can tell. This has made the whole thing afar bigger problem than it was a few years ago, but the US did not make these countries collapse either. The Mexican President is ignoring facts. Of course fentanyl comes through Mexico from China. And we have to stop it. And in my opinion, this means better performance from DEA, Customs, and pretty much the whole spectrum of state and federal forces. If US citizens are walking across with most of this stuff, they need to be intercepted. And finally we need to flood the country with PR warnings about this poison. From street addicts to rich kids. |
Tortorella  | 11 Mar 2023 10:11 a.m. PST |
Here's another link talking to US check point personnel and looking at how the stuff gets in. Even with a massive effort, it would be hard to effectively search tens of thousands of vehicles per day. Also shows the tunnel system. link Orador's statements sound like total denial, politics. There are less Mexican users because the US market is so lucrative. If you go to war with the cartels and destroy the higher ups, what prevents new people there from getting the China component shipments and making the stuff? Without a strong government in Mexico, we could win a battle but not the war. And,some people are saying that military intervention would disrupt the joint activities of US/Mexican enforcement authorities already in place. Maybe the better idea is to give these guys a major boost so that have a chance. |
Legion 4  | 11 Mar 2023 10:24 a.m. PST |
Saw on FOX today, IIRC NYT article was cited that talks about "Demographic Destiny". Which If I understand it correctly. The plan/ concept is to flood the USA with illegal aliens, to change the "demographics." of the US voters. Try to get a law passed in Congress to allow illegal aliens to vote in National elections. That is insidious, IMO. They are allowing illegal aliens to cross into the US liked to an assembly line. Process … catch & release, then flood into cities & towns that don't have the ability to support these illegals. Plus, many criminals are in these groups. Albeit many if not most it appears are from Central & South America failed states including Mexico. Whose president has shown he is not a friend of the USA. And probably in the cartels' pockets. Like many in leadership positions in Mexico, etc. There are 140 nations crossing our border from across the world. And not all are considered "minorities" … Regardless they are all illegal aliens. 90% don't qualify to enter the US. According to CBP, ICE, LEOs, etc. IMO Ukrainians and Russians[Vetted] qualify. Not many others. There is a lot of damage can be done with all the drugs, criminals even those on the terrorist watch list, etc. … With no real "fixes" allowed to be employed. Nobody is saying there is not an overwhelming problem. Well there are some or some are at least ignoring it … But I would be DH'd if I named names, etc. … 🤐 The only people who are very reliable sources on this "invasion" are the CBP, ICE, DEA, LEOs, etc. Plus, the retired agents and officers who served there. They are or were on the border; they are trying to gain control again. As they had in 2020 and before. But things changed and I think we know why.
Now a report on FOX is saying 3 women from TX that crossed into Mexico to go shopping(?) have been missing since Feb. God only knows what happened to them. I'm sure it can't be good … Again, Mexico is a failed state, run by the cartels and gangs. Many Mexican leaders are corrupt and on the take from these criminal organizations. We all saw what Mexico's president said recently. That nation's is not our friend. When if ever our top leadership will see the open border policy was a very, very bad idea. And the CBP, ICE, LEOs, etc. told them that on DAY 1 … |
Tortorella  | 11 Mar 2023 11:21 a.m. PST |
The fentanyl issue sort of coexists along side the migration crisis, but they are not as connected as some media and political sound bites make it seem and that is my point. Side by side calamities. The "top" may not be able to stem the tide on migrants as much as he thinks, even though the latest numbers are at least hopeful. The right wants a wall or equivalent, the left wants to admit a ton of these people. Top is in the middle, pleasing neither extreme, and may not be successful. We will get an idea in a couple more months. Sometimes the middle does not work… Mexico has been on the do not travel list for a while. Sorry, Cancun. It's not even safe there. Rich Americans were basically visiting secure compounds and could not leave the resort area. |
Legion 4  | 13 Mar 2023 6:30 p.m. PST |
Mexico could stop the illegal aliens at their Southern Border before they get to our Southern Border. Over the weekend about 1000 illegal aliens rushed across the bridge at the Eagle Pass. They had to be stopped by CBP obstacles, CBP SWAT, tear gas, etc. The illegal aliens complained of course … Regardless the cartels are getting the Chinese fentanyl across the border by using the illegal aliens as cover/a diversion … The open border and drug deaths are intertwined. Again, the border must be shut down tight as we have discussed before. No one comes in and no one goes out. The CBP, DEA, ICE, LEOs, etc. must be allowed to do their jobs. Yes, many men, women & children must/will be expelled.
