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"Have We Forgotten Why Wookiees Ponder Their Orbs on" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP05 Feb 2023 4:52 p.m. PST

…. Life Day?

"What was once a Star Wars joke is a fully armed and operational merchandising event. Today is Life Day, which means that from its theme parks to its stores, Disney will find a way to sell you as many Wookiee-affiliated pieces of merchandise as possible: especially those pale blue orbs. But what were they even for? Have we forgotten what Life Day was about in the first place?

First established in the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special—hence its decades as a derogatory in-joke, a reminder of one of the most routinely clowned-upon pieces of Star Wars media ever made—Life Day is pitched as a Wookiee hybrid of Thanksgiving and Christmas. There's a tree, there's family gatherings, there's shiny decorations, lots of waffling about love and harmony. There's also, appropriately, a religious origin that has increasingly been pushed aside in favor of a non-secular, exploitably merchandisable commercial event. Life Day Funko Pop, anyone?.."

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