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"Goodbye metal - Warlord Resin Plus" Topic

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Personal logo Mister Tibbles Supporting Member of TMP09 Feb 2023 6:50 p.m. PST

"We've been hard at work perfecting Warlord Resin™, and we're incredibly excited to reveal the fruits of our labours – Warlord Resin Plus™! This new formulation differs from the current Warlord Resin™ in a number of ways and we're so satisfied with it that for the first time we will be producing miniatures for our most popular games system, Bolt Action, in Warlord Resin Plus™ (WLR+).

Warlord Resin Plus™ is a brand new variation on the existing Warlord Resin™ which brings a significant number of advantages over traditional metal figures."

Full announcement: link

Just in case folks missed this announcement over at Warlord.

I like my metal miniatures and laugh at these BS PR announcements. The only reason they use resin is it's cheaper than what they have been using. If metal were cheaper, they would use metal. Hopefully it will be better than the nastiness they used for their Judge Dredd line from what I've seen on YouTube.

Schogun09 Feb 2023 7:22 p.m. PST

Is this Siocast and Warlord has just rebranded it?

Disco Joe09 Feb 2023 7:34 p.m. PST

I prefer metal figures so this is a no go.

Fighting 15s09 Feb 2023 10:56 p.m. PST

Is this Siocast…

Almost certainly it's actually Siocast's new material, Siores Hard

I don't particularly understand this rebranding of another company's innovation as "your own". Smacks of deception. It'd be like me rebranding AIM's Pewter 92 as Fighting 15s' Castomatic Lead-Free Alloy.

Siores Hard: link

As with all new plastics materials, my question, particularly as I used to be a materials scientist, is what is it's long-term durability? Is it going to deplasticise or degrade in time and go brittle?

Prince Rupert of the Rhine10 Feb 2023 2:11 a.m. PST

Meh I only like two materials for my miniatures white metal or polystyrene hard plastic. I'm not a big fan of resin, or the various resin/other type of hard plastic some companies use or soft plastic either.

This just sounds like banks closing branches or shops giving me self service tills and then telling me it's better for customers.

Ostroc10 Feb 2023 11:02 a.m. PST

it would have to be an improvement over the resins used previously it was rubbish.

it remains to be seen if this is better.

Prefer metal personally anyway.

Major Thom10 Feb 2023 2:37 p.m. PST

I don't mind the material as long as it holds detail really well and its not bendy like PVC.
Over the years I've worked with lead, white metal, styrene plastic, ABS plastic and various resins. All have their virtues.
But I truly judge them on their ability to hold a nice crisp detail to reproduce the sculptor's vision.

dick garrison11 Feb 2023 9:31 a.m. PST

I think "Steel Panther" put it best…..

"Death to all but Metal!!".

Cheers Roger.

Wayniac13 Feb 2023 3:44 a.m. PST

Hopefully, this doesn't turn into a fiasco like when GW brought out their "Finecast", which was anything but.

Fighting 15s13 Feb 2023 7:55 a.m. PST

Hopefully, this doesn't turn into a fiasco like when GW brought out their "Finecast", which was anything but.

FineCast was a quick setting two part resin. Spincasting resin isn't as easy as metal, because there is much less mass to the casting material. Getting it to fill cavities in a mould requires rethinking how the mould is fed and vented. Bubbles are almost inevitable. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

Siocast, the system Warlord uses but rebrands, is a quite smart way of injection moulding into cheap silicone moulds (cheap compared with metal moulds). For a large business able to afford the kit and the maintenance contract, it's quite a viable way of producing plastic figures (it's still a thermoplastic material, rather than a thermosetting resin). Siocast's new, harder plastic sounds as if it will answer a number of criticisms about the original material. If it ends, for me, what are atrocious and unacceptable mould lines in the softer material, then it should do well.

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