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"Any New Mordeim style rules and figures out there" Topic

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Personal logo D6 Junkie Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2023 9:27 a.m. PST

Hey all,
looking to see if anyone can suggest rules that maybe have a miniature line that have a Mordheim style.
Would like a new game to run at the local store that the customers could buy into and support the store.

cloudcaptain27 Feb 2023 10:19 a.m. PST

Verrotwood hit number one on Wargamesvault. It's folk horror fantasy. you build a small cult (Warband) and slug it out trying to summon various Horrors and perform rituals while dodging dangerous scenery and the evils stemming from the other cult. Written for standard medieval style fantasy but is super easy to tweak to 1600s and later. Think "Blood on Satans Claw" and similar Hammer horror films. It's miniatures agnostic and will appeal to the conversion crowd.

The author is very active on the FB page and it seems to have pulled in a fun player base.

JMcCarroll27 Feb 2023 1:28 p.m. PST

Try Frostgrave. A very good set for campaigns.
Lots of add ons to sell. Figures are nice too.

Dave Gamer28 Feb 2023 6:40 a.m. PST

So you didn't like GW's "Warcry", which is small Mordheim-size bands fighting in areas that are Mordheim-like in the they can include multilevels with ladders and such. Lots of boxed sets of warbands can be purchased and it's a GW game so your FLGS most likely already sells Warhammer stuff.

From the other posters suggestions, Frostgrave is your best bet. Your FLGS can sell the rules and they make boxed sets of miniatures to go with the game so your FLGS can sell those as well.

Personal logo Flashman14 Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2023 8:14 a.m. PST

Gripping Beast carries a cool line for Saga: Age of Magic (Order Militant): link

Palewarrior28 Feb 2023 10:18 p.m. PST

Not new but the Broheim website has access to all the White Dwarf articles & a lot more official and unofficial stuff.

I think it was started by one of the original writers.

snurl117 May 2023 2:08 a.m. PST

You can download the Mordheim Living Rulebook there and have it printed.

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