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The H Man11 Feb 2023 4:16 p.m. PST

Well, when your right your right.

Just went to the Warlord site to check out all the new Doctor who products they promised a long time ago…

Nothing. Packed up, left town.

Warlord's Doctor Who is dead.

I could only find one trace, "doctor who" in a list of games, and a single sold out product with no image "doctor who starter".

What a slow, lingering death.

On the plus side, if that wasn't it, it's gone!

Now, lets follow Warlords lead and forget all about it!

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP11 Feb 2023 5:42 p.m. PST

I'm sure it'll regenerate into a new game and a new figure range at some point. You can't keep the Doctor down for long. grin

King Monkey12 Feb 2023 12:26 a.m. PST

They've had to destroy everything with the end of the contract.

The H Man12 Feb 2023 2:05 a.m. PST

Luckily there wasn't much to destroy.

Hopefully the next guys get it right.

Egoodlander12 Feb 2023 12:16 p.m. PST

I have a lot of the old Black Tree DW stuff and would have jumped into Warlords iteration but not being 28mm to match all of my terrain, vehicles etc was a no go. Sad for all the folks that supported it though.

The H Man12 Feb 2023 3:14 p.m. PST


I think they are the unintended "victims" in this.

Maybe some comps will produce similar scale not-whos? Certainly generic things like masked men in boiler suits, girl with baseball bat and the like.

Ha, ha, ha…

…Just call them New Vortex, ala New Adventures.

Now I'm probably giving WL ideas.

forrester12 Feb 2023 3:19 p.m. PST

I think perhaps you missed the announcement that the licence was to expire on 31st December? So the range has been withdrawn.
At least one producer of Doctor Who proxies has lost no time in getting their miniatures back up for sale again. In proper 28mm

The H Man13 Feb 2023 3:33 p.m. PST

I did, as it wasn't put up here.

It has.

No doubt.

Good choice.

Obviously the range was a flop. What with it ending just as a new doctor has been announced.

How much was Warlords fault and how much was the BBC's I'm unsure. Both in spades, in my opinion.

I'd say the show is probably going the same way. From one modernization disaster to the next.

Perhaps they should look to the past for guidance, rather than trying to retcon or erase it.

I know Tom Baker was pretty much unknown when he started, and became perhaps the most successful doctor. But that was after three pretty well known actors, set in their ways. So it was a refreshing change, perhaps (even though Pertwees better).

Perhaps the solution for the BBC (among many) would be to cast a well known chap in the role. Someone with a long list of tv and film rolls.

I guess money is the issue there, and who wants to buy a new saddle for a dead horse?

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP14 Feb 2023 4:49 a.m. PST

I thought that the last episode of Dr Who was one of the best of recent years – the new master is excellent – although I did like Missie as well!

You've got your wish with David Tennant…he is quite well known.

The H Man14 Feb 2023 5:48 a.m. PST

Hmm… No, more my nightmare.

It was really only because of doctor who that he's very well known. I certainly had never heard of him before.

It's the problem with the younger doctors, they haven't been around long enough.

I do agree that the last episode would have to be the best, though I'm sure not for the same reason. Sadly it sounds to return.

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP14 Feb 2023 6:27 p.m. PST

Oh, he was a bit known before Who.

I recall seeing him in the lead in Russell T Davies' TV mini-series Casanova and thinking "he'd make a great Doctor, and doesn't this series look like it is set in Logopolis"

He was already the Dr, he just didn't know it yet.

The H Man15 Feb 2023 2:48 a.m. PST

Well, I guess he wasn't known to children and leela fans.

In name only, I'm afraid. Doctor Who has become like National Lampoon.

It would be nice if they rested the show for a few years. Then picked it up around the 8th doctor, ignore the modern tat entirely.

Actually, that does seem to be on trend. They are doing that in movie franchises, Terminator, Batman.

Let's hope that may eventually put right the wrongs. Not that dark fate is much to go on.

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP15 Feb 2023 7:45 a.m. PST

Well, I guess he wasn't known to children and leela fans.

Umm…that's a very particular electorate.

Most children don't know anything about Leela – who was a companion some 45 years ago.

We can't really live in the past.

The H Man15 Feb 2023 3:34 p.m. PST

Yeah, my point was missed. In fairness though, I was more talking of RTDs other show.

Also I wasn't suggesting children today were leela fans. Just that children…and leela fans (mostly adult males) were less likely to know much about DT and RTD. Though I'm sure a number do. "Please mummy, can I watch that late night show on SBS?" I think not.

If we can't live in the past, then why do they continue with the train wreck and why do, very few, continue to watch it?

In fact I would suggest classic Who has has more fans than the ultra modern tat, if not the modern tat entirely.

And why are people making movies based on really old comic books? Isn't Indiana Jones dead yet? Lord of the rings, Dune? A movie about old smelly sneakers???

The BBC must be the worst offender! Look at all the period dramas!!!!!

Why are all these people living in the past!!!!!!??????

In fact, if living in the past is off the table, why watch Doctor Who at all? Half the show is people jumping in the TARDIS to go live in the past.

So on…

Sorry, but I'm sure the contradiction escaped few.

PS The notion is also a huge insult to the Dr Who restoration team, and others working hard to preserve film, television, photographs, books, artwork, and more. Not to mention anyone with anything to do with museums and art galleries and any I missed. I thank them all for living in the past.

Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP15 Feb 2023 4:41 p.m. PST

No, I did realise that children and Leela fans were not necessarily a single set.

By living in the past I was suggesting that it'll be a long wait for Jon Pertwee to come back and play the Doctor….it was a comment aimed only at the Dr Who discussion of this thread, not anything at all to do with museums or the study of history …

…but I seem to have touched a nerve.

All I really meant was – why not just enjoy all of the Doctor's incarnations? Especially since a nearly infinite incarnations prior to the "first" Dr has now been revealed. That opens up a whole universe of new possibilities. Fun times!

The H Man15 Feb 2023 8:51 p.m. PST

"but I seem to have touched a nerve."

If that's the case, it will be interesting to see if you keep pressing.

"has now been revealed"

Thats retcon, not cannon.

Though, now you mention it, having the 8th doctor wake up from the nightmare and scream, then get on with things, may be an appropriate retcon.

Or the doctor can discover the BBCs been making this knock off abomination based, very loosely, on him and put a stop to it, ala wormhole extreme.

A couple ideas there already, and they aren't about harming children or pushing views. Bonus.

The H Man19 Feb 2023 1:05 a.m. PST


The Warlord doctor who products still seem to be available. At least Amazon has some, at a glance. Not on sale either, they may not even realise the range has collapsed. I suspect they are still available elsewhere. Warlord probably let them have a tonne cheat to clear out the warehouse full of unsold stock.

Specifically it was the boxed set I saw, with modern tat Daleks and Cybermen, so no surprise if I'm right. Otherwise, no surprise eother if retailers are carrying loads of unsold stock from initial orders.

Another interesting thing, the time vortex site is still up, directing you to the Warlord site for the products (that don't exist) complete with BBC logo. You click the link and go to Warlord for an error page.

I guess, like the rest of us, Warlord forgot about the vortex site. Whoops.

The H Man28 Feb 2023 5:41 p.m. PST

I wonder if BBC didn't raise the licence fee because RTD is back as show ruiner, er, runner?

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