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"Using iPhone as Discord camera over table— help?" Topic

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Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP16 Feb 2023 3:51 p.m. PST

I've been gaming using Discord's voice/video capabilities for over a year now with my phone camera being suspended over the maps/board. Discord had a "Full Screen" feature which would let the image be captured and transmitted as a horizontal view of the table (phone oriented sideways, with one long side being the "top" of the image) rather than a vertical image (phone upright, narrow side being top of image). But in the latest update, this very useful feature has apparently been stripped, or hidden behind some non-intuitive click path (par for the course for Discord :P ).

Anybody know how to access this feature again (if it can be)? Or is it gone for good? Searching the internet and the Discord "support" pages have turned up nothing.

I have an older iPhone SE, running iOS 15.7.3

Thanks for any help!

Pythagoras17 Feb 2023 4:00 a.m. PST

Just a guess. From the change log.

"Server admins can begin to opt-in to the command permission changes outlined here on a per-server basis starting on December 16, 2022. However, changes will not be applied to all servers until late January or early February."

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