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"DIY Ship Parts on the cheap" Topic

4 Posts

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1,041 hits since 28 Feb 2023
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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wingnut28 Feb 2023 9:16 p.m. PST

There are a lot of places out there on the web you can buy prefabricated parts for 28mm ships including some outstanding manufactures like Firelock Games, Old Glory25's and Games of War out of England. I frequent all of these fine establishments often but do to quantity, limited resources ($), and lets face it time to delivery, I've had to hand craft some parts. To help others "Pimp" their boats I've started a couple of how-to articles that may help others to add some details that are easy to craft.
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As I'm working through the next few ship models I would like to add articles for sails, maybe Ratlines, cat-head anchor posts or anything I can add to the forum. If you have some good Ideas (Tutorials) please add them to the thread.
I hope that some of these things can help others to build their Pirate Projects.


Makhno191801 Mar 2023 7:12 a.m. PST

thanks for this Wingnut! I'll have to try out some of these tips.

wingnut02 Mar 2023 11:15 p.m. PST

New article posted on making polystyrene sails.

Anton Ryzbak06 Mar 2023 11:11 a.m. PST

Great stuff! Buttons made pretty good dead-eyes and can be gotten cheaply at most millinery shops.

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