We can't destroy the cartels and gangs leadership, locations, supplies, etc. with cruise missiles and drones. As that is an act of war and the Mex. President is not the USA's friend. So all that being considered is the border shutdown and LEOs start rounding up illegal aliens. And start shipping them back Again, the open border is intentional. Those that support it have a plan. And we know what that is. Comes down to illegal aliens getting to vote in National Elections. Again "Demographic Destiny" … Some in gov't said we need all these immigrants to do all the jobs in the USA that are open. Plus, the US population is not making enough babies as were need all these immigrant children to repopulate America. I saw the whole thing being said to the media. One can probably find it online. You can't make this ridiculous 💩 up ! You become a US citizen legally, work and have babies. But you have to do it legally. |
Tortorella  | 14 Mar 2023 6:45 a.m. PST |
link This conservative paper disagrees with you on voting, Legion. More blacks and Hispanics have been shifting to the right. The electorate is not dominated by these groups either, according to this source. I would however, think that the labor market may be driving some illegal immigration, so many jobs open with record low unemployment that some companies have resorted to child labor. But that's speculation by me. I don't think there is any plot going on either, but politicians say a lot of things. They just can't get control of the issue. The border remains a huge problem. So maybe they try to say it's a good thing. We need to double the personnel there to get it under control. Closing the border to fentanyl is not going to happen by solving the migration crisis and illegal immigration. But you are right that illegals may be diverting resources need to interdict the traffic. That video I posted shows just a few of the clever ways people get fentanyl through customs. Tens of thousands US and Mexican citizens have a right to travel legally back and forth everyday. And that's the major means for getting fentanyl into this country, whether we like it or not. More customs stops means slower transit and economic backlash. If we make it harder, we will need to make the whole border much tighter. Unless we can somehow reduce US demand. I am giving up on Mexico helping with migration after hearing the views of their president. He has no apparent interest in war with the cartels.
Legion 4  | 14 Mar 2023 7:36 a.m. PST |
More blacks and Hispanics have been shifting to the right. Yes but those minorities are already US citizens. However, that is why some want to give illegal aliens the right to vote in National Elections … I don't think there is any plot going on either, but politicians say a lot of things. They just can't get control of the issue. The border remains a huge problem. So maybe they try to say it's a good thing. We need to double the personnel there to get it under control. Well you can't tell me that is not the main reason why many politicians want an open border. Yeah, there are those that believe in unicorns, rainbows, etc. who just want to give the illegal aliens a better life, etc., etc., etc. No borders, free everything, etc. While US citizens need things too. But the illegal aliens seem to get first choice inline. No this "invasion" is not by accident … and it started in full force in 2020 … I know why as well as many others … But you are right that illegals may be diverting resources need to interdict the traffic. That video I posted shows just a few of the clever ways people get fentanyl through customs. If the border was closed tight until the USA gets control which may take years but not until 2024, hopefully. Instead of the cartels controlling the border. They put it out on FB about the border that started the rush by a 1000 or so at Eagle Pass. And in turn that shows their control. The US controlled stopped it but it should have never happened. The cartels are in charge … If we make it harder, we will need to make the whole border much tighter. Unless we can somehow reduce US demand. Yes very, very tight. There is no way to reduce the demand. Too much $ to be made … And for everyone who dies because of drugs there will be more to that place. I am giving up on Mexico helping with migration after hearing the views of their president. He has no apparent interest in war with the cartels. Yes, he is corrupt, like most of the Mex. gov't, LEOs, etc. The cartels run Mexico … And now they are controlling our Southern border. We all know why. Invite everyone to the party … they come … What the did they expect ? |
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