Arteis02 | 25 Jan 2023 5:57 p.m. PST |
Last year Jervis Johnson and the Perry twins released their free 8-page Napoleonic rules, 'Valour & Fortitude'. Of course, I downloaded them straight away. But although I have loads of 28mm Napoleonic troops, I don't have a wargames table. So despite enjoying reading through the rules, I couldn't actually play a game to test how they worked. Until the other day, that is … when we gathered at my friend Scott's place in sunny Paraparaumu (NZ) to play Valour & Fortitude on his gorgeous 8'x6' table. Here's our review of the rules based on our first game. Did we find them 'ingeniously simple' as claimed on the front cover? Well, read on and find out: review of Valour & Fortitude And here is video battle report that Scott made of our game: video game report
79thPA  | 25 Jan 2023 6:09 p.m. PST |
Thanks for posting. That's a great looking game. |
Mister Tibbles  | 25 Jan 2023 7:03 p.m. PST |
Thank you for the thoughtful review. I downloaded your QRS. I'm hoping that someone at an upcoming con that I attend will be running games using these. |
Mr Elmo | 26 Jan 2023 4:11 a.m. PST |
I think this suffers from the Black Powder problem of not being playable on a 44x60" table |
Arcane Steve | 26 Jan 2023 4:37 a.m. PST |
An excellent review and lovely blog! I'm quite jealous of the terrain and set up! We have played the game three or four times now on a small 6x4 table using half sized battalions. We have yet to re visit version 1.5. Our overall impression was that there is a really good game to be had but getting used to some of the wording in the rules – you can 'garrison' scenery and the limitations placed on moving/assaulting/firing /rallying during a turn caused some consternation. I think that the idea of producing a short set of rules, ie to fit 8 pages resulted in more queries than necessary. |
ACW Jedi Master | 26 Jan 2023 12:05 p.m. PST |
Thank you for posting, very interesting. |
BillyNM | 27 Jan 2023 8:00 a.m. PST |
Great to see the rules played out in a game. At first I was concerned by the infantry garrison of nearby buildings taking casualties from the first cavalry because it was counted as support. On checking in the rules I see that shouldn't have happened as it only melee (in contact) support and not brigade (proximity) support that results in the supporters also taking hits. |
18th Century Guy  | 15 Feb 2023 6:33 p.m. PST |
Excellent review, thank you. |
ACW Jedi Master | 01 Mar 2023 11:50 a.m. PST |
Greetings, Update on "Valour and Fortitude", the Perry website has the rules in the 1.5 update version from the mag release. Army lists are being posted and the ones posted are now in the newer 1.75 update version. A major update to version 2.0 for the rules and army lists should be up soon so check for these. Much has changed as the rules were fine tuned, looking good. |
freecloud | 14 Mar 2023 6:21 a.m. PST |
Great repot – we have been playing V&F in 6mm but hope to get some 25mm gaming ext month. Rules work well in big games (Corps+) we find. |
freecloud | 13 Apr 2023 12:35 p.m. PST |
First of our 25mm games, Peninsula War last weekend We had c 2 Corps of French / Spanish / Italian / Wurttemburgers vs.c 1 1/2 Corps of Anglo-Portuguese + Brunswickers (c 450 pts vs 600 points) as we wanted to test out the new British & French Allies lists Started c 11 am, finish with clear result c 6. pm with about an hour for lunch and lots of time deciding on rule interpretations and additions (eg how to treat a Detachment, guns firing over infantry, etc etc). Easy to play, flowed well. Note: Beware of Spanish Guerillas that dice 6 on their "Unpredictable" score….. Pic of game and short description here link Second game this coming weekend, similar size game set in 1812 campaign |